Aliado seré, tu escudo seré, tu seguro tu protector, quien despierte en ti el amor. Aliado seré, tu ángel seré, un aliado de tu destino, pondré luz en tu camino.
Како шо растам така посветените песни се менуваат. Моментално ми е “Милион долари“ од Архангел. Се пронаоѓам во песната, моментално, овие неколку месеци ми го опишува животот.
Catch me if I fall I'm losing hold I can't just carry on this way And every time I turn away Lose another blind game The idea of perfection holds me Suddenly I see you change Everything at once The same But the mountain never moves Rape me like a child Christened in blood Painted like an unknown saint There's nothing left but hope Your voice is dead And old And always empty Trust in me through closing years Perfect moments wait If only we could stay Please Say the right words Or cry like the stone white clown And stand forever Lost forever in a happy crowd No one lifts their hands No one lifts their eyes Justified with empty words The party just gets better and better I went away alone With nothing left But faith
Си ги имам пишано на тетратка по широки и тесни стиховите, да ми шушкаат, бледо. Stars Will Lead The Way, stars will light the sky Stars will fall through now for you and I From the darkest days to the darkest side There is a long trail stretching here to you and I