Ја добив како подарок за роденден. Криминал. Доминантна жена. Полн погодок е подароков Имам некои 50-60 страни прочитани, добра е, интригантна. Иако на моменти има премногу раскажување и описи, се трудам да останам сконцентрирана на приказната и на заплетот.
My Heart and Other Black Holes - Jasmine Warga Морам да го прочитам книгичево пред да почнам со The Nightingale. Насловот ептен ми се допадна, само што ја видов ја симнав и ја ставив на киндл. Книга со таков наслов треба да е добро напишана. Макар што е YA.
незнам дали ја има, јас на англиски ја читав не би ја препорачала не беше многу добра книга 237 страни , приказната е некако глупа и се повторува цело време има 2 вакви книги во серија оваа е првата , и втората се вика Perfect Lies имам напишано review на книгава на goodreads.com на англиски, ќе го ставам во споилер Спојлер They say don't judge books by their cover, but it is true that the cover of this book caught my eye first. I mean c'mon how can you not love a combination of sky blue with pink lips and a beautiful girl on it. Anyways, when I first got this book in my hand I read the little summary on the back to see if I will be interested and I ended up getting the book. And let me tell you, this book was a waste of my time absolutely hate it.. It's about these two sisters Fia and Annie. And oh my god, you will be so confused on the beginning of the book up until like page 50. It's written from two points of view Fia's and Annie's and also in different time periods. This was really confusing and even when I was almost done with the book I found myself lost in many parts of it, where I just don't know what's going on. Anyways the story was horrible. Annie and Fia are sisters that are living inside this psychic school because their parents died and because Annie is blind. This Fia girl is how I like to call here ''the crime girl''. But all they talk about are how they should protect each other, but Fia keeps doing some dumb stuff and then she keeps coming back to the thought that she has to protect her sister, and at the end , at the freaking end she freaking kills her -_- I don't want to get too much into the details of the story but Sorry for spoiling if you haven't read the book yet, but the story seemed unprofessionally written and a lot of parts were repeating over and over it was 237 pages of crap.(less)