Dark Souls: Healing and Recovering from Toxic Relationships-Мрачни Души:Закрепнување од токсични врски-Сара Струдвич. Вакво нешто прв пат читам и многу ми се допадна.Претставува психолошки профил на нарциси,психопати и социопати.Иако не ја разбирам психологијата и начинот на кој функционираат анализите,ова книгиче е "master piece".Толку детално и интересно опишани настаните и нефункционалните врски во нашиот живот,ме остави импресионирана.Препорачувам за читање,за оние кои сакаат да разберат што всушност се одвива и како размислува човекот во глобала. Еве некои извадоци во спојлер што се многу вистинити,имам уште 50тина страни за читање. Спојлер -Аs children, we aren't given the opportunity to choose our beliefs; we just agree with the information passed down to us. As children, we learn to trust in everything that our parents and teachers tell us. If we grow up believing ourselves to be beautiful and intelligent, then that becomes our reality. If we grow up believing we are stupid or lazy, we would equally accept that as our reality. -When the relationship is finally over and you clean up after all of the mess they have left you with, you look back at the relationship and realise that you had literally been conned. You were gaslighted to the point of oblivion. You are left anxious, confused, and less able to trust your own memory and perception. You may have lost all sense of reality and you may feel like you have literally been in a trance for the whole time you were with them. . You look back and wonder what did you ever see in him? You may even ask yourself “What was I Smoking?”. The superficial façade that they portrayed to suck you into his game falls away, and you are left with the image of a cardboard cut-out, without any substance whatsoever. You are left wondering who was this person I fell in love with? And you look in their eyes and see nothing but a person lacking in spirit being carried around in an empty shell: a Dark Soul.
Моментално ја читам Московска сага-А.Д Милер На половина сум и неможам се уште да разберам што се случува Не ми се допаѓа