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Описи и илустрации на вежби

Дискусија во 'Фитнес' започната од Sunchild, 19 февруари 2013.

  1. Sunchild

    Sunchild Истакнат член

    Се зачлени на:
    21 декември 2012
    Низ темите за фитнес постојат многу теми за вежби за одредени делови на телото. Тука би сакала да ги сублимираме сите вежби,преку нивни описи за правилно изведување и илустрации. Се со цел фитнес феминките да можат правилно( а можеби и за првпат) да ги изведуваат вежбите,било во домашни услови,било во теретана.
    И уште нешто за есенцијалните и незаменливи чучњеви за подобар задник и квадрицепси:

    Why Girls Should Squat Too!

    How many times have you walked into a regular gym and seen a female squat? Unless you train at a CrossFit or weightlifting gym, I can almost guarantee the answer is “almost never.” Most females that I talk to seem to think that it is really a movement for people who just want to get really strong and big. That is not entirely true. Squatting can do that, or it can also make your legs become much leaner, or “toned,” as girls like to call it. It puts a lot of emphasis on the quads, hamstrings, glutes, and calves. Most of you say you want to “tighten” and “tone.” So what are you waiting for?

    The full “Olympic Style” squat that I am going to recommend is not just for getting toned. It can serve to help in a variety of different ways:

    • Tighten and tone your entire body.

    • Keep and/or regain flexibility throughout the ankles and hips.

    • Increase the amount of work done, resulting in more calories burned.

    • Help you locate weaknesses throughout your body.

    • Has shown to be therapeutic for many common low back problems.

    What Is The Olympic Style Squat?

    First, let me give you a little description on what the Olympic Style squat is. Most people you see squat do a quarter or at most a half squat. They only go down a quarter or half of the way to the bottom, often because they’ve been taught to squat “to parallel,” or when your femur is parallel to the ground. The Olympic Style squat requires you to go as low as humanly possible. Olympic Weightlifters generally use it to help their lifts (snatch and clean & jerk). However, the general public has really begun to use it because of the numerous benefits that research has shown behind this style of squat. An Olympic style squat goes as deep as you possibly can based on your flexibility, with your butt coming close to touching the ground, or “ass to grass” as we like to call it.

    It Is A Very Natural Movement.

    This style of squat should not be anything foreign. This is how humans sat and performed their daily tasks for thousands of years. It wasn’t until only recently that we created the chair and started sitting with a hunched back. After all, it isn’t very often that we sit a quarter of the way down, is it? However, if you have been lucky enough to have a child, you will see that they are in a FULL squat position a good amount of the time! It is an extremely natural movement to them. However, as we age we begin to rely on chairs and lose that positioning and flexibility to be able to perform full squats effortlessly. It might be a little bit of work, but it is worth it in the long run to regain that flexibility!


    There are some general rules when performing this type of squat. Every person might be slightly different in terms of how they are built and their current flexibility, so, keep that in mind. You may have to adjust a few of these rules just in case you are less flexible, or have extra short or long legs.

    1. The bar is in a “high bar” position, on top of your trapezius muscles.

    2. Your feet are generally about shoulder-width apart.

    3. Your toes generally point out slightly.

    4. As you squat down, your knees should track directly over your feet. If they do not, it is very likely you have a muscle imbalance in your leg muscles.

    5. Your hands should be just wide enough so that you can keep your chest up throughout the entire lift.

    6. You should always use a spotter when starting out. It can be very dangerous if you do not have a spotter. Also, be sure to let your spotter know how he/she should help you. Sometimes just having a spotter is not enough if they are unsure how to help you!

    Squatting Requires More Effort.

    One of the best benefits of squatting is that it is HARD! It can be very difficult because it requires the use of pretty much every muscle in your entire body. Once you have all of your flexibility and positioning issues out of the way, you can perform one of the, if not the, simplest exercises there is. It is just all about you and your leg strength/endurance. It can be a great way to build work capacity and to put a tremendous amount of work in on your legs in a short time. Most females who are looking to squat just for the sake of being more toned generally stay in the 10-15 rep range. That is a very good rep range for that goal. Even sets of 5-10 can be used to reach that goal as well. Just make sure that the weight is heavy enough to where you couldn’t sit there and squat 20 reps with it. It has to be a weight that is going to push you. After all, “the greatest steel goes through the hottest fires.” Which in this case means that the best results will be seen with the great amount of effort!

    Don’t Be Afraid To Put On More Weight.

    The idea about females getting all big and burly has been discussed at length and is a complete myth. It will only happen if you eat a ton more calories than you are burning, and if you are taking a bunch of anabolic steroids. Even then it can be very difficult, as any competitive female bodybuilder could attest to. You would have to make an extreme effort to become big and burly, and need a little help on top of all that work.

    The back squat can be a tremendous training tool to use during various times of your fitness regimen. It doesn’t have to be the main staple, but it should be put into your arsenal and used frequently depending on your goals. Maintaining that flexibility alone will serve you well when you are older. After all, it is somewhere in the range of 80 percent of adults that say that they have experienced back pain at some point. Keeping your hamstrings, lower back and hip flexors flexible can keep a lot of this chronic pain from happening and prevent pelvic tilting.

    You don’t have to absolutely train to failure on these squats, but, “struggling” against the weight is the important part! Since this may be a foreign exercise for you, it will make you burn a lot more calories than what you are normally used to. This is a good thing. Many studies have shown that weight training can burn more calories than your standard half hour elliptical session. More effort = more results!

    So, hop off that elliptical or treadmill and venture on over to the squat rack. You will be happy you did, and your legs will thank you!

    Да не ја преведувам статијава, верувам дека сите разбирате англиски. Објаснете се најдобрите вежби за задник и нозе, како и правилната техника за иаведување.

    Top 5 Exercises for Building Powerful Legs

    1. Full Squats

    A big reason why people don’t see the results they want from squats is because they’re not properly executing the workout. The mistake they’re making is not using the full movement, and only going down until their knees are parallel with their body or less. But unless you have knee problems, you should actually be going a little lower than parallel.

    The reason why you need to go a couple inches past parallel at the bottom of a squat is because that’s when your glutes and hamstrings are activated. It contracts the muscles to their utmost tension and gets you the most out of the exercise. So if you’re knees are fine, you need to be going as far down as possible with your squats.

    Once you’ve conquered the general squat, you are now able to

    try holding the pose for a second at the bottom of the squat before extending your body upwards. After you’ve successfully done this, you are able to try holding the pose a second time when you’re body is half way extended through the upwards movement. Of course doing this will intensify the workout so decreasing the total number of reps and the amount of weight is definitely acceptable.
    2. One-Leg Barbell Squats

    Another great exercise for legs and glutes is the one leg barbell squat, and it is very easy to perform. To start, grab some dumbbells and hold them at your sides, or hold a barbell across your back. Rest your left foot on a bench or anything sturdy behind you and at the same time you stand on the other foot. Gradually bend your right leg as you would for a squat going as low as you're able to and then extend your body back upward so that you're at the starting position again. After all the reps on your right leg are completed move on to the left leg, and repeat everything again to give your left leg a workout.

    Keep in mind that the more distance you put between your standing foot and the resting foot, the more workout your hamstrings will get. To target your quads, hold your standing foot directly under you.

    3. Uphill Walking or Running

    There really isn't a better exercise out there for building leg strength than running or walking uphill. Of course if you're able to run uphill, you'll reap even more benefits. But whether you choose to run or walk uphill, the benefits will still be there and you'll be getting a cardio workout as well as working the hamstrings, quads, and glutes.

    The reason why going uphill is so effective at building power in your legs is because you're forcing the body to progress on a slope. And you can't really simulate uphill training in the gym so your legs are being taxed in a totally different way.

    When you're done with an uphill workout, be sure that you stretch the hamstring muscles out. If you don't stretch your hamstrings will become very stiff – especially if you're new to this type of workout.

    4. Deadlifts with Feet Slightly Raised

    To perform these deadlifts, find a slightly raised area like a board or a block to step on. Once you're on this raised area with the barbell on the floor in front of you, pick up the barbell and execute a normal deadlift (the difference is that you will be going a little lower when bringing the weight down).

    By stepping onto a slightly raised surface like a board or a block, you add extra tension on the hamstring muscles and also add more intensity to the exercise. This helps a lot when going for the maximum strength development and will add more power in your legs.

    However, if you're only starting out with leg exercises, being slightly raised isn't necessary because you need to start off with normal deadlifts first.

    5. Dumbbell Step Ups

    Stand with a bench in front of you while holding a barbell across your back or a set of dumbbells. Step up with your left leg, and then lift your right leg up to stand on the bench. Now that you're standing on the bench, step down with the left leg. Remember to switch legs when the set is finished to keep your tension balanced through both legs. This exercise will help advance the growth of the quads and it is also a nice combination with deadlifts.

    All of these workouts are good exercises to use in the process of strength building and not to mention your total body image. Keep in mind that you can over-train if you use all of these exercises in a daily routine. Rotate them in and out every so often to gain the best results.


    Прикачени фајлови:

    На CuteEva, K.Mari4ka, Cacy и 1 друга личност им се допаѓа ова.
  2. Sunchild

    Sunchild Истакнат член

    Се зачлени на:
    21 декември 2012
    Повторно вежби за задник:
    ‎5 Great Butt Exercises for you!

    So what do you need to do to achieve the male model type bum that women swoon over and men are jealous of? Well firstly you must adjust your workouts to focus on that behind to build the muscles you need to make it have the right firm shape.

    You also need to have the right diet to make sure the fat that often conceals great muscles bum is burned away too.

    1. Squats

    I love squats as you may be able to tell. They are great for your bum of course but also for flexibility, strength and if you do it with a barbell over the shoulder for the upper body too.
    An all body workout like a squat also engages more muscle groups which releases more growth hormones which are essential for building muscle and also for losing weight if you are eating the right diet.

    2. Gluteus Kickback

    This is where you get on your hands and knees with your head slightly raised and you lift each leg in turn backward raising your foot above your head until your upper leg is horizontal with your torso. The trick is to really SQUEEZE with your buttock that is attached to the raised let on the way up and down. Do it slow, the idea is to hold it there for a moment before coming down so you get a good quality kickback not a fast elastic snap which does nothing for the muscles.

    3. Step Ups

    Simple concept, simple exercise you can do anywhere you have a slightly raised platform. Step up onto this platform using just your leg and bum muscle to propel your body upwards to stand on the step.
    Easy if the step is low but when you raise that steps height to above the knee and later up as high as you can reach with your foot the more weight your leg and butt need to lift. Good for your core muscles too to keep yourself from flopping all over the place as you step.

    4. Standing Butt Squeeze Exercise

    This is the easiest of all of them but is great to do if you work in an office or somewhere like it. Take a break and stand up straight with your feet forward and really SQUEEZE those buttock cheeks hard for about 2 seconds then release. To this again and again for a minute or so when you need and without any paraphernalia you can exercise the bum and keep firming it up.

    5. Leg Abduction Exercise

    This is done by standing with your feet about hip width apart and feet facing forward. Raise one leg outwards to the side while still facing your foot forward. Raise it as high as you can while balancing, your torso may lean the other way a bit which is ok just do not make it too much. Hold it for a few seconds and squeeze your buttocks as you do this (see a theme?)). Repeat several times times for each leg.
  3. Sunchild

    Sunchild Истакнат член

    Се зачлени на:
    21 декември 2012
    Plie squats-одлични за глутеус и гастрокнемиус (задник и листови) !

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  4. Sunchild

    Sunchild Истакнат член

    Се зачлени на:
    21 декември 2012
    Butt Training (squats, dead lifts, & lat lunges)


    Занимавајте се со омилените активности и ослободете се од вишокот килограми

    Доколку дневно трошите 500 калории повеќе од оние што ги внесувате во организмот, ќе изгубите еден килограм за една недела. Посветете се на тренинзите, но прво погледнете колку време ќе ви биде потребно да стигнете до посакуваната бројка занимавајќи се со омилените активности.

    Потребно време за некоја активност со цел да се изгубат 500 калории (пресметано кај жена чија тежина е 66 кг.)

    Брзо одење (7км/ч ) – 1ч 10мин
    Аеробик со висок интензитет – 1ч 5мин
    Скокање на јаже – 45мин
    Трчање (10км/ч) – 45 мин
    Возење велосипед – 45 мин
    Качување – 40 мин
    Орбитрек – 40 мин
    Веслање – 55 мин

    Возење ролерки
    Жена која тежи 66кг. со ролање во просек троши 500 калории за еден час. За да го подобрите согорувањето калории ролајте што повеќе можете и минимизирајте го времето на лизгање. Како и кај возењето велосипед и тука можете да вежбате во интервали.

    Возење велосипед
    Жена која тежи 66кг. и вози велосипед во просек 19-22км/ч за еден час ќе потроши 560 калории. Доколку се зголеми темпото на 25км/ч за време од еден час може да се потрошат до 835 калории. За подобри резултати возете во интервали, јако темпо колку можете, потоа успорете додека не се одморите па повторно зголемете го темпото.

    Пливањето е одлична вежба за целото тело (се согоруваат 700 калории за еден час). Почнете со оној стил кој ви е најлесен два или три пати неделно, а потоа почнете да ја усовршувате формата и да го менувате стилот на пливање на секој круг. Кога пливањето на 200 метри повеќе нема да ви биде проблем почнете да ја зголемувате должината за 10% неделно.

    Согорување калории за еден час: 330 калории
    Бордањето е совршена вежба за целото тело – абдомен, тетивите на колената, квадрицепси, листови…

    Согорување калории за еден час: 418 калории
    Ова е одлична еаробна вежба која ја зголемува издржливоста, ги зајакнува мускулите на задникот, квадрицепсите, тетивите на колената, листовите и абдоменот.

    Нордиско скијање
    Согорување калории за еден час: 557 калории
    Една од најдобрите облици на вежбање за тркачи, велосипедисти. Лесно се совладува и е одлична кардиоваскуларна вежба.

    Објавено во TopStoriesSlider, Фитнес
  5. Sunchild

    Sunchild Истакнат член

    Се зачлени на:
    21 декември 2012
    Неколку вежбички за по дома:

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  6. Sunchild

    Sunchild Истакнат член

    Се зачлени на:
    21 декември 2012
    Повеќе енергија, помалку сало!

    Овие вежби ги креирал Seven Boggs, портпарол на Bally Total Fitness во Њујорк. Изгорете 130 калории (и наполнете се со енергија) за само 15 минути иведувајќи ја оваа забавна и едноставна кардио рутина.

    Ѕвездени чучњеви

    Делува на: раце, стомачни мускули и нозе

    Соберете ги нозете, а рацете ставете ги на колкови. Клекнете ниско, поставете ги рацете на подот пред стапалата директно под рамената.
    Исфрлете ги нозете наназад и дочекајте се во положба на склек (држете рамнотежа на дланките и прстите на нозете, грбот мора да биде рамен и стомачните мускули затегнати).
    Префлете се во клечечка положба.
    Веднаш скокнете вертикално, рацете и нозете да бидат раширени да формираат ѕвезда. Дочекајте се во почетната положба.
    Направете 10 повторувања.

    Брз клизач:

    Делува на: рамена, грб, стомачни мускули, задник и нозе.

    Застанете со нозете раширени во ширина на колковите. Исчекорете со левата нога во страна, десната нога мора да биде исправена. Со исправен грб, посегнете со десната рака кон прстите на левата нога, левата рака испружете ја позади грбот.
    Останете во клекната положба, спојте ги нозете и потоа променете ја страната; исчекорете со десната нога во страна и посегнете со левата рака кон прстите од десната нога, десната рака испужете ја позади грбот.
    Направете 20 повторувања.

    Удар во расчекор

    Делува на: стомачни мускули, задник и нозе.

    Застанете со нозете раширени во ширина на колковите, рацете на колковите, лактите свиткани. Исчекорете напред со левата нога додека замавнувате со десната рака напред и левата назад.
    Додека се подигнувате удрете со десната нога кон горе и замавнете со рацете во спротивни насоки.
    Дочекајте се на десна нога и исчекорете.
    Продолжете да правите движења кон горе 10 пати, наизменично менувајќи ги нозете.
    Свртете се и исчекорете кон почетната позиција.

    Расчекор во скок со колено

    Делува на: стомачни мускули, задник и нозе.

    Застанете со нозете раширени во ширина на колковите, рацете на колковите, лактите свиткани. Исчекорете назад со десната нога додека замавнувате со десната рака кон напред и левата рака наназад (како тркач).
    Одразете се со левото стапало и скокнете исправено (што повеќе можете), свитканото десно колено приближете го до градите и замавнете со рацете во спротивни насоки.
    Вратете се во исчекор при доскокот.
    Изведете ја вежбата 10 пати, а потоа променете ја страната.


    Делува на: стомачни мускули, задник и нозе.

    Застанете со нозете раширени во ширина на колковите, прстите на нозете кон надвор, а рацете свиткани до колковите, дланките пред гради. Направете голем исчекор во лева страна со левото стапало и направете широко клекнување.
    Исправете се, префрлете ја тежината на левата нога, полека наведнете се во лево и исфрлете ја десната нога во страна, стапалото не смее да биде испружено.
    Спуштете ја десната нога и прилепера ја кон левата.
    Направете десет удари во една насока, пото променете ја страната, удирајте со левата нога до почетната позиција.

    Објавено во TopStoriesSlider, Фитнес

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  7. Sunchild

    Sunchild Истакнат член

    Се зачлени на:
    21 декември 2012
  8. Sunchild

    Sunchild Истакнат член

    Се зачлени на:
    21 декември 2012
    Не е опис, ниту илустрација на вежба, туку само мало појаснување зашто кардиото е есенцијално и нуди многу бенефити!

    Cardio workout provides us enormous benefit

    No matter whether you wish to lose your weight, develop muscle mass or perhaps enhance your overall health, it is advisable to stick to a consistent workout plan in addition to healthful diet control.

    Devoid of the equilibrium associated with balanced and healthy diet and also excessive intensity training, expected weight burning practice will need more time to get to achieved goals.

    As well as, in terms of being sure in addition to maintaining a healthy body, the most effective way to engage with regular basis cardio workouts.

    Any kind of exercise that requires a huge number of muscle involvements to achieve a unique rate of heart bit is called cardio work out.

    It is good news that there are lots of options available for doing cardio work out routines. The common useful cardio workouts are cycling, jump rope, jumping jacks, running, swimming, jogging in a place, kickboxing, dancing etc. physician always suggest don’t practice just same type of cardio activity.

    People should keep trying to practice more than one cardio work out to reduce boring about work out. Pertaining to the best fitness, it is strongly recommended carrying out a minimum 30 to 40 minutes connected with workout activity for about 3 to 4 times in a full week.

    Very first suggestion is usually to choose ones workout very carefully. It is recommended to select a strenuous in addition to tough regimen similar to jogging, cycling, rowing or perhaps work outs intended for fast benefits.

    A smaller amount effective workout will certainly burn much less calories. It is always excellent to try and do aerobic workout routines soon after excess fat work out because strength training involve with high level of power & stamina.

    You’ll not felling fresh in addition to face problem in concentrating, in your session of cardio when you will lift weight.

    One more big things is usually to wear cozy and easy little weight boots. It’ll minimize the possibilities of getting almost any fitness activity associated injury.

    Purchase brand set of footwear while they can make certain you are cozy and experience hassle-free when accomplishing different workouts. It is additionally crucial that you stretch out prior to starting with any of the cardio workouts.

    Using this method, you are able to avoid uncomfortable feeling on your muscle tissues and minimize chance related with injury. Every person should preferably consider take break time to time between cardio training sessions.

    Working out within intervals might help lots to burning more excess fat and preserve a great deal of exercise routine time. This is just about the successful methods for accomplishing physical exercises.

    There may be usually are several benefits related to cardio exercise. The advantage of cardio workout has enormous benefits that will lead your life to a better stage then current condition. One of the most crucial things is that cardio workout help to strengthens heart and also reduce all kinds of diseases related to cardiovascular. Additionally, cardio workout helps to make more powerful your lungs and improve the capacity of lungs. Many men and women who make a complaint regarding sleepless nights along with insomnia should look take cardio exercise for soothing sleeping.
  9. K.Mari4ka

    K.Mari4ka Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    31 мај 2011
    На Debussy и Sunchild им се допаѓа ова.
  10. K.Mari4ka

    K.Mari4ka Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    31 мај 2011
    На Debussy и Sunchild им се допаѓа ова.
  11. francais

    francais Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    23 ноември 2012