Кога ќе те видам, ветувам, дека сè ќе направам. За нас, за нас времето лета, на нас, на нас љубовта чека. Нема ден, нема ноќ да не мислам на тебе кога лето доаѓа. Х2 Те сакам, ти признавам.
Тој поглед сè ми значи Ќе ти дарам топла душа Твоето срце лед што зрачи Ќе се стопи, ќе ме слуша И би дарил вишни неба Дај ми место покрај себе Ти си сонот што ми треба Никој не е како тебе И ледена и медена, се правиш своја Но, вечерва, ќе посакаш да бидеш моја И ледена и медена, ти каква да си Верувај ми ќе нема кој, кој да те спаси
I sto put sam prekidala I sto put nisam izdrzala U toj ljubavi bez ljubavi Zauvek bi s`tobom ostala... I nema vise iluzija I nema vise agonije Tvoje srce drugoj pripada A ja sve do kraja bicu ti SEks posle raskida... Seks posle raskida...
You always knew just how to make me cry And never did I ask you questions why It seems you get your kicks from hurting me Don't try to understand me Because your words just aren't enough
Ref. [Andiamo e segui questo ritmo per muovere il corpo] Pusti glas i glasno zapjevaj [Andiamo e segui questo ritmo per muovere il corpo] Zar to nije dobar osjećaj [Ale, ale, ale, ale...] Nađi nekog za sebe i ljubi se satima [Ale, ale, ale, ale...] Nova ljubav te čeka pred vratima. Severina-Italiana
Maybe find you all the things it took to save us I could fix the pain that bleeds inside of me Look in your eyes 'til I see there's something about me I'm standing on the edge and I don't know what else to give
Ne, ovako ne mogu dalje oh Boze moj, sto mi ga saljes sto cu sa njim ma nije mi ljubav pala s Marsa moj je zivot pusta farsa ja mu ne dam da upozna bol...
Знаеш Бог е тој што плаче за нас? Тој ни дава утеха за нас. Кога ноќта од мрак во утро се претвора Бог ни дава нас светлина....
Don't you feel sad, there never was a story, obviously it'll never be..! Opet mi je nebo plavo, i sve kao nekad ravno, a to sto mi srcu prija, tebe ubija... Tacno je da sam ponekad vise popila da sam se s nekim drugim topila i tvoje snove sve potopila Nekoi delovi od pesni me bas pogoduvaat
If I could turn back time I'll go wherever you will go If I could make you mine I'll go wherever you will go..
Како првиот ден јас те сакам тебе ... Како првиот ден јас те барам тебе... Како првиот ден јас те сонам тебе секој миг секој час....
The sun is shining, but everything's dying Your star has burned out for good, somewhere in Hollywood. I swear you told me, that you'd be my life support Guess I misunderstood, you were my deadlihood.
Ma sta ce ti takva sreca, aman, aman? Da ona te na me sjeca, aman, aman. Malo si popio, vec spavas mi pred vratima. Ja kao zaspala, a ovaj tren cekam nocima. Posle mene sve su ti samo trag karmina… (glavobolja za tvoje) Posle mene nijedna dobra ti nije bila... (Jer nema nista moje) Ma posle mene sve ti je samo posteljina... (Ma nek se tela znoje) Posle mene, posle mene si sam, sam, sam, sam, sam...
I thought I heard the door open, oh no, I thought I heard the door open but I only heard it close. I thought I heard a plane crashing, but now I think it was your passion snapping. I think you saw me confronting my fear, it went up with a bottle and went down with the beer and I think you ought to stay away from here there are ghosts in the walls and they crawl in your head through your ear. I think I saw you in my sleep, lover, I think I saw you in my dreams you were stitching up the seams on every mangled promise that your body couldn't keep. I think I saw you in my sleep.
We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, year after year, Running over the same old ground. What have you found? The same old fears. Wish you were here.
Standing in the front yard, telling me How I'm such a fool, talking 'bout I'll never ever find a man like you You got me twisted You must not know 'bout me You must not know 'bout me I can have another you in a minute Matter fact, he'll be here in a minute (baby) You must not know 'bout me You must not know 'bout me I can have another you by tomorrow So don't you ever for a second get to thinkin' You're irreplaceable?
Hey maybe we can stay Maybe we can lay like this forever. Don't you know she is my favorite girl I want to run away for days with her And if you promise not to say a thing I'm gonna buy that girl a diamond ring. ова некој да ми го пее