Да се живи и здрави твоите стари, постојат ствари што не се купуваат со пари... Приказна раскажана од збор до збор, многу прашања, но без одговор. Ти ми требаш да се утешам, да си помогнам сама неможам. Сара - Слаткаристика
If I'll never fall in love again Well at least I got my friends Like a life boat in the dark Saving me from the sharks Even though I got a broken heart At least I got my friends, got my friends, got my friends, got my friends Well at least I got my friends
If I die young, bury me in satin Lay me down on a, bed of roses Sink me in the river, at dawn Send me away with the words of a love song.
Power to the people We don't want it We want pleasure And the TVs try to rape us And I guess that they're succeeding And we're going to these meetings But we're not doing any meeting And we're trying to be faithful, but we're Cheating, cheating, cheating I'm the hero of the story Don't need to be saved http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DOQ3R3MNcv8
нај тажен дел.....rukuju se rukuju oni koi putuju,kad se dvoje rastaju oni zorom druguju ќе ми недостигаш мил мој....
Спојлер Laku noc - Adil Kome se tuzna radujes i usne darujes da mu budu lek ko crta onaj osmeh tvoj sto skinuo je moj sa lica zauvek ? Laku noc ti jos pozelim svaku noc i kad nisi moja ti lepo sanjaj, ljubavi Ne znam kol'ko njih za tobom uzdise ali jedno znam ko te voli najvise
If "Happy Ever After" did exist, I would still be holding you like this All those fairy tales are full of shit One more fucking love song, I'll be sick.
Кажи ми, че за ден била е по-добра от мене тя, няма нищо аз да чуя, ДА, всяка дума е лъжа. Само аз така целувам, само аз така горя, само аз обичам от душа. Тя не може да е като мен, да те пари всеки ден, да те гали с устни алени. Тя не може запомни. Не, не може да е като мен, да обича всеки ден. Тя не може с мен да се сравни, не не може запомни.
I am leaving you You are leaving me We've sung our song And we chose to roll on Although this love never fades It's time to forget the road we never traveled along
није твоја љубав ствар да би ти је вратио гледај то сам само ја увек сам те волео није моја љубав ствар па да незнам шта чу сњом желим ти све најбоље то мо је бродолом....
Oooooh Can you feel me when I think about you? With every breath I take Every minute, no matter what I do My world is an empty place Like I've been wondering the desert For a thousand days Don't know if it's a mirage But I always see your face, baby I'm missing you so much Can't help it, I'm in love A day without you is like a year without rain I need you by my side Don't know how I'll survive A day without you is like a year without rain Ooh, woooaaahh woaahh
y esto que no era amor, lo que hoy niegas lo que dices que nunca paso es el mas dulce recuerdo de mi vida
Tell me I'm your National Anthem Ooh, yeah, baby, bow down Making me so wow, wow Tell me I'm your National Anthem Sugar, sugar, how now Take your body down town Red, white, blue's in the sky Summer's in the air and Baby, heaven's in your eyes I'm your National Anthem