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  1. Овој сајт користи колачиња неопходни за неговото функционирање. Ако продолжиш да го користиш, значи се согласуваш со нашата употреба на колачиња. Прочитај повеќе.

Мали прекрасни лажливки (Pretty Little Liars)

Дискусија во 'Серии и емисии' започната од American.Woman, 7 април 2011.

  1. Chocolate.me

    Chocolate.me Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    19 септември 2010
    Се извинувам за мислења едно под друго, но во едно ќе биде се натрупано.

    Теории за Маја.
    First of all, as soon as she moved into the DiLaurentis’ old family home, that night Alison’s body was found.
    We’ve never seen her family, we know Maya had Alison’s room, Jason stated that Alison hid things, and Ali said she had hiding places all over the house. Maybe Maya found one of those mysterious boxes.
    Maya’s first time at dinner with the Fields: She claimed to be allergic to seafood, but in episode 2x11 she say’s “I’m not leaving until I get my calamari.” Calamari is squid and therefore seafood.
    We don’t know where Maya went after True North, but my theory is, that she was the one staying upstairs in Jason’s. As soon as Emily knew Maya was back, Jason was seen by Spencer and Toby, taking down the newspaper covering his upstairs windows.
    Before Jason moved back in, it is possible Maya stayed in Spencer’s lakehouse where the log was seen burning, after slumming it in the woods, a fire would be easy to start, maybe even a fire seen burning the piece of tree saying Ali + Ian.
    Jason and Maya were also seen talking at the vegetable stall, they also both have histories with drugs.
    A was looking at a pair of boots before buying duplicates of Dr. Sullivan’s, these are identical to the ones Maya was wearing a few episodes later.
    We never realised until episode 2x20 that Maya was jealous of Emily’s swim team mates, by injecting her with growth hormones, knowing it would prevent her from swimming, she knew she would have Emily’s full attention when she came back.
    In the interview with A, when asked what A’s favourite trick was, they answered “Emily’s massage.” Maya likes Emily.
    A got rid of Samara, Maya’s only real competition.
    In the homecoming episode, Emily brought Toby as her date, causing Maya to get angry, this would explain why A holds a grudge for Toby.

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  2. MandyLane

    MandyLane Форумски идол

    Се зачлени на:
    9 август 2011
    Хм,теориите за Wren на претходната страна и не се баш апсурдни.
    Има доста логика.

    На Chocolate.me му/ѝ се допаѓа ова.
  3. maja8

    maja8 Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    3 јануари 2010
    Леле бе.. за сите направиле теории. И да ви кажам право сите си имаат логика :)
    На MandyLane и Chocolate.me им се допаѓа ова.
  4. Bunny2

    Bunny2 Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    26 декември 2010
    Јас искрено сум многу збунета,ама според мене -А би можеле да бидат Wren,Mелиса или еветуално Маја.
    На Chocolate.me му/ѝ се допаѓа ова.
  5. Panki.Friik

    Panki.Friik Истакнат член

    Се зачлени на:
    24 мај 2011
    И на крај кје испаднеее некојј амааа баш за кој никад ни на крај на светот не ни текнало,вака е многу очигледно за мелиса и маја ако се они кје се разочарам.
    ~Се надевам дека интересно кје заврши.
    И ако знае некој да ми каже дали навистина кје има трета сезона?
    На Chocolate.me му/ѝ се допаѓа ова.
  6. SparkyAngel

    SparkyAngel Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    24 септември 2011
    Само се надевам дека не е Езра!! Баш го засакав незнам сега ке го ставам во споилер
    - Worked at Rosewood High School. Could easily spy on the girls there.

    - Executive producer Marlene King tweeted that she’s known since writing her first scene in the pilot episode who A is. That may be why it’s Aria who does the “shhh” face in the intro.

    - Started teaching there right when everything with A started.

    - Was in the first episode of season 1 and almost every episode of both seasons 1 and 2. One of the show’s producers stated early on in season 2 that we met A early on in season 1 and had seen them in season 2 thus far.

    - Was at Ali’s funeral, even though he supposedly never knew her.

    - Could blackmail or pay students to do things like sneak around/spy on the girls at parties where he wouldn’t fit in. I strongly believe Mike was/possibly still is being blackmailed by A to do things like break into houses, so that could be an example if it’s true.

    - Could have easily sent the first A message to Aria even though he wasn’t on his phone at the time. Teachers get class rosters BEFORE the first day of school. He could have seen her name, acted shocked that she was in his class as an act, and set a text message to send to her very soon after the bell rang.

    - May have been at Ali’s memorial. Spencer recieved a text from A saying they’ll be there watching “just like Tom Sawyer.” — it is a reference to a novel, and he is an English teacher.

    - Could easily disapprove a class transfer request to keep Aria there.

    - In episode 2 as Aria is leaving the coffee shop in the rain, right before Ezra picks her up, a store is shown called “Hardware Keyes.” The “K” is almost entirely cut off by a pole in front of the sign, so it looks more like “eyes.” The song playing in the background is called “Fresh Pair Of Eyes.” These are the first of many nods at eyes pertaining to both Ezra and A.

    - Rode his bike past the girls right before the “Ding dong, the bitch is dead” flyer blew toward them.

    - Owns a typewriter. A wrote the letter to Ella using a typewriter.

    - In episode 4, Aria told him she was leaving so she could go home and talk to her mom. He seems hesistant and says, things like, “You could stay.” & “Are you sure about that?” He might have been trying to delay Aria from finding out about Ella’s letter from A.

    - Could have sent the A text to Aria’s phone when she left it at his apartment as a cover.

    - At the homecoming dance in episode 6, Alex and Spencer visit the fortune teller. The fortune teller says that there is “something wrong with this couple, that they are a bad match…there is darkness in him, maybe even violence or vengeance.” During this, they show Aria running after Ezra as well as Toby and Emily. Spencer assumes that the fortune teller means Toby. Now that we know Toby is innocent, Ezra looks suspicious.

    - The girls receive no texts from A while Ezra is away in New York or wherever he really was.

    - The poem A tells Aria to read is by Ezra Fitz.

    - Was at Camp Mona, but in a different car than the one that hit Hanna. He could have easily switched cars.

    - ^ She knew too much. —AAria was already back with the other girls at the time. The car that hit Hanna was stolen, but he could have broken into another car to do so. Far fetched, but possible. Since A didn’t turn out to be who Hanna thought it was, Ezra could have seen Hanna spying on them and that’s why “she knew too much.”

    - As a teacher, he most likely has access to locker combinations. He could have put the A notes in Emily and Hanna’s lockers, the book with his poem and the A note in Aria’s locker, and the test answers in Noel’s locker (especially since he was fully aware that Noel was going to rat him out to the principal).

    - At the dance-a-thon, Ella greeted A in a friendly manner, as though she knew them personally. When she said, “Hi! Number 32, coming right up. Here you go…hope you had a good time tonight!” in a knowing sort of tone. She probably thought that him and Simone had fun together since she was trying to set them up.

    - In episode 15, the bead lady told A that they had “interesting eyes.” Second nod to eyes.

    - In episode 18, Jenna tells Ezra that she would like to compose some music for the play. She probably gave him a recording of it and he used it to trick Spencer at the motel in episode 19.

    - During play rehearsal in episode 18, Ezra calls it a wrap for the day and tells everyone to put away their props. Everyone leaves except the liars. Spencer opens the props trunk and finds the trophy with the rat blood on it (which they think is Alison’s blood. Spencer asks Emily if it was there before and she says no. Emily was in charge of props, so someone put it there after she brought the trunk into the room. Who else was in the play? Let’s see…Mona, who is NOT A because the producers have stated several times that A is NOT going to be the same as the books. The only other people we can identify in the room are the liars and Ezra who is the director. Other students were in the play as well, but we don’t know them. He probably placed the trophy in the trunk during a rehearsal break. Then, low and behold, they find it when they are told to put away the props. Perfect set-up.

    - In episode 18, the duck tape Aria was using for marking the set at play rehearsal was the same tape used on the rat cages at the end of the episode.

    - In episode 19 when Aria confesses to Ezra that her and the other girls blinded Jenna, he barely reacts…as if already knew.

    - In episode 20, Aria sends Ezra the text about how she wants to be looking into his eyes. Third nod to eyes.

    - He was at his apartment during the Rosewood Founders Festival, therefore he couldn’t have written the note inside the funhouse and sent the phony Toby text unless the scenes were jumbled and he went to the festival after Aria left and Garrett showed up. However, he could have paid/blackmailed someone to do that as I mentioned earlier. Often times, alibis mean nothing.

    - Executive producer Marlene King said that during the finale, one of the liars would have a direct altercation with Ali’s killer. An altercation is a heated or angry dispute, argument, or controversy. Aria was very angry at Ezra for not telling her about Jackie and angrily leaves after confronting him. A and Ali’s killer may be two different people, but this could be evidence that Ezra is the killer (or both). Ian had the fight with Spencer, but he didn’t kill Ali. He only thinks he did. He pushed her, and thought that’s how she died (as he stated in the fake suicide note he put on Spencer’s laptop), but her actual cause of death was suffocation. Spencer had to correct him. Someone else came along after and suffocated her.

    “…and although Alison DiLaurentis’ body did show signs of a blunt force head trauma, the cause of her death was suffocation.”— Wilden, episode 2.

    - ^ Also, the short story Ezra was reading at the bar in episode 4 ended, “And in an instant, her life was undone. Everything she knew disappeared, drifting into the summer sky.” Ali was killed in the summer.

    - The other girls seem to be targeted more than Aria and she has not been in any physical danger yet. A may or may not have been the person who pushed her in episode 202. Mike pushed Aria during his house-breaking-in-escapades, not A. As far as A is concerned, they have not put her in any physical danger yet.

    - In the season 2 premiere when Aria is at Ezra’s apartment, he tells her “Ask me anything.” When the girls receive the text from NotIan! in the greenhouse, it says “Ask me anything.” Not “Ask something, ask me a question” etc. Coincidence or…?

    - He could have taken the picture of his desk missing the degree himself and removed the apartment key from under his mat.

    - His degree was at the therapist’s office. He could have put it there himself, especially if he happens to go to therapy for some reason. Perhaps after Jackie broke off their engagement, or for another reason we don’t know anything about?

    - During the overly-dramatic-running-in-slow-motion Ezria kiss in 202, Ezra is stroking Aria’s face with both hands. At the end of the episode, A does the exact same thing to the puppy’s face.

    - At the end of episode 203, someone buys Melissa’s ring from the pawn shop. The pawn shop guy didn’t believe the ring was really Spencer’s and Ezra could have said it was his to give to another woman.

    - In episode 204, the sign outside of the pawn shop with Dr. Lars Thorwald says “Someone’s watching you…” That is a reference to the Hitchcock film “Rear Window” but reminds me of 1984 and “Big Brother is always watching you.” In episode 19 of season 1, Jenna references that same quote from 1984 to Aria in the bathroom right after Aria sees Jenna talking to Ezra. Possible reference to Ezra being another N.A.T. club member as well as A and seeing all? The eyes on the sign are also zoomed in on. Once again, a nod to eyes. The poster also almost EXACTLY resembles one for Dr. T.J. Eckleburg in The Great Gatsby, yet another novel Ezra had his class read…and it happens to be by F. Scott FITZgerald.

    - In Ian’s “suicide” note, the word ‘hide’ is crossed off after ‘I can’t” and is replaced by the word ‘run.’ When Aria talked with Ezra about Jenna being in the pottery class, Ezra said “You can run, but you can’t hide.”

    - “A lies a lot.” according to executive producer Marlene King when asked about the birth year of 1994 on the therapist’s form. Ezra looks young enough to pass for a teenager, he has a baby face.

    - Aria’s doll in episode 212 wants her to “make Jackie go away.” Ezra clearly has no interest in Jackie anymore or doesn’t seem to at least. Makes sense if the doll thing was A’s doing. Mentally torturing Aria by having her confront his ex-fiancee and get her to go away for his own sake.

    - In episode 212, the waitress at the diner calls A “pretty eyes” in a flirtatious voice. Yet another nod to eyes.

    - “NOSEY BITCHES DIE” was written on the wall in Dr. Sullivan’s office. The word “nosy” doesn’t have an ‘e’ in it. ‘E’ for Ezra and also ironic since he’s an English teacher spelling a word incorrectly?

    - He is around the same age as Jason, Garrett and Ian. They could have all been friends. According to executive producer Marlene King, there are more members of the N.A.T. Club than we currently know of.

    - His nickname in college was Z. Instead of from A to Z, from Z to A? Interesting coincidence (or not) that it was a single letter…

    - He will be in the Halloween episode, which means he existed in Rosewood before Alison’s murder.

    - The “Ezra is A” April Fools joke could have been the biggest REVERSE red herring ever.

    - After the Halloween prequel, we know for a fact that he attended Hollis and therefore lived in Rosewood during college.

    - Noel Kahn had an older, college age brother who also had his friends at the Halloween party. Ezra was likely one of them.

    - http://www.theinsider.com/tv/47698_Who_ ... index.html

    Ezra used to attend Rosewood High as a teacher, maybe as a student before he went to Hollis College.May only want Aria to find out his identity.Familiar face in Rosewood and we’ve heard his voice.We have yet to learn about his relationship with Alison if there was one.

    - Clearly, Ezra wanted Jackie to go away in episode 214. Aria failed to do that in episode 212 when her doll told her to.

    - In episode 214, Ezra didn’t even give Aria the choice to tell her parents…he flat out told her they were going to.

    - Article from EW: “We didn’t get the script, and it was a complete cold read for the whole cast,” says Lucy Hale. “We didn’t know what to expect, but once they read it, everyone’s jaw was on the floor. Ian [Harding] is always making commentary anyway in table reads, but when they read it, he just started laughing because he couldn’t believe it.” …couldn’t believe Ezra is A? :)

    - In episode 13, Spencer received an e-mail from A that said “Married for love or an alibi?” Then, in episode 15, the chalkboard behind Ezra’s desk read “Married for love?” Coincidence, or…?

    - Also in episode 15, the chalkboard said “Daisy” and at the end of the episode, A put daisies on Mrs. Potter’s grave.

    - In episode 218, we found out Ali had a fake ID with the name Vivian Darkbloom, which is an anagram for the author Vladmir Nabakov, who wrote the novel “Lolita.” Hanna still had the copy she borrowed from Ali and there was a old dry cleaning slip in it. The name listed when Spencer called was Vivian Darkbloom.


    “The novel is notable for its controversial subject: the protagonist and unreliable narrator, middle-aged literature professor Humbert Humbert, is obsessed with the 12-year-old Dolores Haze, with whom he becomes sexually involved after she becomes his stepdaughter. His private nickname for Dolores is Lolita.””The narrative is highly subjective as Humbert draws on his fragmented memories, employing a sophisticated prose style, while attempting to gain the reader’s sympathy through his sincerity and melancholy…”

    ^ This immediately made me think of Ezra. He’s an English teacher/professor, has a thing for younger girls, and seems to have a thing for girls with dark hair. He seems innocent and sincere to most people, but in reality he had an illegal relationship with a student. Ali had a “lolita” complex and a thing for older guys. She may have changed her look for him. Any way you look at it, it’s a parallel to both characters and a hint of a possible past relationship.

    - So far, there have been 6 nods to his typewriter.

    - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple_(symbolism)Apples are also know as the “forbidden fruit.” They symbolize knowledge, immorality, temptation, and sin. Generally used to represent learning and that’s why students like to give teachers apples. Ezra is a (knowledgable) teacher, has bad morals for dating a student in the first place and not ending it, and essentially gave into temptation because of that. In episode 221, Mona receives an A message on an apple. There have been other references to apples/forbidden fruit:
    Ali eating an apple in a flashback and telling Spencer that her family has really bad apples.
    Ashley Marin telling Isabel to check the rotten fruit under her family tree.
    Jason buying apples from a street vendor in episode 220.
    Holden talking about playing Apples to Apples.
    Maya arriving to the party in episode 220 saying, “I come bearing fruit.”
    The Apple Rose Grill is a restaurant in Rosewood.

    - In episode 220, Byron receives a letter from A that is clearly written with a typewriter, similar to the one Ella received in episode 4. Unless someone heard Aria copy down an address when she was on the phone, who else would have known where they were having dinner besides Ezra? He could have easily put on a surprised act when he saw Byron.

    - In episode 221 when he was implying a break up with Aria, he seemed kind of heartless…not to mention the slight smirk on his face when he was leaving.

    - Remember when Ella gave A their jacket and gloves at the end of the Dance-A-Thon in episode 14? A was number 32. Well, Ezra’s apartment number is 3B…and ‘B’ is the 2nd letter of the alphabet. So 3B = 32. A clue from the producers…

    (Noticed by Aniissa Alias Nessa.)

    - The crazy eyes and aggressiveness when talking to Byron in episode 223.

    - Offered Ella an APPLE. Again with the apples…

    KEEP IN MIND THAT NOTHING IS AS IT SEEMS IN PRETTY LITTLE LIARS. I know that many of you who read this list are probably thinking “OMG NO YOU’RE STUPID EZRA LOVES ARIA HE CAN’T BE A!” …yes he can be. His love for her could be an act, but it could be real if he didn’t think he’d fall for her and ended up doing so. There is so much about EVERY character that we don’t know yet. Everyone, unless they are completely red herring, is a suspect. :)
    Малку е долг текстот ама па има логика, се надевам дека НЕ е Езра.
    На Chocolate.me му/ѝ се допаѓа ова.
  7. femina90

    femina90 Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    25 декември 2009
    И кога ќе видиш, сценариото е буквално така смислено да секој е сомнителен ако земеш се да анализираш.
    И на крај сепак мислам ќе биде некој што не ни текнува :D
  8. Maca-BT

    Maca-BT Истакнат член

    Се зачлени на:
    31 јули 2011
    Да да ке има 3та сезона 100%, од наредната недела (мислам) ке почнуват да ја снимат. Името на првата епизода ке биди „It Happened 'That Night' “ :)
    На d.Darla му/ѝ се допаѓа ова.
  9. Chocolate.me

    Chocolate.me Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    19 септември 2010
    Jasooon <3

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    На Bunny2 му/ѝ се допаѓа ова.
  10. Chocolate.me

    Chocolate.me Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    19 септември 2010
    Видете спојлер. Кој сака :)

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    На d.Darla, MandyLane и sanjalica им се допаѓа ова.
  11. MandyLane

    MandyLane Форумски идол

    Се зачлени на:
    9 август 2011
    ^ покрај сите други осомничени кои ми поминаа низ глава, најмногу се сложувам со Тоби,дека интересно би било да е некоја од девојките - истото го реков уште на почеток.

    Ма да, се си мислам има мнооогу луѓе вмешано, чим ќе има трета сезона и тоа што ќе се дознае кој е А, нема да смени многу и мистериите ќе продолжат.

    Само да не се заплеткаат,па да не може да се најде крај и чаре..

    Како и да е, едвај чекам!
  12. MandyLane

    MandyLane Форумски идол

    Се зачлени на:
    9 август 2011
    Ја отеков на темава,знам,се извинувам :) ама да прашам.. денеска излегува најновата епизода така? А ќе има ли до вечер торент, или до утре треба да почекаме? До сега ги имам спуштано неколку дена по излегувањето,па не знам дали има одма дента.
    Ептен сум нестрплива...
  13. maja8

    maja8 Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    3 јануари 2010
    Утре , ама не знам кое време :D
  14. Maca-BT

    Maca-BT Истакнат член

    Се зачлени на:
    31 јули 2011
    http://www.ilive.to/view/23849/ - лајв ABC family, гледајте ја новата епизода директно ! (сега моментално почна маратон на PLL и ке дават неколку епизоди постари, и после новата) :) сега ја дават Ctrl:A, така да уште околу 2 сати ке почни новата :)
    П.С. И јас ве сакам ! :*
    На SparkyAngel и MandyLane им се допаѓа ова.
  15. SparkyAngel

    SparkyAngel Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    24 септември 2011
    утре во 3 ам по наше таму ке биде 8 или 9 навечер. Што значи ке биде на торент ставена од 4 ам :)

    Утре е денооооот! why is famous A?!
  16. The.Complicated

    The.Complicated Истакнат член

    Се зачлени на:
    3 август 2010
    Значи знаев дека ќе биде како во книгите.
    DOUBLE PACEPALM за епизодава.
    Мона е "А"
  17. The.Complicated

    The.Complicated Истакнат член

    Се зачлени на:
    3 август 2010
    Се извинувам за пост врз пост, неможев да редактирам .
    ( Не го отварајте сполиерот ако не ја гледавте последната епизода )

    Мона е еден член од тимот "A", а мислам дека во него се и Лукас, Џена и Кортни.
    -Во првата епизода, кога Ариа доби порака од А, Мона пишуваше порака.
    -Мона и го даде на Хана телефонот, кој бил цело време уклучен на снимање, за да може да ги присклушкува.
    - Се сеќавате кога Мона купуваше црни дуксери од кашмир? Исти како што носеше А.
    - Им љубомори на девојките, бидејќи Хана целото време го поминува со нив.
    - Алисон ја малтретираше цело време во прва година.
    - Во последната епизода, кога Али одеше да го бара А, ја виде Мона и заклучи дека таа е А.
    - Мона го најде дневникот од Али.
    - Мона на Хеловин забавата се запозна со Џена, а и и рече на Али - Не ме познаваш, но ќе ме запознаеш.
    А епизодава беше најдраматична од сите.. :fubar:
  18. Maca-BT

    Maca-BT Истакнат член

    Се зачлени на:
    31 јули 2011
    Иако бев со 99% убедена дека __________ е -А, епизодата сепак ме шокира ! :(
    Убедваја дека не е како во книгите, а сепак испадна да е исто како во книгите, само шо во книгите -А по „падот“ умира...
    - За „-А“ иам само еден коментар: Оре, оре психопатско створење бреј, ПАЦИЕНТ па ти ПАЦИЕНТ !
    - За останатиот дел од епизодата: Се дупнав од плачење она незнам, особено на крајот ;( ;(

    Цела епизода ова го имав:

    Кога ви велев дека таја е -А, вие „-НЕ !“...е пак да не ми вервате ;)
    П.С. Кладбата ја добив (fuck yeah :rock: )

    Кој ке чека сега до 5ти Јуни :( :@ ;(
  19. maja8

    maja8 Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    3 јануари 2010
    Па добро, не мораше да откривате баш дека е како во книгите де! Или ако веќе го правевте тоа требаше во спојлер. Расипувачи едни :devil:
  20. Maca-BT

    Maca-BT Истакнат член

    Се зачлени на:
    31 јули 2011
    Извињавам се...Ама колку шо знам сите слабо со книгите, и голем дел ги немат прочитано така да мислевме дека безбедни сме ?! :lol:
    Ете го менав, да не му расипам ќефот на некој друг :)