Форумџика на годината
  1. Овој сајт користи колачиња неопходни за неговото функционирање. Ако продолжиш да го користиш, значи се согласуваш со нашата употреба на колачиња. Прочитај повеќе.

Текстови на песни

Дискусија во 'Музика' започната од Mimi, 12 ноември 2009.

  1. Dee

    Dee Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    4 јануари 2013
    Scorpions- "Still Loving You"

    Time, it needs time
    To win back your love again
    I will be there, I will be there
    Love, only love
    Can bring back your love someday
    I will be there, I will be there

    I'll fight, babe, I'll fight
    To win back your love again
    I will be there, I will be there
    Love, only love
    Can break down the wall someday
    I will be there, I will be there

    If we'd go again
    All the way from the start
    I would try to change
    The things that killed our love
    Your pride has built a wall, so strong
    That I can't get through
    Is there really no chance
    To start once again
    I'm loving you

    Try, baby try
    To trust in my love again
    I will be there, I will be there
    Love, our love
    Just shouldn't be thrown away
    I will be there, I will be there

    If we'd go again
    All the way from the start
    I would try to change
    The things that killed our love
    Your pride has built a wall, so strong
    That I can't get through
    Is there really no chance
    To start once again

    If we'd go again
    All the way from the start
    I would try to change
    The things that killed our love
    Yes, I've hurt your pride, and I know
    What you've been through
    You should give me a chance
    This can't be the end
    I'm still loving you
    I'm still loving you, I need your love
    I'm still loving you
  2. Petunia-Queen

    Petunia-Queen Истакнат член

    Се зачлени на:
    11 мај 2013
    Summer wine

    Strawberries Cherries And An Angel's Kiss In Spring
    My Summer Wine Is Really Made From All These Things

    I Walked In Town On Silver Spurs That Jingled To
    A Song That I Had Only Sang To Just A Few
    She Saw My Silver Spurs And Said Let's Pass Some Time
    And I Will Give To You Summer Wine
    Ohh-Oh-Oh Summer Wine

    Strawberries Cherries And An Angel's Kiss In Spring
    My Summer Wine Is Really Made From All These Things
    Take Off Your Silver Spurs And Help Me Pass The Time
    And I Will Give To You Summer Wine
    Ohh-Oh-Oh Summer Wine

    My Eyes Grew Heavy And My Lips They Could Not Speak
    I Tried To Get Up But I Couldn't Find My Feet
    She Reassured Me With An Unfamiliar Line
    And Then She Gave To Me More Summer Wine
    Ohh-Oh-Oh Summer Wine

    Strawberries Cherries And An Angel's Kiss In Spring
    My Summer Wine Is Really Made From All These Things
    Take Off Your Silver Spurs And Help Me Pass The Time
    And I Will Give To You Summer Wine
    Ohh-Oh-Oh Summer Wine

    When I Woke Up The Sun Was Shining In My Eyes
    My Silver Spurs Were Gone My Head Felt Twice It's Size
    She Took My Silver Spurs A Dollar And A Dime
    And Left Me Cravin' For More Summer Wine
    Ohh-Oh-Oh Summer Wine

    Strawberries Cherries And An Angel's Kiss In Spring
    My Summer Wine Is Really Made From All These Things
    Take Off Your Silver Spurs And Help Me Pass The Time
    And I Will Give To You Summer Wine
    Ohh-Oh-Oh Summer Wine

    Многу ја сакам песнава :inlove: !
  3. Emily.Pan

    Emily.Pan Активен член

    Се зачлени на:
    2 октомври 2013
    Elitni Odredi Ft. Frka i Ana Mashulovic - Niko ne voli

    Ljudi veruju da zivot je usputna stavnica,
    kao da vecnost je vatra a njihov zivot varnica...
    Greska klasicna,zivis u necemu daleko od istine,
    slazes pajse,a slazes u glavi al onda zivot pritisne,
    previse posla previse bola,
    slika od jedanput prsne,pa realnost ostane gola,
    tad budi spreman da zablistas il nestanes,
    otvori oci vidi svet,zar zelis biti deo te prestave,
    pritisak gura na pogresne smernice,
    tera da zuris,tera da juris,
    tera da gubis i ludis pa zmuris,
    al sklopljenih ociju se ne luta po plocniku,
    ma koliko da se nadas-padas to su pravila grada,
    zivotom svojim vladaj,
    kad treba udarac zadaj,
    svet je okrutan prema nekima ti se sine laktaj,
    odaberi najsjajniju zvezdu i ne ispustaj pravac..
    Ako gledas u zemlju ne ucis da letis vec da padas...
    Al ja verujem u tebe i vatru u tvojim ocima,
    ti si dzoker,kombinacija koja mora da dobija,
    ti si taj papirni zmaj koji kupujem svojim snovima,
    sad pustam da vetar te oduva,ostani jak i uzivaj...

    Niko ne voli ruzan san,
    koji im nudi ovaj grad,
    niko ne voli sa suzama da bori se sam,
    a ti nemoj bezati samo se dizi od tla,
    samo juri taj plan,
    a nebo uvek ceka jer nebo je kraj...

    Ljudi veruju u stvari sto ocekuju,
    ti cekas ljude oni druge stvari cekaju,
    cekaju priliku kad primakne se prava,
    zaborave i brata,brate,reci sta ces sada.
    Video si noc i njoj video bol,
    video si zlo svaki blok je bol,
    ja sam setao bez ikoga kada krene nizbrdo,
    nekad popijem i bezim da bi sranje izdrzo.
    Vratim se kuci,brate,opet zora,
    legnes i pitas,brate,dokle moram,
    ja nisam mogao,brate,nesto da presecem,
    i djavo mi se smeje i kroz smeh me pita:''Gde ces''?
    ja bez odgovora,odgovora sebi i drugima,
    ko bez bola hoda on je dobar sebi i drugima.
    Setao po kraju tu mi beton nice,kume,
    da ulica je zena mi bi snimili duet...
    Ali je spremna na revans kada sebe joj uzmes,
    budi svoj i nedaj da te uzme,druze...


    Video si ulicu,pa kako ti se cini?
    Jeste svuda tama djavo seta u blizini,
    Dal si vido kraj,jesil ga zavoleo?
    Ja jesam jos od prvog dana kada sam prohodao,
    a kad te neko pita nesto reci,brate,neznam,
    i bolje je da neznas,svaki zivot jeste sjeban.
    U kraju imam drugove al retko ko je trezan,
    naopako do zore,a onda sve iz pocetka.
    Sve je tamno,bar se zivoti takvi vode,
    pa nevidi se ni sta bolje ni gore ni dole,
    ako imas problem resavaj ga sto pre,
    jer zivot ovde prodje kao vetar preko vode.
    Kada budes lego izaberi svoj san,
    zivi zivot takav,brate,zivi svaki dan.
    Kada budes hteo zakoraci jos dalje,
    zivot nema granice nebo pozdrave ti salje...
  4. Umbrella22

    Umbrella22 Форумски идол

    Се зачлени на:
    6 август 2012
    Sergej Cetkovic - Pogledi u tami

    Gledaš me kao da se znamo
    stranca dva eto to smo samo

    Pricaj mi gdje si ti bila dok lile su kiše
    nek' ova noc na tebe miriše

    Gledam te, hodamo lagano
    osjecam kao da vec dugo mi se znamo
    Deja vu
    Sve vec podsjeca na prošle dane
    Ruke u hodu dodir blag
    Ti i ja

    A kada odu svi
    Mi ostacemo sami
    Samo ja i ti
    i pogledi u tami
    Reci mi da znam
    da jutro nije blizu
    da ima vremena
    za poljupce u nizu

    Gledam te kroz ovu noc što pada
    Stranca dva, pod svjetlima smo dušo
    ovog grada...
  5. donnalia

    donnalia Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    1 јуни 2013
    Scorpions When The Smoke Is Going Down

    Just when you make your way back home
    I find some time to be alone
    I go to see the place once more
    Just like a thousand nights before

    I climb the stage again this night
    'Cause the place seems still alive
    When the smoke is going down

    This is the place where I belong
    I really love to turn you on
    I've got your sound still in my ear
    While your traces disappear

    I climb the stage again this night
    'Cause the place seems still alive
    When the smoke is going down
    I climb the stage again this night
    'Cause the place seems still alive
    When the smoke is going down
    When the smoke is going down
    When the smoke is going down
  6. HelloKityy

    HelloKityy Истакнат член

    Се зачлени на:
    3 јуни 2012
    so lock up your daughter, lock up you wife, lock up your back door and run for you life..
  7. Umbrella22

    Umbrella22 Форумски идол

    Се зачлени на:
    6 август 2012
    Stevie Wonder - I Just Called To Say I Love You

    No New Year's Day to celebrate
    No chocolate covered candy hearts to give away
    No first of spring
    No song to sing
    In fact here's just another ordinary day

    No April rain
    No flowers bloom
    No wedding Saturday within the month of June
    But what it is, is something true
    Made up of these three words that I must say to you

    I just called to say I love you
    I just called to say how much I care
    I just called to say I love you
    And I mean it from the bottom of my heart

    No summer's high
    No warm July
    No harvest moon to light one tender August night
    No autumn breeze
    No falling leaves
    Not even time for birds to fly to southern skies

    No Libra sun
    No Halloween
    No giving thanks to all the Christmas joy you bring
    But what it is, though old so new
    To fill your heart like no three words could ever do

    I just called to say I love you
    I just called to say how much I care, I do
    I just called to say I love you
    And I mean it from the bottom of my heart

    I just called to say I love you
    I just called to say how much I care, I do
    I just called to say I love you
    And I mean it from the bottom of my heart, of my heart,
    of my heart

    I just called to say I love you
    I just called to say how much I care, I do
    I just called to say I love you
    And I mean it from the bottom of my heart, of my heart,
    baby of my heart
  8. lana.del-rey

    lana.del-rey Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    25 февруари 2013
    Тони Зен - Сетила

    Ми мириса на контињери мрсни со зејтин,
    Ми мириса на канализација оган и бензин,
    Мириса на ХГ навечер и денски,
    А кога има проблеми градов смрди на тензии,
    Мириса на фрки гуми чкрипат коли бесни,
    Мириса на конкуренција борба за престиж,
    Корне сегде профит бзди сегде презир,
    Никој не е мирен затоа труе на немир,
    Ееј од сегде осеќам мирис на безсвет,
    Под стрес сте ставени сме како мачиња со пес,
    Некој го прима од позади некој му го дава,
    Сегде мириса на секс,сегде оргии се прават,
    Мирис на моќ кога проекти се градат,
    И паѓаат луѓе доле од аромата се гадат,
    Вадат од такт миризбите кога некој лаже,
    Само отвори сетила и осети како се краде,

    Сите сетила ги будам и ги острам,
    Додека го движам патот во мене го носам,
    Мирисот на бизнис,мирисот на пари,
    Гледам сегде профит и слушам само лаги,
    Сите сетила ги будам и ги острам,
    Додека го движам патот во мене го носам,
    Мирисот на ѓубре,цвеќиња и трева,
    Отрови кои шетаат по градови и села.

    Гледам изгубени луѓе,слушам изгубени души,
    Гледам и луѓе замижуваат затнуваат уши,
    Не гуши воздухот наокулу,кој се може да сруши,
    Не е битно што си слушнал,битно муабет да кружи,
    Да бидам конкретен многу мириса на лага,
    Осеќам радост и тага,гледам кога некој лета па паѓа,
    Носталгија не враќа назад на почетна трака,
    Мирисот на детство,братство и единство игри пред зграда,
    Излупена фасада,баба дедо тато мама,
    Мирисот на ајвар значи зимата тропа на врата,
    Струјата е скапа,водата си тече,
    И мириса на страв пошто криза сече,
    Сетилата ги острам уште како мало дете,
    Често гледам тажни луѓе,ретко кој е среќен,
    Од бетонот цвеќе,во џунгла на асфалтот,
    И покрај сите пречки сеуште го движам патот,

    Сите сетила ги будам и ги острам,
    Додека го движам патот во мене го носам,
    Мирисот на бизнис,мирисот на пари,
    Гледам сегде профит и слушам само лаги,
    Сите сетила ги будам и ги острам,
    Додека го движам патот во мене го носам,
    Мирисот на ѓубре,цвеќиња и трева,
    Отрови кои шетаат по градови и села.

  9. sadgirl21

    sadgirl21 Форумски идол

    Се зачлени на:
    30 јануари 2013
    "Don't You Remember"-Adele

    When will I see you again?
    You left with no goodbye,
    Not a single word was said,
    No final kiss to seal any sins,
    I had no idea of the state we were in,

    I know I have a fickle heart and a bitterness,
    And a wandering eye, and heaviness in my head,

    But don't you remember?
    Don't you remember?
    The reason you loved me before,
    Baby, please remember me once more,

    When was the last time you thought of me?
    Or have you completely erased me from your memory?
    I often think about where I went wrong,
    The more I do, the less I know,

    But I know I have a fickle heart and a bitterness,
    And a wandering eye, and a heaviness in my head,

    But don't you remember?
    Don't you remember?
    The reason you loved me before,
    Baby, please remember me once more,

    Gave you the space so you could breathe,
    I kept my distance so you would be free,
    And hoped that you'd find the missing piece,
    To bring you back to me,

    Why don't you remember?
    Don't you remember?
    The reason you loved me before,
    Baby, please remember me once more,

    When will I see you again?
  10. Marossa

    Marossa Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    8 септември 2012
    The Script-Six degrees od separation

    You've read the books,
    You've watched the shows,
    What's the best way no one knows, yeah,
    Meditate, get hypnotized.
    Anything to take from your mind.
    But it won't go

    You're doing all these things out of desperation,
    Ohhh woah,
    You're going through six degrees of separation.

    You hit the drink, you take a toke.
    Watch the past go up in smoke.
    Fake a smile, yeah, lie and say that,
    I'm better now than ever, and your life's okay
    Well it's not. No
    You're doing all these things out of desperation,
    Ohhh woah,
    You're going through six degrees of separation.

    First, you think the worst is a broken heart
    What's gonna kill you is the second part
    And the third, is when your world splits down the middle
    And fourth, you're gonna think that you fixed yourself
    Fifth, you see them out with someone else
    And the sixth, is when you admit that you may have messed up a little.

    (No, no, there ain't no help, it's every man for himself)

    You tell your friends, yeah, strangers too,
    Anyone'll throw an arm around you, yeah
    Tarot cards,
    Gems and stones,
    Believing all that shit is gonna heal your soul.
    We'll it's not, no

    You're only doing things out of desperation,
    Ohhh woah,
    You're goin' through six degrees of separation.


    No there's no starting over,
    Without finding closure,
    You'd take them back,
    No hesitation,
    That's when you know you've reached the sixth degree of separation
  11. sadgirl21

    sadgirl21 Форумски идол

    Се зачлени на:
    30 јануари 2013
    "Wish I Was Your Lover"-Enrique Inglesias

    You know I got this feeling that I just can't hide

    I tried to tell you how I feel
    I tried to tell you but I'm weak
    Words don't come easily
    When you get close I shiver
    I watch you when you smile
    I watch you when you cry
    And I still don't understand
    I can't find a way to tell you

    I wish I was your lover
    I wish that you were mine
    Baby I've got this feeling
    That I just can't hide

    Don't try to run away
    There's many things I wanna say
    No matter how it ends
    Just hold me when I tell you

    I wish I was your lover
    I wish that you were mine
    Baby I got this feeling
    That I just can't hide

    All I need is a miracle
    Oh baby all I need is you
    All I need is to love you girl
    Oh baby all I need is you
    Baby you

    I wish I was your lover
    I wish that you were mine
    Baby I got this feeling
    That I just can't hide [3x]

    Just wanna be your lover
    Just wanna be the one
    Let me be your lover
    Let me be the one
  12. an4ii

    an4ii Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    29 октомври 2013
    "Hoy Tengo Ganas De Ti"
    (with Alejandro Fernandez)
    (originally by Miguel Gallardo)

    Fuiste ave de paso y no sé porqué razón
    Me fui acostumbrando cada día mas a ti
    Los dos inventamos la aventura del amor
    Llenaste mi vida, y después te vi partir
    Sin decirme adiós yo te vi partir

    Quiero en tus manos abiertas buscar mi camino
    y que te sientas mujer solamente conmigo
    Hoy tengo ganas de ti, hoy tengo ganas de ti.
    Quiero apagar en tus labios la sed de mi alma
    y descubrir el amor juntos cada mañana
    Hoy tengo ganas de ti, hoy tengo ganas de ti.

    No hay nada mas triste que el silencio y el dolor
    Nada mas amargo que saber que te perdí
    Hoy busco en la noche el sonido de tu voz
    y donde te escondes para llenarte de mí
    Llenarme de tí, llenarme de tí

    Quiero en tus manos abiertas buscar mi camino
    y que te sientas mujer solamente conmigo
    Hoy tengo ganas de ti, hoy tengo ganas de ti.
    Quiero apagar en tus labios la sed de mi alma
    y descubrir el amor juntos cada mañana
    Hoy tengo ganas de ti, hoy tengo ganas de ti.

    Oh, whoa uh oh oh

    Quiero en tus manos abiertas buscar mi camino
    y que te sientas mujer solamente conmigo
    Hoy tengo ganas de ti, hoy tengo ganas de ti.
    Quiero apagar en tus labios la sed de mi alma
    y descubrir el amor juntos cada mañana
    Hoy tengo ganas de ti, hoy tengo ganas de ti.
    На t.i.n.k.b.e.l.l му/ѝ се допаѓа ова.
  13. Chocolate.me

    Chocolate.me Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    19 септември 2010
    Gotye - Somebody that I used to know

    Now and then I think of when we were together
    Like when you said you felt so happy you could die
    Told myself that you were right for me
    But felt so lonely in your company

    But that was love and it's an ache I still remember

    You can get addicted to a certain kind of sadness
    Like resignation to the end, always the end
    So when we found that we could not make sense
    Well you said that we would still be friends
    But I'll admit that I was glad it was over

    But you didn't have to cut me off
    Make out like it never happened and that we were nothing
    And I don't even need your love
    But you treat me like a stranger and that feels so rough

    No you didn't have to stoop so low
    Have your friends collect your records and then change your number
    I guess that I don't need that though
    Now you're just somebody that I used to know

    Now you're just somebody that I used to know
    Now you're just somebody that I used to know

    Now and then I think of all the times you screwed me over
    But had me believing it was always something that I'd done
    But I don't wanna live that way
    Reading into every word you say
    You said that you could let it go
    And I wouldn't catch you hung up on somebody that you used to know

    But you didn't have to cut me off
    Make out like it never happened and that we were nothing
    And I don't even need your love
    But you treat me like a stranger and that feels so rough
    No you didn't have to stoop so low
    Have your friends collect your records and then change your number
    I guess that I don't need that though
    Now you're just somebody that I used to know
  14. rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

    rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    22 јули 2012
    Neverne Bebe - Tuzna pesma

    Rec jedna i kraj, bol, gospodski sjaj
    gazila bih duboku reku
    samo da nadjem zvezdu neku
    koja na tebe podseca

    Zid izmedju nas, noc pruza mi spas
    htela bih da ti zovem ime
    plakala bih, al' nemam s kime
    umrla bih i dosta s time
    znaj, ipak znaj da

    Tuzna pesma na sto nacina svetom putuje
    stara slika naseg vremena jos uvek tuguje
    a kisna jutra opet pocinju
    otkad sam otisla
    smejem se, a suze naviru
    kurva sudbina
  15. zhap4e

    zhap4e Форумски идол

    Се зачлени на:
    27 март 2011
    Some lines are long, Some lines are short.
    Some lines will tell you it's time to abort.
    Some lines mark success, and others negly
    Some lines will tell you: "Spend your last dime."
    Some lines grew out of reason, knowledge and debate.
    Sometimes we don't see lines and thrust in the fate.
    Some lines show happiness and some spell bad luck.
    Some people don't have lines, [no they don't] They don't give a fuck.
    His lines are dirty and mark the obscene.
    Her lines, you hate to be in between.
    These lines are drawn, those are spelled out.
    My lines are questioned by reasonable doubt.
    Throw out a line and hope that she'll buy,
    maybe tomorrow, maybe tonight.
    Beside your innocence, it's just a tease.
    Crossing the line, begging on your knees.
    Some lines are broken, some will not stand.
    Some lines are back, mob up your loving man.
    These lines are big, others are small.
    But it's pretty hard to follow them all.
    [Follow them all.]

  16. sadgirl21

    sadgirl21 Форумски идол

    Се зачлени на:
    30 јануари 2013
    I need a hero- Bonnie Taylor

    Where have all the good men gone
    And where are all the gods?
    Where's the street-wise Hercules
    To fight the rising odds?
    Isn't there a white knight upon a fiery steed?
    Late at night I toss and turn and dream of what I need

    I need a hero
    I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night
    He's gotta be strong, he's gotta be fast
    And he's gotta be fresh from the fight
    I need a hero
    I'm holding out for a hero 'til the morning light
    He's gotta be sure, he's gotta be soon
    And he's gotta be larger than life, larger than life

    Somewhere after midnight
    In my wildest fantasies
    Somewhere just beyond my reach
    There's someone reaching back for me
    Racing on the thunder and rising with the heat
    Isn’t there a superman to sweep me off my feet?

    I need a hero
    I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night
    He's gotta be strong, he's gotta be fast
    And he's gotta be fresh from the fight
    I need a hero
    I'm holding out for a hero 'til the morning light
    He's gotta be sure, he's gotta be soon
    And he's gotta be larger than life

    Up where the mountains meet the heavens above
    Out where the lightning splits the sea
    I could swear that there's someone somewhere watching me
    Through the wind and the chill and the rain
    And the storm and the raging flood
    Oh, his approach is like a fire in my blood

    I’ll meet a hero
    And then we’ll dance 'til the morning light
    Dreaming, he'll lead me
    Held tight,
    Tonight’s the night

    I need a hero
    I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night
    He's gotta be strong, he's gotta be fast
    And he's gotta be fresh from the fight
    I need a hero
    I'm holding out for a hero 'til the morning light
    He's gotta be sure, he’s gotta be soon
    And he's gotta be larger than life, larger than life
  17. Marossa

    Marossa Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    8 септември 2012
    Gloriana-Can't shake you

    I still change the station
    Every time they play that song
    Can't drive past your house
    So I take the long way home
    Your black leather jacket
    Still hangin' in my closet
    I wish that I could give it away
    Oh even though you're gone, somehow you stay

    And every other time a love said goodbye
    I'd just shake it off, shake it off
    Pour another drink so I don't feel a thing
    I'd just shake it off, break it off
    Erased all your numbers, blocked all your calls
    Tried another lover, built up my walls
    Told myself it's over, don't know what else I can do
    I can't shake you

    I didn't wanna be here
    But my friends all love this bar
    I don't wanna see you
    But I'm wondering where you are

    And why am I still keepin'
    The shirt you used to sleep in
    It's been sitting there for over a year
    Oh, even though you left me, you're still here

    And every other time a love said goodbye
    I'd just shake it off, shake it off
    Pour another drink so I don't feel a thing
    I'd just shake it off, break it off
    Erased all your numbers, blocked all your calls
    Tried another lover, built up my walls
    Told myself it's over, don't know what else I can do
    I can't shake you

    I can't shake you
    No matter how hard I try
    I can't shake you
    I can't shake you
    And I don't know why
  18. Cvetetto

    Cvetetto Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    8 септември 2011
    Tanto amarte

    , cuanto amarte, como amarte
    si nada queda de ti, si nada queda de ti
    si ya no puedo tocarte

    si ya te fuiste de mi
    como amarte
    si nada queda de ti, si nada queda de ti

    me desnuda tu partida
    quede sola con la herida
    en el medio de los mundos
    ni tu aire se respira

    de que me sirve la boca
    si no puedo mirarte, ni hablar, ni gritarte
    dime para que
    para que te conoci

    de que me sirve los ojos
    si no puedo besarte, sentir, olvidarte
    dime para que
    para que te conoci

    si no fuiste para mi
    mas que un sueño
    por que no puedo sentir
    por que no puedo sentir

    me desnuda tu partida
    quede sola con la herida
    en el medio de los mundos
    ni tu aire se respira

    de que me sirve la boca
    si no puedo mirarte, ni hablar, ni gritarte
    dime para que
    para que te conoci

    de que me sirve los ojos
    si no puedo besarte, sentir, olvidarte
    dime para que
    para que te conoci

    amarte, odiarte, nunca es suficiente
    tenerte, perderte es igual
    hablarte, ignorarte es como si fuera lo mismo
    tenerte, perderte no es igual

    de que me sirve la boca
    si no puedo mirarte, ni hablar, ni gritarte
    dime para que
    para que te conoci

    de que me sirve los ojos
    si no puedo besarte, sentir, olvidarte
    dime para que
    para que te conoci
    На t.i.n.k.b.e.l.l му/ѝ се допаѓа ова.
  19. skygirl

    skygirl Истакнат член

    Се зачлени на:
    20 јуни 2010
    I remember years ago
    Someone told me I should take
    Caution when it comes to love
    I did I did

    And you were strong and I was not
    My illusion, my mistake
    I was careless, I forgot
    I did

    And now when all is done
    There is nothing to say
    You have gone and so effortlessly
    You have won
    You can go ahead tell them

    Tell them all I know now
    Shout it from the roof tops
    Write it on the skyline
    all I have is gone now

    Tell them I was happy
    And my heart is broken
    All my scars are open
    Tell them what I hoped would be
    Impossible, impossible
    Impossible, impossible

    Falling out of love is hard
    Falling for betrayal is worse

    Broken trust and broken hearts
    I know, I know

    Thinking all you need is there
    Building faith on love and words
    Empty promises will wear
    I know, I know

    And now when all is done
    There is nothing to say
    And if you're done with embarrassing me
    On your own you can go ahead tell them

    Tell them all I know now
    Shout it from the roof tops
    Write it on the skyline
    All we had is gone now

    Tell them I was happy
    And my heart is broken
    All my scars are open
    Tell them what I hoped would be
    Impossible, impossible
    Impossible, impossible
    Impossible, impossible
    Impossible, impossible!
    Ooh impossible (yeah yeah)

    I remember years ago
    Someone told me I should take
    Caution when it comes to love
    I did

    Tell them all I know now
    Shout it from the roof tops
    Write it on the skyline
    All we had is gone now

    Tell them I was happy
    And my heart is broken
    All my scars are open
    Tell them what I hoped would be
    Impossible, impossible
    Impossible, impossible
    Impossible, impossible
    Impossible, impossible

    I remember years ago
    Someone told me I should take
    Caution when it comes to love
    I did

    Read more: Shontelle - Impossible Lyrics | MetroLyrics
  20. Flower27

    Flower27 Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    6 декември 2012
    "The Monster" :l:
    Eminem(feat. Rihanna)

    [Hook - Rihanna:]
    I'm friends with the monster that's under my bed
    Get along with the voices inside of my head
    You're trying to save me, stop holding your breath
    And you think I'm crazy, yeah, you think I'm crazy

    [Verse 1 - Eminem:]
    I wanted the fame, but not the cover of Newsweek
    Oh, well, guess beggars can't be choosey
    Wanted to receive attention for my music
    Wanted to be left alone in public. Excuse me
    For wanting my cake and eat it too, and wanting it both ways
    Fame made me a balloon 'cause my ego inflated
    When I blew; see, but it was confusing
    'Cause all I wanted to do is be the Bruce Lee of loose leaf
    Abused ink, used it as a tool when I blew steam (wooh!)
    Hit the lottery, oh wee
    With what I gave up to get was bittersweet
    It was like winning a used me
    Ironic 'cause I think I'm getting so huge I need a shrink
    I'm beginning to lose sleep: one sheep, two sheep
    Going cuckoo and cooky as Kool Keith
    But I'm actually weirder than you think
    'Cause I'm

    [Hook - Rihanna:]
    I'm friends with the monster that's under my bed
    Get along with the voices inside of my head
    You're trying to save me, stop holding your breath
    And you think I'm crazy, yeah, you think I'm crazy

    Well, that's not fair
    Well, that's not fair

    [Verse 2 - Eminem:]
    No, I ain't much of a poet but I know somebody once told me
    To seize the moment and don't squander it
    'Cause you never know when it all could be over tomorrow
    So I keep conjuring, sometimes I wonder where these thoughts spawn from
    (Yeah, ponder it, do you want this?
    It's no wonder you're losing your mind, the way it wanders)
    I think you've been wandering off down yonder
    And stumbled onto Jeff VanVonderen
    'Cause I need an interventionist
    To intervene between me and this monster
    And save me from myself and all this conflict
    'Cause the very thing that I love's killing me and I can't conquer it
    My OCD is conking me in the head
    Keep knocking, nobody's home, I'm sleepwalking
    I'm just relaying what the voice in my head's saying
    Don't shoot the messenger, I'm just friends with the

    [Hook - Rihanna:]
    I'm friends with the monster that's under my bed
    Get along with the voices inside of my head
    You're trying to save me, stop holding your breath
    And you think I'm crazy, yeah, you think I'm crazy

    Well, that's not fair
    Well, that's not fair

    [Verse 3: Eminem]
    Call me crazy, but I had this vision
    One day that I'd walk amongst you a regular civilian
    But until then drums get killed and I'm coming straight at
    MCs, blood get spilled and I
    Take it back to the days that I get on a Dre track
    Give every kid who got played that
    Pumped up feeling and shit to say back
    To the kids who played 'em
    I ain't here to save the fucking children
    But if one kid out of a hundred million
    Who are going through a struggle feels and then relates that's great
    It's payback, Russell Wilson falling way back
    In the draft, turn nothing into something, still can make that
    Straw into gold chump, I will spin Rumpelstiltskin in a haystack
    Maybe I need a straight jacket, face facts
    I am nuts for real, but I'm okay with that
    It's nothing, I'm still friends with the

    [Hook - Rihanna:]
    I'm friends with the monster that's under my bed
    Get along with the voices inside of my head
    You're trying to save me, stop holding your breath
    And you think I'm crazy, yeah, you think I'm crazy

    Well, that's not fair
    Well, that's not fair