Форумџика на годината
  1. Овој сајт користи колачиња неопходни за неговото функционирање. Ако продолжиш да го користиш, значи се согласуваш со нашата употреба на колачиња. Прочитај повеќе.

Текстови на песни

Дискусија во 'Музика' започната од Mimi, 12 ноември 2009.

  1. iggybay

    iggybay Истакнат член

    Се зачлени на:
    10 август 2014
    Кога проклето ти требам- Калиопи

    Дај погледни ми во очиве
    И се ќе пронајдеш
    Се што не сум рекла И пререкла
    Во овој поглед што го испраќам
    Се стари вистини
    А на нив прашини послани
    Од едно време што не умира
    А нас не остава
    За да не стаса и престасе

    А јас не сакам да знам ...
    Не јас не сакам да знам ...

    Стом други очи ќе не гледаат
    Со лажни насмевки а длабок презир во мислата
    Дека сме случајни и премали за да ни испрати таков дар за нас судбината

    Не, не сакам да знам,
    Не сакам да знам,
    Не сакам да знам,
    Не, не сакам да знам ...

    Не, јас не сакам да знам,
    Дека ти ке бидеш сам
    Кога проклето ти требам ...
    И не сакам да знам
    Штом по тебе умирам
    Дали некој ке те гледа ...

    Не сакам да знам ...
    Не јас не сакам да знам.

    Да се ​​плашам веќе не сакам
    Ниту да верувам во туѓи розови сонови
    Со сите болки се разминувам од стари отрови во кадифени фустани
    Но овој пат со тебе тргнувам без да ги понесам со себе старите куфери

    Не, не сакам да знам ...
    Не, јас не сакам да знам ...

    Не, јас не сакам да знам,
    Дека ти ќе биде сам
    Кога проклето ти требам ...
    И не сакам да знам
    Штом по тебе умирам
    Дали некој ќе те гледа

    Не сакам да знам ...
    Не јас не сакам да знам.

    Не, јас не сакам да знам,
    Дека ти ке бидеш сам
    Кога проклето ти требам ...
    И не сакам да знам
    Штом по тебе умирам
    Дали некој ќе те гледа

    Не сакам да знам ...
    Не јас не сакам да знам.
    На Insatiable13 и ceca-1 им се допаѓа ова.
  2. eliesaab

    eliesaab Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    27 април 2013
    ангел :(

    И ден денес ко сонлива песна
    ќе долета мирис на цреша
    кога пролет ќе расцути в поле
    една цреша што мене ме чека
    кога мора да одам им реков
    се што имам и куќа и нива
    нека земе што му треба секој
    но црешата да ја најдам жива

    Што е тоа во луѓето тажно
    што живеат во животи туѓи
    кој во моето минато плови
    сосем мирно и без да се срами

    Само ветерот гласот го слуша
    ко ехо се врати пак в душа
    убава песна не сака баш секој
    и на славеј камен фрла некој

    Што е тоа во луѓето тажно
    што живеат во животи туѓи
    кој во моето минато плови
    сосем мирно без да се срами

    Не е небо ова што ви нудат
    не е сонце ко злато што свети
    ако можат би го продале Бога
    а на нив само еден ќе им суди

    Што е тоа во луѓето тажно
    што живеат во животи туѓи
    кој во моето минато плови
    сосем мирно и без да се срами
    На Anabelle.Amorette и ceca-1 им се допаѓа ова.
  3. DelRey

    DelRey Истакнат член

    Се зачлени на:
    3 февруари 2013
    Selena Gomez - Love Will Remember :inlove:
    Hey Babe it's me.
    Um, I just want to call and tell you that I love you so so so so much.
    I just want to let you know you are my princess.
    You are worthy of all the love in the world.
    You are the love of my life.

    Now is all we got and time can't be bought
    I know it inside my heart.
    Forever will, forever be ours
    Even if we try to forget,
    Love will remember.

    You said you loved me.
    I said I loved you back.
    What happened to that?
    What happened to that?
    All your promises,
    And all the plans we had.
    What happened to that?
    What happened to that?

    Boom gone, yeah we move on.
    Even if we try to forget,
    Love will remember you
    And love will remember me.
    I know it inside my heart.
    Forever will, forever be ours
    Even if we try to forget,
    Love will remember. [5X]

    The trip we dreamed of taking.
    The tacks left on the map.
    What happened to that?
    What happened to that?
    When all you had was nothing.
    And all we did was laugh.
    What happened, what happened,
    What happened to that?

    Boom gone, yeah we move on.
    Even if we try to forget,
    Love will remember you
    And love will remember me.
    I know it inside my heart.
    Forever will, forever be ours
    Even if we try to forget,
    Love will remember. [9X]

    Break down the walls.
    Let heaven in.
    Somewhere and forever we'll dance again.
    We used to be inseparable.
    I used to think that I was irreplaceable.
    We lit the whole world up.
    Before we blew it up.
    I still don't know just how we screwed it up.
    Forever, forever, forever.

    Love will remember you
    Love will remember me.
    I know it inside my heart.
    Forever will, forever be ours
    Even if we try to forget,
    Love will remember. [9X]
  4. Natali.3

    Natali.3 Форумски идол

    Се зачлени на:
    16 септември 2013
    "Lips Of An Angel"

    Honey why you calling me so late?
    It's kinda hard to talk right now.
    Honey why are you crying? Is everything okay?
    I gotta whisper 'cause I can't be too loud

    Well, my girl's in the next room
    Sometimes I wish she was you
    I guess we never really moved on
    It's really good to hear your voice saying my name
    It sounds so sweet
    Coming from the lips of an angel
    Hearing those words it makes me weak

    And I never wanna say goodbye
    But girl you make it hard to be faithful
    With the lips of an angel

    It's funny that you're calling me tonight
    And, yes, I've dreamt of you too
    And does he know you're talking to me
    Will it start a fight
    No I don't think she has a clue

    Well my girl's in the next room
    Sometimes I wish she was you
    I guess we never really moved on
    It's really good to hear your voice saying my name
    It sounds so sweet
    Coming from the lips of an angel
    Hearing those words it makes me weak

    And I never wanna say goodbye
    But girl you make it hard to be faithful
    With the lips of an angel

    It's really good to hear your voice saying my name
    It sounds so sweet
    Coming from the lips of an angel
    Hearing those words it makes me weak

    And I never wanna say goodbye
    But girl you make it hard to be faithful
    With the lips of an angel

    And I never wanna say goodbye
    But girl you make it hard to be faithful
    With the lips of an angel

    Honey why you calling me so late?
    На eliesaab му/ѝ се допаѓа ова.
  5. okcenzi

    okcenzi Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    25 декември 2012
    Кога падна на Пирина

    Кога падна на Пирина,
    ранет Јане Сандански,
    Долетаа три сокола,
    и на Јане збореа:
    Ајде Јане со нас појди,
    ние лек ќе најдеме.

    Мајка Македонија,
    за таков јунак, лек ќе најде.
    Мајка Македонија,
    за таков јунак, лек ќе најде.

    Први сокол ќе те носи,
    покрај Вардара.
    Втори сокол ќе те носи,
    дур на Белото море.
    Трети сокол ќе те носи,
    горе в Пирин планина.

    Белким, ти ќе оздравиш,
    Македонија, да ослободиш.
    Белким, ти ќе оздравиш,
    Македонија, да ослободиш.

    Ој бре вие, три сокола,
    срце лудо сум ранет.
    Остајте ме тук да умрам,
    мене лек ме лекува.
    Македонија други ќе роди,
    ќе ја ослободат.

    Мајко, Македонијо,
    други ќе родиш, ќе те ослободат.
    Мајко, Македонијо,
    други ќе родиш, ќе те ослободат.
    На eloves и ceca-1 им се допаѓа ова.
  6. Natali.3

    Natali.3 Форумски идол

    Се зачлени на:
    16 септември 2013
    BLACK VEIL BRIDES - "Let You Down"

    After the blood, After the tears have fallen down like rain
    A loaded gun shot through the years and heaven was to blame
    I'll take on all your shattered dreams
    I'd give you almost anything
    A chance to rise above the fog
    I swear these words are true. I believe in you

    I'll never let you down
    I promise right here. Right now
    I won't let you down
    I'll never let you down
    Our faith will silence the doubt
    I won't let you down


    The serpent's touch has made it clear that evils on it's way
    This desert land of broken mirrors, we live another day
    I'll become all your blasphemy. A war that's fought with tragedy
    The scars we've left along these walls
    I swear these words are true. I believe in you.

    I'll never let you down
    I promise right here. Right now
    I wont let you down
    I'll never let you down
    Our faith will silence the doubt
    I won't let you down


    In the dead of night we'll rise of one for the fight
    The sun ignites the spirit back to our lives
    I won't ever let you down
    I won't ever let you down
    (I believe in you)

    I'll never let you down
    I promise right here. Right now
    I wont let you down
    I'll never let you down
    Our faith will silence the doubt
    I won't let you down


    I won't let you down
    На Anabelle.Amorette му/ѝ се допаѓа ова.
  7. RockNroLLGirL

    RockNroLLGirL Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    19 јануари 2014
    Gn'R - Breakdown :l: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkwizW079qU

    We all come in from the cold
    We come down from the wire
    An everybody warms themselves
    to a different fire
    When sometimes we get burned
    You'd think sometime we'd learn
    The one you love is the one
    That should take you higher

    You ain't got no one
    You better go back out and find em'

    Just like children hidin' in a closet
    Can't tell what's goin' on outside
    Sometimes we're so far off the beaten track
    We'll get taken for a ride
    By a parlor trick or some words of wit
    A hidden hand up a sleeve
    To think the one you love
    could hurt you now
    Is a little hard to believe
    But everybody darlin' sometimes
    Bites the hand that feeds

    When I look around
    Everybody always brings me down
    Well is it them or me
    Well I just can't see
    But there ain't no peace to found
    But if someone really cared
    Well they'd take the time to spare
    A moment to try and understand
    Another one's despair
    Remember in this game we call life
    That no one said it's fair

    Let me hear it now
    let me hear it now
    Let me hear it now
    let me hear it now
    Get down with yo' bad self

    I've come to know the cold
    I think of it as home
    When there ain't enough of me
    To go around
    I'd rather be left alone
    But if I call you out of habit
    I'm out of love and I gotta have it
    Would you give it to me
    If I fit you needs
    Like when we both knew we had it
    But now the damage's done
    And we're back out on the run
    Fun how everything was Roses
    When we held on to the Guns
    Just because you're winnin'
    Don't mean you're the lucky ones

    Let me hear it now
    let me hear it now
    На Anabelle.Amorette и AziskaStrslenka им се допаѓа ова.
  8. eliesaab

    eliesaab Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    27 април 2013

    James Morrison - Broken Strings ft. Nelly Furtado

    Let me hold you for the last time
    It’s the last chance to feel again
    But you broke me now I can’t feel anything

    When I love you
    It’s so untrue
    I can’t even convince myself
    When I’m speaking it’s the voice of someone else

    Oh it tears me up
    I tried to hold on but it hurts too much
    I tried to forgive but it’s not enough
    To make it all ok

    You can’t play on broken strings
    You can’t feel anything
    That your heart don’t want to feel
    I can’t tell you something that ain’t real

    Oh the truth hurts
    A lie’s worse
    I can’t like it anymore
    And I love you a little less than before

    Nelly Furtado
    Oh what are we doing
    We are turning into dust
    Playing house in the ruins of us

    Duet : James Morrison and Nelly Furtado
    Running back through the fire
    When there’s nothing left to save
    It’s like chasing the very last train
    When it’s too late (too late)

    Oh it tears me up
    I tried to hold but it hurts too much
    I tried to forgive but it’s not enough
    To make it all ok

    You can’t play our broken strings
    You can’t feel anything
    That your heart don’t want to feel
    I can’t tell you something that ain’t real

    Oh the truth hurts
    And lie’s worse
    I can’t like it anymore
    And I love you a little less than before

    But we’re running through the fire
    When there’s nothing left to say
    It’s like chasing the very last train
    When we both know it’s too late (too late)

    You can’t play our broken strings
    You can’t feel anything
    That your heart don’t want to feel
    I can’t tell you something that ain’t real

    Oh the truth hurts
    And lies worse
    I can’t like it anymore
    And I love you a little less than before
    Oh and I love you a little less than before .. yeah

    Let me hold you for the last time
    It’s the last chance to feel again

    :music: :music:
  9. Natali.3

    Natali.3 Форумски идол

    Се зачлени на:
    16 септември 2013
    "Ало" - The Hounds :l::l:

    Се разбудив сабајле по 1000ти пат
    со една иста мисла што ме вози ко да сум гад
    некоја омраза ме стегнала во срце бе браат
    мразам луѓево што немаат ни волја ни свој став
    има типчинња што прават се’ по сопствен ќеиф
    сите други гајат надеж се’ ќе биде океј
    додека чекаме на спасот од иднината брат
    во рикверц возиме и кичот не прогонува од секаде
    и полека ни стана идеал

    Колективно пловиме во бестрага
    војна водам да ме стиснат
    не им давааам!

    АЛООО со кого сум на линија
    велам ало ме разбираш што зборувам
    не е рано, животот се тркала
    велам ало будење не заспивај
    АЛООО со кого сум на линија
    велам ало дали некој разбира
    алоо се‘ е ова твој програм
    велам ало будење не заспивај.. ПАК!

    Слушам вести и ме удира депресија пак
    зар никој ништо добро не може да стори за нас
    Ретко браво за вистинските уметници браат
    во кома ни е светов а јас уште сум млад.
    има безгрижни што редат в банка профит од се’
    нив ги заболе до коска што е вистина а што не
    "Утре е нов ден" пеат оптимистите брат
    но ова сега ме полудува и неможам да успеам
    да застанам на здрави нозе јас.

    Колективно пловиме во бестрага
    војна водам да ме стиснат
    не им давааам!

    На Anabelle.Amorette и RockNroLLGirL им се допаѓа ова.
  10. RockNroLLGirL

    RockNroLLGirL Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    19 јануари 2014
    "Amazing'' :l: :l: :l: :inlove: :inlove: :inlove: :inlove:

    I kept the right ones out
    And let the wrong ones in
    Had an angel of mercy to see me through all my sins
    There were times in my life
    When I was goin' insane
    Tryin' to walk through
    The pain
    When I lost my grip
    And I hit the floor
    Yeah,I thought I could leave but couldn't get out the door
    I was so sick and tired
    Of livin' a lie
    I was wishin that I
    Would die

    It's Amazing
    With the blink of an eye you finally see the light
    It's Amazing
    When the moment arrives that you know you'll be alright
    It's Amazing
    And I'm sayin' a prayer for the desperate hearts tonight

    That one last shot's a Permanent Vacation
    And how high can you fly with broken wings?
    Life's a journey not a destination
    And I just can't tell just what tomorrow brings

    You have to learn to crawl
    Before you learn to walk

    But I just couldn't listen to all that righteous talk, oh yeah
    I was out on the street,
    Just tryin' to survive
    Scratchin' to stay

    It's Amazing
    With the blink of an eye you finally see the light
    It's Amazing
    When the moment arrives that you know you'll be alright
    It's Amazing
    And I'm sayin' a prayer for the desperate hearts tonight
    На Natali.3 му/ѝ се допаѓа ова.
  11. ceca-1

    ceca-1 Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    6 јули 2010

    Stanuvam vo cuden svet/Станувам во чуден свет/I awake in a strange world
    Od nego vekje ne si del/Од него веќе не си дел/You are not a part of it anymore
    Trgnuvam po cuden pat/Тргнувам по чуден пат/I begin on a strange road
    Bez svetlina i cel/Без светлина и цел/Without light and purpose.

    Ne, ova ne e mojot svet/Не, ова не е мојот свет/No, this is not my world
    Toj so ljubov bese ispolnet/Тој со љубов беше испонет/That world was filled with love
    A bez tebe toj e siv i umoren/А без тебе тој е сив и уморен/Without you, it is gray and tired.

    Poglednuvam kon neboto jas/Погледнувам кон небото јас/I am watching the sky
    I vikam so siot moj glas/И викам со сиот мој глас/And am screaming with all of my strength
    Za da ti kazam sto napravi od mene/ За да ти кажам што направи од мене/To tell you what you made out of me
    Posegnuvam kon neboto jas/Посегнувам кон небото јас/I am reaching toward the sky
    A potezok e sekoj sleden cas/А потежок е секој еден час/But every additional hour is more difficult
    Go molam Bog da te dopram tebe/Го молам Бог да допрам до тебе/I beg God to touch/reach you
    No Bog gi cuva angelite za sebe/Но Бог ги чува ангелите за себе/But God keeps the angels to himself.

    Solzi vo rajot/Солзи во рајот/Tears in Heaven
    Gledam i ne veruvam/Гледам и не верувам/I see and can't believe
    Vreme ne brise, a srce ne zaborava/Времето не брише/Time does not erase, but the heart does not forget
    Tuka li e krajot/Тука ли е крајот?/Is this the end?
    Taga kako eho se slusa/Тага како ехо се слуша/The sadness is heard like an echo
    Nemam zivot bez svojata dusa/Немам живот без својата душа/I have no life without my soul.

    На Nana19 му/ѝ се допаѓа ова.
  12. SweetGirl234

    SweetGirl234 Активен член

    Се зачлени на:
    18 јуни 2014
    Grenande- Bruno Mars

    Easy come, easy go
    That's just how you live, oh
    Take, take, take it all
    But you never give
    Should've known you was trouble
    From the first kiss
    Had your eyes wide open
    Why were they open?

    Gave you all I had
    And you tossed it in the trash
    You tossed it in the trash, you did
    To give me all your love is all I ever asked
    'Cause what you don't understand is...

    I'd catch a grenade for you (yeah, yeah, yeah)
    Throw my hand on a blade for you (yeah, yeah, yeah)
    I'd jump in front of a train for you (yeah, yeah, yeah)
    You know I'd do anything for you (yeah, yeah, yeah)
    Oh, I would go through all this pain
    Take a bullet straight through my brain
    Yes, I would die for you, baby
    But you won't do the same

    No, no, no, no

    Black, black, black and blue
    Beat me 'til I'm numb
    Tell the devil I said "Hey" when you get back to where you're from
    Mad woman, bad woman
    That's just what you are
    Yeah, you'll smile in my face then rip the brakes out my car

    Gave you all I had
    And you tossed it in the trash
    You tossed it in the trash, yes you did
    To give me all your love is all I ever asked
    'Cause what you don't understand is...

    I'd catch a grenade for you (yeah, yeah, yeah)
    Throw my hand on a blade for you (yeah, yeah, yeah)
    I'd jump in front of a train for you (yeah, yeah, yeah)
    You know I'd do anything for you (yeah, yeah, yeah)
    Oh, I would go through all this pain
    Take a bullet straight through my brain
    Yes, I would die for you, baby
    But you won't do the same

    If my body was on fire
    Oh, you'd watch me burn down in flames
    You said you loved me, you're a liar
    'Cause you never, ever, ever did, baby

    But, darling, I'd still catch a grenade for you (yeah, yeah, yeah)
    Throw my hand on a blade for you (yeah, yeah, yeah)
    I'd jump in front of a train for you (yeah, yeah, yeah)
    You know I'd do anything for you (yeah, yeah, yeah)
    Oh, I would go through all this pain
    Take a bullet straight through my brain
    Yes, I would die for you, baby
    But you won't do the same

    No, you won't do the same
    You wouldn't do the same
    Oh, you'd never do the same
    Oh, no no no
  13. CutieWithABeauty

    CutieWithABeauty Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    21 јануари 2014
    Ariana Grande-Break Free ft.Zedd :inlove:

    If you want it, take it
    I should've said it before
    Tried to hide it, fake it
    I can't pretend anymore

    I only wanna die alive
    Never by the hands of a broken heart
    Don't wanna hear you lie tonight
    Now that I've become who I really are

    This is the part when I say I don't want ya
    I'm stronger than I've been before
    This is the part when I break free
    'Cause I can't resist it no more

    You were better, deeper
    I was under your spell
    Like a deadly fever, yeah, babe
    On the highway to hell, yeah

    I only wanna die alive
    Never by the hands of a broken heart
    Don't wanna hear you lie tonight
    Now that I've become who I really are

    This is the part when I say I don't want ya
    I'm stronger than I've been before
    This is the part when I break free
    'Cause I can't resist it no more

    No more, baby, ooh

    Thought on your body
    I came alive
    It was lethal
    It was fatal
    In my dreams it felt so right
    But I woke up every time

    Oh, baby

    This is the part when I say I don't want ya
    I'm stronger than I've been before
    This is the part when I break free
    'Cause I can't resist it no more
  14. glamour-lady

    glamour-lady Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    7 ноември 2010
    El Perdedor- Enrique Iglesias feat. Marco Antonio Solís :inlove:

    Qué más quieres de mí
    Si el pasado está a prueba de tu amor
    Y no tengo el valor
    De escapar para siempre del dolor
    Demasiado pedir
    Que sigamos en esta hipocresía
    Cuánto tiempo más podré vivir
    En la misma mentira

    No, no vayas presumiendo, no
    Que me has robado el corazón
    Y no me queda nada más
    Sí, prefiero ser el perdedor
    Que te lo ha dado todo
    Y no me queda nada más
    No me queda más

    Ya no puedo seguir
    Resistiendo esa extraña sensación
    Que me hiela la piel
    Como invierno fuera de estación
    Tú mirada y la mía
    Ignorándose en una lejanía
    Todo pierde sentido
    Y es mejor el vacío que el olvido

    Yo prefiero dejarte partir
    Que ser tu prisionero
    Y no vayas por ahí
    Diciendo ser la dueña de mis sentimientos

    No, no vayas presumiendo, no
    Que me has robado el corazón
    Y no me queda nada más
    Sí, prefiero ser el perdedor
    Que te lo ha dado todo
    Y no me queda nada más
    No, no vayas presumiendo, no
    Que me has robado el corazón
    Y no me queda nada más
    Sí, prefiero ser un perdedor
    Que te lo ha dado todo
    Y no le queda nada más
    No me queda más

    Qué más quieres de mí
    Si el pasado está a prueba de tu amor
  15. Natali.3

    Natali.3 Форумски идол

    Се зачлени на:
    16 септември 2013
    Green Day - "American Idiot"

    Don't wanna be an American idiot.
    Don't want a nation under the new mania
    And can you hear the sound of hysteria?
    The subliminal mind fuck America.

    Welcome to a new kind of tension.
    All across the alienation.
    Where everything isn't meant to be okay.
    Television dreams of tomorrow.
    We're not the ones who're meant to follow.
    For that's enough to argue.

    Well maybe I'm the faggot America.
    I'm not a part of a redneck agenda.
    Now everybody do the propaganda.
    And sing along to the age of paranoia.

    Welcome to a new kind of tension.
    All across the alienation.
    Where everything isn't meant to be okay.
    Television dreams of tomorrow.
    We're not the ones who're meant to follow.
    For that's enough to argue.

    Don't want to be an American idiot.
    One nation controlled by the media.
    Information age of hysteria.
    It's calling out to idiot America.

    Welcome to a new kind of tension.
    All across the alienation.
    Where everything isn't meant to be okay.
    Television dreams of tomorrow.
    We're not the ones who're meant to follow.
    For that's enough to argue.

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ee_uujKuJMI :rock:
    На Anabelle.Amorette и RockNroLLGirL им се допаѓа ова.
  16. MagsDestiny

    MagsDestiny Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    9 јуни 2011
    Леле па ако почнам да ставам цели текстови... Имам многу драги песни од повеќе изведувачи, ама последнo јако што ме има трогнато е мање више целиот нов албум на Ед Ширан, па еве извадоци:

    1. Runaway
    I've known it for a long time
    Daddy wakes up to a drink at night
    Disappearing all night
    I don't wanna know where he's been lying...
    I love him from the skin to my bones
    But I don't wanna live in his home
    There's nothing to say 'cause he knows
    I'll just runaway and be on my own

    2. Nina
    We'd go anywhere, our minds would take us
    And I'd say you were beautiful without your make-up
    And you don't even need to worry about your weight 'cause
    We can all be loved the way that God made us
    And time's the only reason that we could break up

    3. Photograph
    Loving can heal, loving can mend your soul
    And it's the only thing that I know
    I swear it will get easier
    Remember that with every piece of you
    And it's the only thing we take with us when we diе

    4. Thinking Out Loud
    When your legs don't work like they used to before
    And I can't sweep you off of your feet
    Will your mouth still remember the taste of my love?
    Will your eyes still smile from your cheeks?
    When my hair's all gone and my memory fades
    And the crowds don't remember my name
    When my hands don't play the strings the same way
    I know you will still love me the same
  17. Natali.3

    Natali.3 Форумски идол

    Се зачлени на:
    16 септември 2013
    Avenged Sevenfold - "So Far Away"

    Never feared for anything
    Never shamed but never free
    A life to heal the broken heart with all that it could

    Lived a life so endlessly
    Saw beyond what others see
    I tried to heal your broken heart with all that I could

    Will you stay?
    Will you stay away forever?

    How do I live without the ones I love?
    Time still turns the pages of the book it's burned
    Place and time always on my mind
    I have so much to say but you're so far away

    Plans of what our futures hold
    Foolish lies of growing old
    It seems we're so invincible
    The truth is so cold

    A final song, a last request
    A perfect chapter laid to rest
    Now and then I try to find
    A place in my mind
    Where you can stay
    You can stay away forever

    How do I live without the ones I love?
    Time still turns the pages of the book it's burned
    Place and time always on my mind
    I have so much to say but you're so far away

    Sleep tight, I'm not afraid (not afraid)
    The ones that we love are here with me
    Lay away a place for me (place for me)
    'Cause as soon as I'm done I'll be on my way
    To live eternally

    How do I live without the ones I love?
    Time still turns the pages of the book it's burned
    Place and time always on my mind
    And the light you left remains but it's so hard to stay
    When I have so much to say and you're so far away

    I love you, you were ready
    The pain is strong and urges rise
    But I'll see you, when He lets me
    Your pain is gone, your hands untied

    So far away (so far)
    And I need you to know
    So far away (so far)
    And I need you to, need you to know
    На Anabelle.Amorette му/ѝ се допаѓа ова.
  18. RockNroLLGirL

    RockNroLLGirL Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    19 јануари 2014
    Влатко Стефановски – Џипси сонг

    Шутка и Топаана имаат една мана
    Што не се во Индиjа
    За да види Кришна што е тоа живот
    На весела долина

    Jас сум шетал, jас сум бил на запад
    Дури до Германиjа
    За да наjдам парче леб за мене и за
    Моjата фамилиjа

    Еj, да имам, ко што немам
    Па да купам бел коњ
    и да jавам, дење ноќе
    И на jаве, и на jаве и на сон

    Секоj од нас има своjа ѕвезда
    Што го прати дур е жив
    Кога свети jако, човек има среќа
    Кога гасне судбина

    Еj, да имам, ко што немам
    Па да купам бел коњ
    и да jавам, дење ноќе
    И на jаве, и на jаве и на сон
    Еj, да имам, ко што немам
    Ќе ти купам кревет,
    За да спиеш ти со мене
    Иљада и, иљада и една ноќ…

    :) :)
    На samovila.red., Natali.3, ceca-1 и 1 друга личност им се допаѓа ова.
  19. ceca-1

    ceca-1 Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    6 јули 2010

    Jos jedan dan je prosao
    jos jednom mjesec dosao
    tiho, ko neki dragi gost
    da mi do jutra bude most
    jer tuga vodi me kroz godine
    i krade san dok novi
    ne svane mi dan

    Neka mi ne svane
    nek me nema, nek me ne bude
    neka me bez tebe ne probude

  20. RockNroLLGirL

    RockNroLLGirL Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    19 јануари 2014
    The Offspring - The Kids Aren't Alright

    When we were young the future was so bright
    The old neighborhood was so alive
    And every kid on the whole damn street
    Was gonna make it big in every beat

    Now the neighborhood's cracked and torn
    The kids are grown up but their lives are worn
    How can one little street
    Swallow so many lives

    Chances thrown
    Nothing's free
    Longing for
    Used to be
    Still it's hard
    Hard to see
    Fragile lives
    shattered dreams

    Jenny had a chance, well she really did
    Instead she dropped out and had a couple of kids
    Mark still lives at home cause he's got no job
    He just plays guitar and smokes a lot of pot

    Jay committed suicide
    Brandon OD'd and died
    What the hell is going on?
    The cruellest dream - reality

    Chances thrown
    Nothing's free
    Longing for
    what used to be
    Still it's hard
    Hard to see
    Fragile lives
    Shattered dreams
    На Nate.Shadows и Natali.3 им се допаѓа ова.