усни да ти бакнувам,нежно да те преграм да ти признам љубена дека си ми се, срце не се лекува, ќе те сакам довека, ниедно сеќавање немам без тебе тошеееее.... поздрав до моето цуце слатко
So you brought out the best of me, A part of me I'd never seen. You took my soul and wiped it clean. Our love was made for movie screens.
You're in my mind all of the time I know that's not enough If the sky can crack, there must be some way back For love and only love Electrical storm..
'Cause I never want to see you sad,boy,don't be a bad boy... Спојлер Си го сменив girl со boy Mr.Big-Wild world..
Zivim zbog drugih meni je svejedno posle tebe potop nista nije vredno podmuklo zaboli kao kvarni zubi istina je da se samo jednom ljubi
И кога не те знаев, знаев дека ќе те сретнам тебе нашите ѕвездени срца си се влечат меѓу себе како магнетни сили секој миг си даваат знак преку континенти и океани да се спојат пак
So when you feel Like trying again Reach out take my hand See how great it could be? To fall in love With someone you can trust Cous you are all that He needs Baby take a chance on me Baby take a chance on me
What about love? What about our promises? What about love? You take it all and leave me nothing What about love? What about us to the end? What about love? You cut my wings, now I am falling What about love?
'Cause we're one and the same We're anything but ordinary One and the same I think we're almost legendary <3 Hit the lights, let the music move you Lose yourself tonight, come alive Let the moment take you, lose control tonight Hit the lights, let the music move you Lose yourself tonight, come alive Let the moment take you, lose control tonight
Don't stop, stop the music! We ride fast like a bullet We do anything we want, anytime we want Oh yeah, oh yeah! We just ride, ride, ride all day! We're not gonna live any other way!
Tell them I was happy And my heart is broken All my scars are open Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible, impossible Impossible, impossible
I can get your heart beat beat-beat-beatin' like I can get your heart beat beatin' like that You know you got my heart beat beat-beat-beatin' like Hey-ay ay-ay Hey-ay-ay