Форумџика на годината
  1. Овој сајт користи колачиња неопходни за неговото функционирање. Ако продолжиш да го користиш, значи се согласуваш со нашата употреба на колачиња. Прочитај повеќе.

Мали прекрасни лажливки (Pretty Little Liars)

Дискусија во 'Серии и емисии' започната од American.Woman, 7 април 2011.

  1. figgiMK

    figgiMK Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    23 декември 2010
    Веќе сум 100% сигудна дека Алисон е жива и дека прави сите тие глупости ...само не разбирам зошто си ги казнува дугарките и која е таа тајна која ги уништува сите ... мислам дека Новиот на АРИА ееее мнн мнн по .. најубав него ЕЗРА ( кој ми е мнн мнн одвратен после ситуацијата во црквата)...
    И јас мислам дека мајката на хана не го убила ама мислам дека има нешто поврзано со ископувањето на колата ...
  2. FlameFairy

    FlameFairy Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    11 јануари 2011
    До која епизода се моментално стигнати? Јас само што започнав да ја гледам четвртата сезона. :)
  3. the.vampire.girl

    the.vampire.girl Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    7 јули 2012
    Три се излезени, а четвртата вечер, односно кај нас утре. :)
    На FlameFairy му/ѝ се допаѓа ова.
  4. Adi888

    Adi888 Форумски идол

    Се зачлени на:
    22 ноември 2010
    Штотуку ја изгледав 1 епизода од 3 сезона..
    Мислам јас сум Ваууу :o Не можам да повервам дека Мона е буквално А, ај се дозна дека и Лукас дека е дел од А, по она во кајчето со Хана, ко сакаше да ја отепа, и дека Џена има удел исто..
    Али стварно не ми е јасно кој ја има убиено Алисон, ако воопшто е убиена, ако не е жива и јас сумљам во то, а Џејсон шо се лсучи со него, многу некако ретко ми го дават :?:
    Црниот лебед мене искрено ми личеше на Мелиса, ко и таја да има удел во сето ова..
  5. Chocolate.me

    Chocolate.me Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    19 септември 2010
    А можеби е Сиси, она не беше на погребот како што се сеќавам, а се познаваше со Вилден преку Алисон во Камп Меј. Таа е висока, слаба и дефинитивно бела. Има вакво држење, покрај Мелиса.

    Инаку, имам нешто за вас. Големо.
    Таа раката што испадна од под земја и вашата теорија дека Алисон е таа, дека е способна да го држи здивот многу, е дефинитивно вистина. На сликава доле, се гледа таа белегзијата што им ја купи таа. Погледнете како се закопчува, исто како тие. Дефинитивно Алисон, само чија е другава рака ..
    Овие во А - тим во 4 сезона ?!
    На Youlen, 1209, the.vampire.girl и 1 друга личност им се допаѓа ова.
  6. Hipster

    Hipster Форумски идол

    Се зачлени на:
    8 јули 2011
    Сиси не е толку слаба, мислам она е ептен згодна и се тоа, ама толкав струк имаат само Мелиса и Ешли.
    Ешли посебно ја менијачев послаба е и од Мелиса дури.
    Инаку тоа со раката се поубедна сум дека е така, дека е жива и којзнае кој е уствари починат.
    Нели фалат некои листови од аутопсијата?
    Кај се, и зашто да фалат?
    Можда ни близчначката не е мртва, абе се е можно, се.
    На 1209 му/ѝ се допаѓа ова.
  7. Adi888

    Adi888 Форумски идол

    Се зачлени на:
    22 ноември 2010
    Имам едно прашање, шо се случи со бебето на Мелиса, еве 3-та сезона и уште не е породена?
    Ноо вејј дисс :|
  8. black-angel

    black-angel Praefectus Vigilum Член на тимот

    Се зачлени на:
    14 декември 2009
    Мислам дека ќе се открие дека лажела , го има изгубено детето , перница или слично носи
    На Adi888 му/ѝ се допаѓа ова.
  9. prettyliar

    prettyliar Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    14 јуни 2012
    Луѓе јас пак заборавив во колку имаше нова епизода? :^) :D
  10. Youlen

    Youlen Истакнат член

    Се зачлени на:
    6 јануари 2011
    Да се надоврзам на спојлерот од Chocolate

    An other finale,for ep 12x 03 .The producers took pic. and filming as -A : Paige , Caleb and Toby .
    Toby wins.

    Но никогаш не можат да се предвидат работите во серијава, може и некој од нив двајцата ќе излезе на крај

    едит: Еве и една интересна (и прилично долга :angel: ) теорија за "раката".

    "Two can only keep a secret if one of them is dead."

    Just keep an open mind because nothing is as it seems. Let's get to it.

    Keegan (Toby) talking about the 'hand-coming-out-of-the-ground flashback': "Okay, so you get certain teasers in the show throughout the three years, that flashback defines the show. That’s the biggest teaser. It trips me out how big that thing is."

    We're just going to throw it out there since this post is obviously about Emily: Who wouldn't be surprised if it was Emily who dug Alison out? Yes, the other hand you saw in the end of the epsiode was Emily's. Not much clues lead to her, so even the casts would be surprised that it was her who helped Alison. PLL has a habit of reversing the story then revealing it in the end that it was the other way around. Like in this situation, when Emily was carrying a shovel, they made it look like Emily was guilty of burying Alison, but what it could've really meant was, she dug her out—so it would be more surprising when they finally reveal it. Let's be real, when we saw that scene, it came across our minds that Emily may have been the one who buried Alison—because that's what they wanted us to think. Although, in one episode, they already revealed that Emily realized she didn't hurt Alison; but still, since it's PLL, we couldn't really be certain. What's important to remember is that Emily was carrying a shovel the night Ali disappeared and the night Ali's body went missing.

    Season 1 Premiere Holds Many Answers

    It's actually where we got most of our theories.

    Bear this in mind, season 1 premiere and season 3 premiere are almost the same—to make this obvious, the producers even had Aria and Ezra, for lack of better words, remake the first time they met: same clothes, same everything. So if 1 and 3 premieres are the same, what's the point? Let's look further into the details so here's the twist: what they didn't show on S01 premiere, they showed on S03 premiere—clever. If you focus on that thought, you'll figure out the answers to most of your questions. PLL has the habit of making patterns—backwards. Having said that, if you piece things together backwards, you'd be surprised what you'd find: Alison's disappearance every premiere; one person's always missing every premiere; the twins every Halloween (except maybe for S01); and a lot more.

    S01 and S03 similarities: they were drinking; one went missing; and Aria and Ezra's first meeting. There are a few more, but these are the important ones.

    What they added on S03 that they didn't show on S01:

    Basically, most of the answers to the questions on S01 are on S03.

    They were drugged: Emily was drugged and she could barely remember what happened. That explains why they couldn't remember some of what happened and why they had to lie to the police on S01 on what really happened that night. We made a video about this: The biggest lie that started it all.

    They rehearsed what they were going to tell the police: On S01, Wilden mentioned that their statement seemed rehearsed. It was. Just like on S03, they were not sure of what really happened so they lied. They rehearsed what they were going to say. If you haven't read our previous posts, the last part at the barn was a lie. That didn't happen. On S01 and S03: they lied about where they were and what they were doing.

    The shovel: This is the most interesting one. They found Emily at the cemetery. She was carrying a shovel and Ali's body was missing. They made it look like she was guilty. Yes, guilty of helping Alison. She was drugged that night. It was Emily's subconscious doing it which means she's done it before. They made it look like she dug up Ali's body at the cemetery. Well, she did. But they also wanted us to think that she didn't—she's Emily; she couldn't have done that; and she must've been framed by the A team. On the show, if we're not mistaken, they still don't know who dug up Ali's body at the cemetery. It really was Emily. That's another great twist. We think they'll reveal this first before they reveal that she was the one who helped Alison. When they reveal that she was the one who dug up the body, they'll throw the question why. They'll make it look like another big mystery. Unfortunately, us and our readers already know the answer to that question. We're also part of the A team and we just want to ruin the surprise for everyone. Just kidding. But seriously, we're A, and we're everywhere. —A

    Look at the pattern backwards.

    Emily said she mixed up the dreams, which means, she really did talk to Ali that night and she really was carrying a shovel. If they showed the shovel scene first before they showed the hand scene, it would've been easier to figure out. This is just one example. They do this a lot.

    We're not done yet. Things are about to get more interesting.

    The first time we watched S01 premiere, we knew Emily was hiding something. One scene in particular gave it away. Maya told Emily, "They found your friend." Emily excitedly responded, "I KNEW SHE WAS BACK. Is she inside?" Moments before that, Emily told Aria, "We all know she's dead, right?" It was an assertive statement. First question, at that time, Ali was just missing, so how did they know she was dead? Second, If Emily was certain that Ali was dead, why was she excited when she thought Ali was back and didn't even wonder whether it was possible? And she said that she knew she was back, which means, she knew Ali just left—just like most of the characters in Rosewood (read our previous posts if you didn't get this part). She was expecting her to come back. We knew then something wasn't right. Ali has mentioned a few times that she's hiding; in one scene, she said she had to COME BACK and see Hanna no matter how dangerous it was.

    THE KEY: S01 premiere, Emily told her mom, "Not everyone dreams of making it in Rosewood, mom." When her mom turned around, she said, "Some people would dream of making it out." Because it was the first episode, we thought Emily was talking about herself, what we didn't know, she could've been talking about someone else. We know by now she has no plans of leaving Rosewood. She's not even thrilled with the idea of leaving with Paige. Why not is the mystery. What's keeping Emily from leaving Rosewood?

    "Two can only keep a secret if one of them is dead." This is probably one of the biggest mysteries on the show. You'll finally know what it means.

    Ali: "I never told you this, but you were always my favorite. Nobody loved me as much as you did."

    Emily: "Do you know who A is?"
    Ali: "Of course, I do."
    Emily: "You HAVE TO tell me."
    Ali: "I don't think that's a good idea.

    That's when Ali said, "Because two can only keep a secret if one of them is dead." Emily didn't seem surprised. She knew what Ali meant. Ali had to die—or look dead—so Emily could keep the secret. Ali then said, "You have to decide what you want Emily: You can STAY HERE or you can COME WITH ME." If you watch that scene again, you'll know that Emily knew what Ali was talking about. The only thing she didn't know was A's identity. Emily only asked what she didn't know. The latter part of the conversation were things they've already talked about before Ali disappeared. We now know that Emily met with Ali the night she disappeared. That night, Ali asked Emily the same question. Ali asked Emily to come with her. Emily chose to stay; but Ali had to go. That's why she staged the whole thing, so she could leave. People who left or want to leave Rosewood: Jason, the Montgomerys, CeCe, Jenna, Melissa, Garrett, and a few more—but not Emily. When she said, "Not everyone dreams of making it in Rosewood," she was implying that she's one of those. She didn't say, "NO ONE dreams in making it in Rosewood." She said, "NOT EVERYONE," which means there are some or not all. And when she said that some would dream of making it out, she was talking about Ali. Emily has been asked by her mom and Paige to leave town. She doesn't want to. She said yes to Paige, but it's not going to happen. She hasn't been thrilled with the idea of leaving town. She even convinced her mom not to go. She got so desperate that she faked a scholarship letter just so she'd stay. If that action doesn't say much about her willingness to stay, we don't know what does.

    Read this carefully. This holds important answers. On the same conversation:

    Ali: "That BITCH thinks this is what you really want: to be completely free of A."

    Ali referred to the BITCH and A as two separate people or entity; otherwise, she should've said, "to be completely free of HER." Sometimes, just like when Hanna asked her, Ali refers to A as a bitch or a person, which means, A could mean two totally different things. If you read our previous posts, you'll understand this better. —A is Rosewood, the system—no matter how complicated that sounds. That's why Ali said it's very complicated; worse than algebra. Ali knows Emily doesn't want to leave Rosewood; she doesn't want to be completely free of A. Even if you remove Rosewood or the system out of the equation, she meant, Emily doesn't want to be completely free of A. On this conversation, if you treat A as a person—the one trying to hurt them—this wouldn't make sense. Why would Emily not want to be free of A, the person framing them? But if you treat A as a different thing, it would make more sense; that A is something that Emily doesn't want to be free of. One thing she doesn't want to do is leave; one thing she doesn't want to be free of is Rosewood. Ali told Aria that A is everywhere; that she sees A everywhere she turns, and so do all the girls. Listen, she said that because Aria's question was, "DO YOU SEE A?" and not "Do you know WHO A is?" Ali answered bitch to the question who and everywhere to the other question. Not unless bitches are everywhere in Rosewood then that would totally make sense—although, there really are a lot of them in Rosewood.

    To make it easier, let's piece them together: That bitch thinks this is what you really want: to be completely free of A (leave Rosewood). You have to decide what you want, Emily: you can stay here (Rosewood) or you can come with me (free of A). Emily is still in Rosewood.

    The man who made Ali's mask told Emily, "You look like a MEDUSA." Medusa means: GUARDIAN, PROTECTOR. That's a big clue about Emily's character. They're implying that Emily has potected something/someone or she's a protector of something/someone.

    Emily's not the only one keeping secrets from the other liars; otherwise, they would've known what really happened that night a long time ago. Ali said, "The FOUR of you combined, you remember more about that night than you think you do."

    This is just a theory. We can't really be certain until they've finally revealed it.


    Emily knew Ali was alive when she went missing.
    It was Emily who helped the girl who was buried—regardless whether it was Alison or not.
    Before she went missing, Alison asked Emily to go with her. Emily chose to stay.
    We already know that Ali wanted Jenna to think that she's dead. All she needed to do was make everyone think she's dead so she staged her death and left Rosewood.
    Similarities of S01 and S03 premieres and what they added on S03 which they didn't show on S01.
    —A is not just a person; it could also mean a totally different thing.
    На Chocolate.me му/ѝ се допаѓа ова.
  11. Tiki-lolipop

    Tiki-lolipop Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    11 јануари 2013
    ^Мислам во 2 :)
  12. MandyLane

    MandyLane Форумски идол

    Се зачлени на:
    9 август 2011
    Супер епизода.
    По нешто се откри, колку-толку.
    Се си мислам дека серијава стана подобра, зашто патетичниот Езра ретко го има, скоро ич. Тоа ќе да е. :lol:
    На 1209 му/ѝ се допаѓа ова.
  13. prettyliar

    prettyliar Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    14 јуни 2012
    Супер епизода,фала богу се откри нешто.Ама па сега ништо не сфаќам,ако Мелиса го убила Вилден тогаш Ешли сигурно и помогнала некако.И кога Мелиса рече:ние се плашиме од Вилден мислам дека мислеше за неа,Сиси и Ешли зашто незнам кој друг се плаши од него. :)
  14. Elena69221

    Elena69221 Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    8 август 2011
    Не знам дали да продолжам да ја гледам серијава... премногу го "тупат", ама ај барем добивам инспирација да нови модни комбинации. Преееубаво се облекуваат. Посебно Хана <3
    На Adi888 му/ѝ се допаѓа ова.
  15. Maca-BT

    Maca-BT Истакнат член

    Се зачлени на:
    31 јули 2011
    По епизодата составив една теорија за смртта на Алисон и ја објавив само на Tumblr, ама како шо гледам доста од вас ги интересират теорите па ќе ја постирам и тука во спојлер *само на англиски пошто ме мрзи да преведвам* :)
    Alison’s death – THEORY
    What IF she did fake her own death? It sounds VERY logical, and here’s why:

    - A was threatening Alison for a while, and she did everything she could to find out who that person is. What if she dug to deep & got herself in an even more messier situation?
    - Ali’s mom told Hanna that when the body was found, all she had to do is look at the yellow sweater and know that the dead body was her daughter. The body was found a year after she ‘was killed’ which means that the corpse has already started to fall apart and all the visible characteristics were already gone. Also, WHEN a body is identified by a family member, the procedure of DNA analysis is not needed – and the Pathologist skips right up to the autopsy.
    - Alison threatened Byron to expose his secret if he didn’t gave her money ASAP….but she also went rushing to the mask-guy to get the money they agreed on ….

    My theory is that while trying to expose A and everything connected to it, Alison, got herself in a deep mess that she couldn’t get out off – unless she was dead. As the smart girl she was, she pulled some strings & manipulated some people, into faking her own death – and leading the whole town to believe that Alison DiLaurentis was dead and gone. Which on her account was a positive thing, because if EVERYONE believed she was dead, so did A. With that she bought herself some time to operate undetected from the outside, and resolve everything once and for all. In order to pull that off she needed a lot of cash - and that’s why she tried blackmailing Byron and ‘sold’ her face to the Mask-guy - to get money FAST, and in the easiest way possible - and a trustworthy ‘partner’ to help her cover up everything up a.k.a Emily Fields.
    За новата епизода немам ништо посебно да кажам, освен дека ИЧ не ме бендиса монтажата...и дека премногу ќеф ми се напрај шо го немаше Езра 8)
    На MandyLane му/ѝ се допаѓа ова.
  16. figgiMK

    figgiMK Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    23 декември 2010
    многуу мннноогууу непотребна ситуација е ова со Емили и со Социјалната служба ... значи навистина незнам зошто воопшто го ставиа тоа ... Мајка која раб во полиција татко воено лице и оппп социјалци..
    Ми се допадна Пејџ со тоа што ја поткрепи начисто и секако и дава надеж за пливањето !!
    Сакам Арија да си е со новиот зош ми и е 100000000 пати подобар и поубав од ЕЗРА..
    Мелиса не е убиец ..според мене ке испадне дека некој сосема 10ти го има убиено затоа што навистина имаше мнн мнн пари во банката и ке испадне дека имал мнн мнн прљаво минато ..
    и плусс мнн ме нервира Ешли што не и ја кажува вистината на ХАНА ...како може родителот да лаже а да очекува детето да не лаже?
  17. Tiki-lolipop

    Tiki-lolipop Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    11 јануари 2013
    Оваа Мелиса ми е многу чудна и непревидлива,во една епизода глуми лоша кучка,во др епизода ја прават жртва демек ја заштитувала сестра и блабла :^) Како и да е уште ми е одвратна..
    -Маската на крај на Вилден беше?
  18. Nati.P

    Nati.P Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    16 април 2011
    Навистина, чија беше маската на крајот?
    Мислам дека Мелиса крие нешто во врска со убиството на Вилден и има врска со тоа.
  19. Mishela

    Mishela Модератор Член на тимот

    Се зачлени на:
    19 август 2010
    Зарем не беше тоа маската на Мелиса?
    Една од копиите кои ги фрли во водата. :?:
  20. prettyliar

    prettyliar Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    14 јуни 2012
    Да,да таа беше :)