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Мали прекрасни лажливки (Pretty Little Liars)

Дискусија во 'Серии и емисии' започната од American.Woman, 7 април 2011.

  1. alekce83

    alekce83 Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    5 февруари 2012
    Добро луѓе дали ја запазивте перикава на Хана а и моментот со црната трака??? :^)
    Друг смешен момент ми беше со Мона со клучевите :lol:

    Сума сумарум добра епизода само не ја сваќам веќе улогата на Мона.Како да не знаат што да прават со нејзиниот лик па прво Мона против нив, па малку со нив, па малку луда, па не е луда. :puke:
    Инаку најдов интересна теорија низ форумиви што ме заинтригира за мајка му на Тоби
    Okay, so this tells us that Toby does not know what happened to his mother, yet we know she was in Radley for a time with a mental illness. If his mother died from that mental illness, surely there’d be nothing for Toby to find out.
    I don’t think Toby’s mother is dead - I think she went missing. We all noticed when 3x18 was aired that Marion Cavanaugh’s crypt didn’t have any dates on it, yet all others did. So perhaps the police assumed she was dead after she went missing for some reason - this would explain why Toby was never sure of what happened to her.

    Прикачени фајлови:

    На anuskaNESTLE и Hipster им се допаѓа ова.
  2. Chocolate.me

    Chocolate.me Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    19 септември 2010
    Најјаката теорија дека Арија е А. Долга е, ама има се опфатено. 8)

    Aria is the one doing the „shh“ in the opening theme.
    In one of the promotional pictures, Aria’s wearing a weird kind of accessory.
    In this one, the murder weapon is showing in her direction, and again she’s doing the “sh”
    Lucy recently posted that picture. Black feet in a circle. One of those are hers. Is this a clue, that she’s on the “A”-Team?
    In their latest photo shoot, the liars are sitting on a coffin and Lucy’s hands make a rather weird sign, which looks like an “A”.
    They girls start getting messages from A, when Aria gets back from Iceland.

    Look at the time on the radio. It’s 4.15 pm. Aria looks at her phone, acts a little suspicious and drives to a bar. When she gets there, it’s already 5.05 pm. Assuming that the bar is in Rosewood, she wouldn’t have to drive very far, would she? What did she do the whole hour between dropping Mike off to practice and sitting in that bar? “A”-business maybe?
    This scene was shown twice. But why recreate a scene like that? Also Marlene King said, that A would be seen in the Pilot AND return in 3x01.
    I noticed something weird about the “pig”-thing. Arias hand puppet is laying on the chair in the shed, BEFORE Ali got missing. After the girls wake up and notice she’s gone, so is the pig.

    Later, Ella and Byron are talking about the puppet and Ella mentions, how often Aria carried it with her.

    Through the episodes, the pig is shown a couple times. And I don’t think it’s a coincidence, that the cupcakes Hanna had to eat in S01 were decorated as pigs.
    How many phones does she have?
    It’s also thinkable, that Aria suffers from some kind of personality disorder. She often appears looking into a mirror and/or at her own reflection; Byron mentioned that his brother has some kind of mental disorder, which could have been passed on to Aria.
    Some A messages were written with a typewriter. We know, that Ezra has one standing in his apartment, Aria has access to it.
    The first message appears in 1x04, where Ella finds out about Byrons affair. Aria could have used the typewriter to send this message, cause she was too afraid to tell her mother about the affair herself.
    This message was written with a typewriter as well.
    Also Marlene King changed her twitter icon to a typewriter on a red background.
    3x18, Aria is in Ezras apartment and a few frames where shown, one of them was a typewriter. Why show that, if it wasn’t important?
    Notice the poster in the background? “Playwright”, sounds familiar, doesn’t it? A few episodes later, A leads the girls to “Wrights Playground”.
    Remember the lipstick scene? When Aria trashed her dads office, she used the same lipstick colour that was used on Spencers mirror. Also, the handwriting matches Arias.
    1x05, when talking about the confession letter, A sent to her mum:
    Emily: “It’s your fathers fault”
    Aria: “No it’s mine”
    1x05, why does Aria keep waiting at the lockers, while the other ones are walking to class?
    Aria is sad because of Ezra, she lays in bed as the girls walk in.

    Hanna: “But you cannot have any of those until you get out of these sweats.”
    Aria: “Why, what’s wrong with these?”
    Spencer: “Nothing, except they’re starting to graft to you skin.”
    Aria: “Well they’re comfy.”
    And now look what she’s wearing: Black pants & Hoodie. Could be a clue.
    1x06, the fortune teller says “There’s something wrong with this couple.” This could refer to Toby & Emily, but since the camera showed Aria & Ezra, it could also refer to them.

    Aria was the one throwing Tobys file in the river, so she could have gotten it back easily.
    1x09, the girls are at Spencers, helping her learn some vocabulary. These words could refer to Arias character.
    Could be nothing, but when Aria and Ezra are arguing in class, the board is full with words beginning with an “A”.

    PLL is all about dolls and somehow, Aria is always seen with dolls or sort of connected to them.
    Arias basement…
    The Russian doll can be stapled into one another. This could also hint to the theory of Aria having multiple personalities.
    1x10, Aria is sneaking into Ezras car. We all know she’s at “Camp Mona”, where everybody’s wearing hoodies. But it also be a clue, that she is A.
    1x11, when visiting Hanna at the hospital, the girls were talking about A having a split personality and right after that, the camera swings to Aria.
    In the same episode, A left a message on Hannas leg. This could have easily been Aria.
    Spencer and Aria are talking at Hannas Welcome Home Party. Their conversation could refer to the 4 girls themselves and Aria trying to destroy them one by one.
    Noel threatened Aria and Ezra to expose them, A planted evidence on Noel for stealing exams answers and saved Aria’s relationship. Aria could have done that herself.
    Aria might indirectly confess, that she was involved in Hannas car accident.
    Black Swan anyone? Marlene King tweeted, that Arias dress has a very important meaning.
    But Arias dress could not only refer to the Black Swan, but to the Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland as well. Also take a look at the leather gloves. “A” much?
    This could also be a hint, that she has something to do with it.
    Arias outfit at the ball not only looks like the poster from the Black Swan but it also resembles the Cluedo character Miss Scarlet. Miss Scarlett is known to be a brunette with whom all the gentlemen are quite smitten, which can relate to Aria quite well eg. Ezra, Jason, Noel etc. Miss Scarlett is also known to keep secrets from her friends and will backstab them at anytime, could this relate to Aria?
    Aria asks what the name of Melissas & Ians baby is and as Spencers says “Taylor”, she gets a text, supposedly from Ian. But Aria could have been the one getting the name to another A Team member, maybe by turning on her phone with A on the other line, listening to the conversation. Afterwards, he/she could have replied to Spencer.
    2x03, Emily writes a fake Danby letter and tells Aria & Hanna. Later, she makes up her mind and destroys it. But somehow, her mum actually got the fake letter. “A” rewrote it, so Emily could stay in Rosewood. Aria knew about the letter, so she could have told another A Team member to fake another one and send it to Emilys mother.
    2x04, Jason calls Aria “unexpected” and so does Wesley in 3x18. Right after Wesley said that, Aria looks really guilty and I don’t think it’s a coincidence that you can see the typewriter in the background.
    The girls were just looking at Ians suicide note a couple minutes ago, so it could have been Aria, who sent Emily that text.
    Is Aria wearing an “A” necklace actually a clue?
    In 2x06, after the fashion show, Noel wants to give Aria the CD with the pictures of Ali they showed. Why would he assume it was hers? Spencer was the one giving it to him.
    Aria shows Emily a page from a magazine, a few episodes later after the fashion show, we can see “A” at a laptop ordering some shoes. On the desk you can see the exact same page.
    These pictures of Aria were found in Jasons darkroom. He said, Ali took those pictures. And we all knew Alison tried to spy on “A”. Could this mean, she figured out, Aria was “A”?
    Notice the poster behind Emily? The “A” between two instruments? We know that Aria plays keyboard.
    Aria and Spencer are waiting for Emily at Hannas Dads wedding. We can see Aria writing a text, but we don’t know who she’s sending it to. A few seconds later, Hanna gets a text from “A”.

    After forcing her to tell Isabel about her dad hooking up with her mum, Hanna immediately gets another “A”-message. How could Mona or Toby (currently known of “A”-Team members) be that punctual at pushing “send”? Aria on the other hand could have done that easily.
    I noticed that Aria has a lot of butterflies in her room. So I thought to look up some meanings of butterflies and here’s what I found:

    - As butterflies can often be found hovering about milk pails or butter churns, they have become associated with witches trying to steal the cream
    - The people […] see these butterflies as the returning souls of the deceased
    - The butterfly stands for […] everlasting knowledge
    - First of all the butterfly symbolizes new life from and old one. Seeing thatthe colour black is a strong yet subtle colour, the black butterfly symbolizes the new strong but subtle life after a period of transformation
    - There is a Native American legend that says: “If you have a secret wish, capture a butterfly and whisper your wish to it. Since butterflies cannot speak, your secret is ever safe in their keeping”
    Why do Ali & Aria wear the same shirt?
    I don’t think that it’s a coincidence, that Aria wore a witch costume at Halloween. It’s also completely in black, could this be a hint that she’s on the “A”-Team?
    Green peppers? Coincidence? I think not.
    2x19, Aria wants to make a phone call as “Vivian”. Does the conversation with Emily below hint at her multiple personality disorder? Does she have an alter ego pretending to be “Vivian”?
    Ezra wants to take Aria out for dinner at “Chez Mirabelle”. They were talking on the phone while setting the date and later Byrons gets a text from “A” (written with a typewriter) telling him, where Aria is going to be that night. Unless “A” has little spying bugs and recording devices EVERYWHERE, Aria could have written that message herself, since she decides to meet with Holden anyway.
    Aria texted Ezra, that she can’t make it tonight. But why does it say “Unknown Caller”? Doesn’t Ezra have his own girlfriends phone number? Or did she write from another phone, possibly her “A”-Phone? Also, take a look at Ezras phone background. A Typewriter! Coincidence?
    2x21, Aria finally confesses, that she’s still seeing Ezra. Spencer’s shocked because of Arias great acting at being heartbroken. Guess, pretending to be someone else comes with having multiple personalities, right Aria?
    2x22, Aria is pointed out to be the best liar of them all.

    2x22, Aria confesses to Hannas mum, that she’s “A”. It’s supposed to be a lie, a made up story, but what if this actually was a hint?
    Aria was the last person (we know of) to have Vivians (Alisons) red coat. At the end of season 2, a person in a red coat visits Mona at Radley. It could have been Aria.
    2x23, Duncan tells Aria about Alison being afraid of something. When she asks, who she was afraid of, he gives her a very strong look. Next second, Aria loses control of the plane.
    2x24, Aria and Ella have an argument, because Aria found out, that her parents thought of sending her to boarding school. She threatens her to tell the dean about Byron having an affair with one of his students. Stuff, that “A” would do, right?
    What about the weird Toffee Tango thing?
    The writers said, that “A” would be unmasked in 2x25.
    Notice, how quickly she said, she’d know a short cut to Look Out Point after finding out, that Mona’s “A” and she has taken Spencer?
    Look at Arias doll. She’s dressed in very dark clothes, kinda sporty, very different than usually.
    Remember Aria having a panic attack in the schools girls room? And the scene where she, Spencer and Emily are standing in front of Garretts House? Both time, she thought she saw “A”. Maybe her personality disorder becomes overwhelming sometimes.
    Second after showing these words written on the board, the camera is turning to Aria.
    The song Aria is playing with Jenna is the same one Mona’s singing in her bed at Radleys while holding the “Queen of Hearts” card.
    Why would Jenna ask a question like that? And why didn’t Aria tell her “No, I don’t have anything to do with it.” She just remains silent.
    Who likes to drink Alcohol with a straw? Right, Aria.
    I don’t think it’s a coincidence that there were playing cards everywhere at the Brew, when Jenna was having her birthday party. See the ace card in the background? Could this mean, that Aria is head “A”? I also think it’s weird that she’s wearing a heart patterned dress.
    What is this supposed to mean? These cards that have been floating around lately have to mean something! And Aria is always seen with them.
    When Hanna and Aria went to Radley to visit Mona at night, Mona kept saying “Miss Aria, you’re a killer, not Ezras wife.” Turns out, it was a code: MAYA KNEW.
    Back at Arias place, the 4 girls meet and try to remember everything Mona said. I think it’s really weird that Aria is the one saying: “Oh my god, what’s that other poem? Something about Garrett and Maya.” And that’s all. She didn’t mention the “MAYA KNEW”-Sentence. Why would she hide something like that, if it wouldn’t be important or somehow true?

    I took a closer looks at the books in Arias room and they seem to have plots about death, mysteries and insanity. It that a clue?
    3x11, Aria tries to find Maggie and introduces herself to her as “Amy”. A ME, A=ME.
    On the Halloweentrain:
    I also did some research about her costume, Daisy Buchanan.

    Daisy is The Great Gatsby’s most enigmatic, and perhaps most disappointing, character. Although Fitzgerald does much to make her a character worthy of Gatsby’s unlimited devotion, in the end she reveals herself for what she really is. Despite herbeauty and charm, Daisy is merely a selfish, shallow, and in fact, hurtful, woman. Gatsby loves her (or at least the idea of her) with such vitality and determination that readers would like, in many senses, to see her be worthy of his devotion. Although Fitzgerald carefully builds Daisy’s character with associations of light, purity, and innocence, when all is said and done, she is the opposite from what she presents herself to be.

    Adam Lambert wants to know her name, but the train is too loud, so Aria has to write it on the windows. Why would the writers create a scene like that, if it wouldn’t have a significant meaning? And the last “A” looks just like “A”’s signature,
    So now you’d say: Aria can’t be “A”, she was locked up in a box and almost got killed in 3x13. But Spencer herself said that drugging yourself is the best alibi ever. The “A”-Team could have planned this all along to make Aria look like the victim.

    3x14, there’s just something really weird about this Mona/Aria scene. Aria looks like a boss whose minion got out of control. Maybe something went wrong on the Halloween train.
    Mona posted a video online, saying how sorry she was. Unfortunately, we couldn’t see all of it. But the Mona twitter posted a link to watch the full video.
    “Why are you looking at me like that? Doing this was your idea remember. Look, if you’re starting to have second thoughts, back out now. Either we’re in this together or we’re not. So, what’s it gonna be, friend?”
    Nothing to directly peg Aria, but the Mona twitter featured: “Worried Aria Never Talks” and “Dear Ezra Not Only Fathers Live In Extra Secrecy”.
    Look at the blackboard.
    So we all know that the producers put in clues about the show in the background. The students are studying the 1949 classic Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell. Its about a society being dictated by one person called “Big Brother”. They have to follow his rules or else they suffer.

    This sounds very similar to the “A” Team. Ultimately there is a head “A” who rules everyone else and dictates the girls life. Like the book, if they girls don’t do what “A” says, they suffer. This could be a major clue to Aria being the head “A”. Remember when Mona calls Aria, Big “A”? Notice the resemblance?
    Big “A” & Big Brother.
    Nice lamp Aria. Do you share living room decorating ideas with Toby? Cause he has a photo of that lamp in his drawer.
    That’s a quote from Games of Thrones, “A Song of ice and fire” by Arya Stark. Arya = Aria.
    “So do you. I’m surprised Spencer hasn’t figured that out.”
    Weird “A” on the teapot.
    Picked her for what?!
    3x16, The song, Mona was listening to at the end is called “Aria with 30 variations”. Another hind at the multiple personalities theory?

    Why aren’t you? What’s there to be prepared for? Just tell them already, unless you don’t wanna reveal, that you’re “A”.
    Spencer gets a text from Aria, saying that Ezra broke up with her. Later on, it turns out, “A” was the one who sent the text from Arias phone. But how could “A” do that? Aria had her phone with her all time, didn’t she? I think, the text did in fact came from her, she just made that “A” thing up on purpose.
    Okay, two things:
    Arias doll is wearing a red shirt. (Red is the new Black) and notice how she’s standing a little bit lower than the other liars? Like she’s in a different position. Maybe this is a hint towards her being on the “A”-Team.
    3x18, Hanna suggest that she and Aria should get rid of the things they put in Alisons casket. But Aria refuses to give her the earrings. Why would she wanna hold on to them? For what purpose?

    Aria has been cheating twice on Ezra (once with Jason & once with Wesley) til now and yet she has never been busted by “A”? Isn’t cheating something, “A” attracts magically? Either the “A”-Team wants to spare Aria or she is “A” herself.
    3x19, Spencer tells Jason that Ali was pregnant. Afterwards Aria, Hanna and Emily are talking in the graveyard and Aria says: “Something is really wrong with Spencer. I mean, this is bigger than Toby leaving. I’m heartbroken too, but she just seems…”. Emily continues: “Broken.”
    How would Aria know about the break-up? Emily wasn’t supposed to tell anyone and Spencer surely didn’t spill her guts. So how did Aria find out?

    3x19, Emily remembers something about the night she was taken to Alisons grave. The person digging up the grave has brown hair. You can see some of it under the Hoodie. It could be Melissa or Mona. My money’s on Aria.
    It may be nothing, but I think it’s weird, that there’s an “A” to be seen on the camera when Aria is taking pictures.
    Wow Aria, that’s a really accurate description of what actually happened. I wonder how you’d know that?
    3x20, Spencer gets locked up in her shower, gets a text from “A” via mirror and who shows up to save her? Aria! What a coincidence!
    Even Maggie and her 7-year-old son could figure that out.
    Is Toby really dead? While Emily thinks, “A” killed him because he was gonna help the liars, Aria comes up immediately with a much better conclusion. Damn girl, you’re so smart.
    Why would Aria send Emily & Hanna a text saying that Spencer was not at the bookstore, while she was in fact sitting on Ezras couch instead of looking for Spencer? Yeah that’s right, cause she’s sketchy as hell!
    I just thought it was really weird how Aria said that to Emily. Like she was clearing something up, giving her answers or something.
    Why did she texted Hanna, if the girls cleary agreed to text Emily, if Aria sees anyone?
    Aria didn’t see “Red Coat” herself, she saw her in a mirror. This could also be a hint at her MPD.
    Maybe I am reading to much into this, but still…
    Ух, готово.
    На M.a.r.i.l.y.n, 1209, Youlen и 6 други им се допаѓа ова.
  3. Hipster

    Hipster Форумски идол

    Се зачлени на:
    8 јули 2011
    ^ ми требаше пола час да ја прочитам цела асално, и да одлично разработена теорија, со факти и се, но јас сум убедена дека нема да е Арија -А, но можда и да сум грешка.
    Но супер разработена теорија до детали секоја чест на нервите на тој што ја склопувал.
    На Chocolate.me му/ѝ се допаѓа ова.
  4. anuskaNESTLE

    anuskaNESTLE Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    25 мај 2011
    Јас од возбуда за брзо време сум читала и јас исто едно време мислев дека Арија може да е А, и уште мислам, или она, или некој сосем шо не ни текнува на памет, пошто умот ни го завртија веќе.
    Нешто од овие докази има логика и тоа многу а нешто не, ќе видиме, не можам веќе главата да си ја тупам за проклетата А.
    Па и на крајот да испадне дека Алисон е жива, ќе си ја окубам косата од нервоза. :envy:
  5. Adi888

    Adi888 Форумски идол

    Се зачлени на:
    22 ноември 2010
    Јас ја почнав серијата, до 9 епизода сум, ептен ми е јака :D мислам дека допрва е најјакото, иако ептен е мистерија серијава, ептеннн, баш ме интересира шо ќе се случи понатаму, не можам да запрам, по цели деној гледам јас :D
  6. Maca-BT

    Maca-BT Истакнат член

    Се зачлени на:
    31 јули 2011
    Теоријата е предобро разработена, браво за тој шо си одвојл време да ја разработи до детал а фала ти и тебе шо ја постира :) Само имам нешто да дополнам т.е да дообјаснам во врска со можноста за растројството (ќе го клам во спојлер)
    Од почетокот се сомневам дека Ариа има дисоцијативно растројство на личноста, уште познато како растројство на повеќе личности - Multiple Personality Disorder, тој се карактеризира со:
    - Дереализација, односно „губење“ во просторот и времето најчесто се јавува преку задлабочување во сопствение мисли;
    - Анксиозност, Фобии и Панични напади;
    - Аудитивни и визуелни халуцинации;
    - Честа амнезија или дупки во помнењето;
    - Често чувство како да се гледаш себе си и своите постапки од далечина;
    - Промена во расположение и однесување.
    А голема карактеристика за луѓето кои боледуваат од DID/MPD е честото гледање во својата рефлексија, и менување на стилот на облекување и однесување - поради тоа што „друга личност“ го превзема телото и не е навикната да се гледа во друго тело.

    Од овие симптомие Ариа ги има скоро СИТЕ, и то горе долу посочва кон то дека Ариа го има ова растројство. Пример:
    - Дереализација: Ариа доста често се задлабочува во мислите (незнам точно од која епизода е муабетот ама како знам дека како таков сигурно постој)
    Emily: Are you even listening?
    Aria: Yeah,sorry go on
    - Аудитивни и визуелни халуцинации: Ариа доста често го гледа, поточно помислува дека го гледа, А.
    - Фобиите и Паничните напади: Кај Ариа исто се прикажани преку „страв“ од А
    - Честото гледање во сопствената рефлексија можи да биди токму поради тоа што другата „личност“ влезе во телото....
    Ако излези дека Ариа има всушност MPD/DID ќе биди доста интересно за гледање, зато што ке испадни дека се организирала самата без да биди свесна шо всушност се случвало...
    На Chocolate.me му/ѝ се допаѓа ова.
  7. 1209

    1209 Форумски идол

    Се зачлени на:
    1 август 2010
    Овие теории држат доста вода, сепак мислам дека Ариа нема да биде А зошто според некоја логика треба да ги следат книгите, нели според нив е правена серијава, така да јас мислам дека ќе испадне дека А е некој сосем друг, а она кој од време на време ги спасува, како во епизодата со пожарот е самата Алисон.
    Мислам дека злобната близначка понекогаш се искрадувала од болницата и притоа се прикажувала како Алисон, зошто Алисон не секогаш беше битчи...и на крај кога уште еднаш ја глумела Алисон завршила мртва...неможе да се докаже дека тоа е Алисон, зошто идентичните близнаци имаат ист ДНК и исти отпечатоци.Така да Алисон не сака да се појави зошто може е замешана во смртта на сестра и може само се плаши од А зошто знае дека другарките добиваат сеуште закани, па таа само сака да биде мирна и сигурна во болницата.
    Како и да е, има многу докази кои ја обвинуваат Ариа, ама сепак има и други според кои не можеме да претпоставиме дека таа.
    Исто личноста која има вакво пореметување кога се појавува како своето второ, трето итн. јас тоа го прави со некоја цел, односно личноста се поделува на вакви повеќе „јас“ затоа што вистинското лице не може да поднесе она што му се случило.Значи сите постапки треба да бидат поткренати од една околност, а која би била таа околност?На Ариа во животот и се нема случено ништо толку страшно поради кое би сакала да ги уништи другарките.Исто така, личности со вакви пореметувања мора да имаат црни дупки во сеќавањето, онесвестувања и будења и незнаење за она што се случува.Ариа досега нема кажано дека нешто и се случува, така да ако таа е А или мора свесно да е или ако веќе има пореметување мора да знае за своите други личности зошто само така би ги прекривала овие црни дупки.
    Ќе почекаме и ќе видиме кој е, теориите може да се точни, па да и текне на продуцентите да сменат на крај, се си бива.
    На Tiki-lolipop и Hipster им се допаѓа ова.
  8. Maca-BT

    Maca-BT Истакнат член

    Се зачлени на:
    31 јули 2011
    Dude, сериозно?!? Информирана си дека секој чоек на светот си има свој посебни уникатни отпечатоци и ДНК *па дури и идентичните близнаци*, така? :x
  9. 1209

    1209 Форумски идол

    Се зачлени на:
    1 август 2010
    Знам дека секој човек си има уникатни отпечатоци но тоа не се однесува на идентичните близнаци, освен ако нема некои нови истржувања, од она што досега го имам читано така е.И прекини да ми препукуваш на темата, секогаш нешто напаѓаш, напорно е да се биде најпаметен. ;)
    И еве ти и доказ http://ilike.mk/zanimlivosti/subcategor ... liznacite/
    И немам намера да расправам за тоа со тебе, може сум грешка, а може и ти си...само не си информирана толку како што мислиш.
    И уште нешто, кога и го пронајдоа телото на Алисон таа беше веќе распадната, така да во случај со отпечатоците ако сум грешка,немало отпечатоци идентитетот е добиен врз основа на ДНК така да може да биде грешка.
    На Maca-BT му/ѝ се допаѓа ова.
  10. Bunny2

    Bunny2 Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    26 декември 2010
    Најмногу што ме нервира кај Ариа е кога се збори за нешто сериозно поврзано со А,а она има проблеми со Езра,не ни слуша што и се збори,никого не регистрира.Сум забележала имало неколку такви сцени,и во новава епизода имаше.Малце си ги помешала приоритетите изгледа :lol:

    Иначе за неа за шпекулира од самиот почеток,затоа ќе ми биде многу очигледно ако она испадне А т.е. Red coat ( зошто нема еден А,цел тим се,а главниот/главната е Red coat )
  11. Maca-BT

    Maca-BT Истакнат член

    Се зачлени на:
    31 јули 2011
    Интересно, фала на информацијава и извини ако бев нападна - стварно немаф намера. Извини ! :)
  12. 1209

    1209 Форумски идол

    Се зачлени на:
    1 август 2010
    Нема проблем, сега знаеш една работа плус :)Само како да осеќав дека често ме напаѓаш тука па сега малку се изнервирав.Сериозно немај гајле, таман работа ќе се расправаме како на темата за султан ;)
    На Hipster, Maca-BT и anuskaNESTLE им се допаѓа ова.
  13. Chocolate.me

    Chocolate.me Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    19 септември 2010
    http://www.wattpad.com/5547987-the-secr ... bu629yNmgs

    "No one knows who killed her, except the murderer and Spencer. Spencer knows who killed her, but it's just blocking it out of her mind, forever."
    Прочитајте го Chapter 1. Пишува дека Алисон била со Езра.
  14. sweet-cherry

    sweet-cherry Форумски идол

    Се зачлени на:
    28 јануари 2011
    Ама ова е fan fiction, сама си го измислила авторката, aма во секој случај звучи интересно, јас се си мислам дека Ezra е некако замешан.
  15. Adi888

    Adi888 Форумски идол

    Се зачлени на:
    22 ноември 2010
    А чекајте во првата сезона, Алисон со Иан бившиот на Мелиса :o, Пошто во видеото него го покажаја, а и на дрвото Спенсер и Емили најдоја Алисон + Иан во срце, мислам но вејј тој да е замешан :x
    Ај појаснете ми :D
  16. Hipster

    Hipster Форумски идол

    Се зачлени на:
    8 јули 2011
    ^Aди гледај ја серијата и не чепкај многу по спојлери, нема да ти биде интересно ако ти кажеме ние што како и зашто.
    Да има видео во кое Иан ја снимал Али, дека биле заедно, ама гледај убаво само и прати се е јасно во принцип на почетокот не се уште до толку заплеткани.
    Aма ќе ти се разјасни многу работи до крај на сезоната и во втората.
    Тек после е поинтересно после 2ра сезона има уште по каша попара да настане.
    На Adi888 му/ѝ се допаѓа ова.
  17. Adi888

    Adi888 Форумски идол

    Се зачлени на:
    22 ноември 2010
    Ја пратам серијата ептен и секогаш пратам кој кажал, шо кажал, ама некако работите почнуват многу да ми се мешат, ми се чини дека допрва ептен се ќе се заплеткува :| :?:
  18. CrAzZyYy

    CrAzZyYy Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    31 октомври 2011

    Не ти се чини туку си прочитала xD
    Не нај искрено немој не читај тука ние што коментираме нема да ја доживееш серијава... нема кога ќе шеташ по улица да ти се причинуваат црвени капути, и да ти се појавува "A", нема да те вознемирува навечер секој шум...ќе знаеш се пред време стварно нема да ти биде тоа тоа(бтв не ми се смејте озбилно ради серијава не спиев и пиштев кога ќе видев некој со црн дуксер и капа :rofl: :D )

    а сеа за овие што ја гледале последната епизода
    јас никако неможам да сватам мелиса како е поврзана. Најодвратна ми е и најодвратна ќе остане, шо барала она во возот ај жити се кажете ми? бтв ова новиов полицаец како им се постави со став исто ко Вилдн мислам дека ќе биде пак некој глупак шо ќе замеша само прсти у се и што треба и шо нетреба... и дај нека не зезаат ме излудуваат машкиве ликови само некој се појавува од убав поубав :$ а за ова со на Тоби мајка му по измешано не ми било... :worried:

    бтв изгубив ред од шо гледам многу серии нова епизода среда така??
  19. bumbi

    bumbi Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    3 јануари 2010
    Вторник :)
  20. Nati.P

    Nati.P Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    16 април 2011
    Вторник, ама кај нас нели во среда :)