Здраво. Ја отворам темава во врска со Proton Mail. Важи искуства од интервјуа, работа, работна средина, меѓучовечки односи, услови за работа и секако плата. https://www.vrabotuvanje.com.mk/Profil-na-Rabotodavatel/8212/ Спојлер Customer Support Advisor (Proton Mail) Location: Skopje A better internet, where privacy is the default, is possible. Building this better internet might seem daunting or even unthinkable, but at Proton, this is what we do every day. Proton was founded in 2014 by a group of scientists who met at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN). Our first product, Proton Mail, is now the world’s largest encrypted email service. Subsequent Proton products, such as Proton VPN, Proton Calendar, and Proton Drive, give our users full control over how and with whom their data is shared. Today, Proton makes privacy universally accessible. Journalists from outlets like The Guardian and The New York Times, some of the world’s largest organizations, and people in more than 180 countries have signed up for over 70 million accounts. Our diverse and dynamic team is made up of more than 400 members representing over 40 different nationalities. While we are based in Geneva, Switzerland, we have offices in Zurich, Prague, London, Vilnius, Skopje, Taipei, and many more employees working remotely around the world.
Mojot soprug rabotese pred 3 godini tamu. Ne znam dali sega e ok ama togas bese katastrofa. Vo IT sektor bese kade sto otide so fakultet.Na kraj rabotata sosem treta, dezurstva po mesec dena za koi ne bese ni izvesten, dosta pritisoci i problemi. Menadzmentot od Mk i Balkan katastrofa nezainteresiranost za problemi niti se obiduvaat da gi resat. Se na se si otide mu ostanaa dve plati i prekuvremeni saati dolzni sto seuste ne se isplateni. Sepak pobaraj mislenje od drugi moze do sega situacijata e smeneta.