But touch my tears with your lips Touch my world with your fingertips And we can have forever And we can love forever Forever is our today
It's a damn cold night Trying to figure out this life Won't you Take me by the hand take me somewhere new I don't know who you are but I I'm with you, I'm with you...
Љубам душа сродна Душа сродна, љубов родна И низ полско цвеќе Играм ко пеперутка Газам боса трева росна Трчам и одам До кај него да пристигнам Летам ко ластовица Во небото летам Да го сретнам, да останам
There's always gonna be another mountain I'm always gonna wanna make it move Always gonna be an uphill battle Sometimes you're gonna have to lose Ain't about how fast I get there Ain't about what's waiting on the other side It's the climb Keep on moving Keep climbing Keep the faith, baby It's all about, it's all about the climb Keep your faith, keep your faith Whoa-ooh-oh
Yo soy la madre, I'm the creator Yo soy la reina, I am the maker You can bow down now or bow down later I don't need you to be my validator
Памет и мудрост се различни нешта но нејќеше, да сфатиш на време.. војна и мир ко на планина во вир, стана влажно се, па стана ладно се. .... а сега носи се... на рамениците, кај спомениците.
Tu sam, tu ostajem Za nama zatvaram sve Vrata i prozore Da ova ljubav nikad ne pobjegne Srećom pa se isti nadju I Bog nekad krivom crtom Piše pravo Al’ dok čovijek sebi luta Ko će znati što je krivo A što pravo Odjednom mojim je mukama došao kraj Sada u tvojim sam rukama tako sigurna
I felt compelled to enquire of her success How do you do how can you be so in love with yourself Tell me please cause I need help She said Every time you are succeeding There's an old man somewhere, seething And spite's as good a reason to take his power When you hate the body you are in Oh love, you're acting just for him
I wanna pull you, pull you even farther I wanna feel you, feel you tryin harder I wanna hear you, hear you whisper why I wanna kiss you Just a little kiss goodbye I'm the one who found you I'll tell you what I want to do I've got you in my system Your heart is beating faster I'll be your disaster The temperature is rising Can you feel it
Ти си најдрага моја темна страна. Ќе избледат на нас подеднако среќата и тагата. Но ти и јас исто ќе значиме на секој јазик љубов.
Имав една желба, стара тајна Како простум што се гали, таа сјајна Кога мислев како те нема Брзо сиот здив ми го зема Ти ми дојде, јас будна сета Мислев како ноќе ми бегаш ... Мило милно да те свијам Свое место да те скријам Небо пее, небо ми се смее Толку те љубам, во тебе се губам
A smack on the wrists is the words from the mouth of the outsiders, lawyers, police A small price to pay for the dope and the guns and the rape It should all be O.K Your father is rich, he's the judge, he's the man He's the god that got your sentence reduced But in the back of his mind, he well knows what he'd find If he looked a little deeper in you. Pantera - Drag the Waters