како се вика stalker на македонски? гугл е глуп, преведува како ловец, всушност е човек кој опседнато те следи а може и да те убие, фино лепо оној кога отвараш завеси и го најдеш како стои надвор, и уште е таму наредните 5 саата немам сталкер иначе, фју, ама да знам сакам.
Јас би го превела демнач. Сепак во речникот на чичко Зозе има пример со реченица и на македонски терминот е преведен како (сексуален) манијак.
Фала на двете, не ми текна така да си го преведам, ама демнач би било мислам најсоодветно да долови значење.
SWAG Кој е вистинскиот превод на SWAG ? Сум слушнала за многу преводи,но навистина ме интересира што е навистина тој збор.Видов еден одговор на ова прашање,имаше линк од страница ама страницата е недостапна.
Девојки, дали можете да се сетите на македонски поговорки кои одговараат на It's the straw that breaks the camel's back и A carpenter is known by his chips?
Дали е правилно: 1. She's a very good friend. She's never letting me down. 2. She's a very good friend. She's never let me down. Првото ми доаѓа нешто како - таа никогаш не ме разочарува. Второто - таа никогаш не ме разочарала. Дали и двете се точни и дали и двете може да се употребуваат, во зависност од контекстот?
Јас мислам дека може.Ама исто мислам дека за првото има некој друг збор што го употребуваат.Барем јас до сега не сум се сретнала со израз She's never letting me down.
let не може да биде употребено со progressive.А втората реченица може да се употреби ама вториот дел тоа 's ако е has а не is.
Дечки, ако има некој со добро познавање на англиски јазик, граматика и најважно спелинг нека ми пише лп. Страшно многу ми е важно. И фала од напред!)
Kе може ли некој да ми ги одговори реченициве SECOND CONDITIONAL: If I (be) you, I (get) a new job. were'd get 2) If he (be) younger, he (travel) more. were'd travel 3) If we (not/be) friends, I (be) angry with you. .. 4) If I (have) enough money, I (buy) a big house. .. 5) If she (not/be) always so late, she (be) promoted. .. 6) If we (win) the lottery, we (travel) the world. .. 7) If you (have) a better job, we (be) able to buy a new car. .. If I (speak) perfect English, I (have) a good job. .. 9) If we (live) in Mexico, I (speak) Spanish. .. 10) If she (pass) the exam, she (be) able to enter university. .. 11) She (be) happier if she (have) more friends. .. 12) We (buy) a house if we (decide) to stay here. .. 13) They (have) more money if they (not/buy) so many clothes. .. 14) We (come) to dinner if we (have) time. .. 15) She him if she (have) his number. . THIRD CONDITIONAL: If you (not/be) late, we (not/miss) the bus. .. 2) If she (study) she (pass) the exam. .. 3) If we (arrive) earlier, we (see) John. .. 4) If they (go) to bed early, they (not/wake) up late. .. 5) If he (become) a musician, he (record) a CD. .. 6) If she (go) to art school, she (become) a painter. .. 7) If I (be) born in a different country, I (learn) to speak a different language. .. If she (go) to university, she (study) French. .. 9) If we (not/go) to the party, we (not/meet) them. .. 10) If he (not/take) the job, he (go) travelling. .. 11) He (be) happier if he (stay) at home. .. 12) She (pass) the exam if she (study) harder. .. 13) We (not/get) married if we (not/go) to the same university. .. 14) They (be) late if they (not/take) a taxi. .. 15) She (not/meet) him if she (not/come) to London.
SECOND CONDITIONAL: If I (be) you, I (get) a new job. ( were'd get од каде ова жити мене?) If I were you, I would get a new job. 2) If he (be) younger, he (travel) more. If he was younger, he would travel more. 3) If we (not/be) friends, I (be) angry with you. If we weren't friends, I would be angry with you. 4) If I (have) enough money, I (buy) a big house. If I had enough money, I would buy a big house. 5) If she (not/be) always so late, she (be) promoted. If she wasn't always so late, she would be promoted. 6) If we (win) the lottery, we (travel) the world. If we won the lottery, we would travel the world. 7) If you (have) a better job, we (be) able to buy a new car. If you had a better job, we would be able to buy a new car, 8 ) If I (speak) perfect English, I (have) a good job. If I spoke perfect English, I would have a good job. 9) If we (live) in Mexico, I (speak) Spanish. If we lived in Mexico, I would speak Spanish. 10) If she (pass) the exam, she (be) able to enter university. If she passed the exam, she would be able to enter university. 11) She (be) happier if she (have) more friends. She would be happier if she had more friends. 12) We (buy) a house if we (decide) to stay here. We would buy a house if we decided to stay here. 13) They (have) more money if they (not/buy) so many clothes. .. The would have more money if they didn't buy so many clothes. 14) We (come) to dinner if we (have) time. .. We would come to dinner if we had time. 15) She him if she (have) his number. . She would call him if she had his number. THIRD CONDITIONAL: If you (not/be) late, we (not/miss) the bus. .. If you weren't late, we would not have missed the bus. 2) If she (study) she (pass) the exam. .. If she had studied, she would have passed the exam. 3) If we (arrive) earlier, we (see) John. .. If we had arrived earlier, we would have seen John. 4) If they (go) to bed early, they (not/wake) up late. .. If they had gone to bed early, they wouldn't have woke up late 5) If he (become) a musician, he (record) a CD. .. If he had become a musician, he would have recorded a CD 6) If she (go) to art school, she (become) a painter. .. If she had gone to art school, she would have become a painter 7) If I (be) born in a different country, I (learn) to speak a different language. .. If I had been born in a different country, I would have learnt to speak a diff lg. 8 ) If she (go) to university, she (study) French. . If she had gone to uni, she would have studied French 9) If we (not/go) to the party, we (not/meet) them. If we hadn't gone to the party, we wouldn't have met them. 10) If he (not/take) the job, he (go) travelling. If he hadn't taken the job, he would have gone travelling. 11) He (be) happier if he (stay) at home. .. He would have been happier if he had stayed at home. 12) She (pass) the exam if she (study) harder. .. She would have passed the exam if she had studied harder. 13) We (not/get) married if we (not/go) to the same university. .. We wouldn't have got married if we hadn't gone to the same uni. 14) They (be) late if they (not/take) a taxi. .. They would have been late if they hadn't taken a taxi. 15) She (not/meet) him if she (not/come) to London. She wouldn't have met him if she hadn't come to London.
Значи англиски ми е најомилен предмет и одлично ми оди граматика . Малку ми се потешки фразалните глаголи, ама лесто е
Знае ли некоја од вас стана каде има помош со фразалните глаголи и каде можам да пишам текст , а да ми ги даде грешките ... Исто така ми треба некој што има полагано ИЕЛТС , да се консултирам ви благодарам !!!
Побарај на оваа страна http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/ielts има за ИЕЛТС информации Дали некој ги разликува Present Perfect Simple Tense и Present Perfect Continuous Tense? Може помош? И Present Perfect Simple Tense и Past Simple? Толку се слични.
^ Present Perfect Simple Tense се употребува [has/have + past participle] и искажува дејства кои се вршеле во неопределен момент. Се искажува со изразите: ever, never, once, many times, several times, before, so far, already, yet, etc. Примери: I have seen that movie twenty times. I think I have met him once before. Present Perfect Continuous Tense се употребува со [has/have + been + present participle] и искажува дејства кои започнале во минатото, а се вршат до моментот на зборувањето. Често се користат изразите: For five minutes for two weeks, since Tuesday.. Примери: They have been talking for the last hour. She has been working at that company for three years. Past Simple се упоребува со [VERB+ed] or irregular verbs ( неправилни глаголи ) и искажува дејства кои се целосно завршени во определено време во минатото. Примери: I saw a movie yesterday. I didn't see a play yesterday. Се надевам дека ти помогнав. Ако нешто имам згрешено, некој нека ме поправи.
Што читав за Present Perfect Simple Tense (леле ама се долги овие) пишува дека се користи за дејства кои започнале во минатото и траат во сегашноста. И тоа е проблемот. Зависи како ја сфаќаш ситуацијата. Пр. I worked as a barmen. Значи јас работев како бармен, а сега имам некоја сосем друга работа, а I've worked as a barmen. Значи јас работев како бармен и сеуште работам како бармен или пак животно искуство. Или пак, I knew Karen for 10 years, значи ја знаев Карен 10 години, (но таа се отселила и сега немаме контакт), а I've known Karen for 10 years значи ја знам Карен 10 години (И сеуште сме во контакт. Инаку снајдев се http://www.perfect-english-grammar.com/verb-tenses.html Тука има нешто и добро ми оди, почнав да ги разбирам. Фала ти многу. .
Јас не бев многу сигурна за значењето на Present Perfect Simple Tense па го најдов ова на интернет: We use the Present Perfect to say that an action happened at an unspecified time before now. The exact time is not important. Спојлер се надевам не ти пречи што е на англиски
ДЕвојки ај кажете ми како да пишам на англиски деловен секретар? и како да пиша исто така средно економско и правно училиште на град Скопје?