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  1. Овој сајт користи колачиња неопходни за неговото функционирање. Ако продолжиш да го користиш, значи се согласуваш со нашата употреба на колачиња. Прочитај повеќе.

Текстови на песни

Дискусија во 'Музика' започната од Mimi, 12 ноември 2009.

  1. ceca-1

    ceca-1 Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    6 јули 2010
    Тоше Проески и Гоца Тржан - 1200 Милји

    Ако бар уште еднаш ветрот
    твое име изговори,
    тргнувам, го барам патот
    прв што ќе се отвори.
    Доцна е, може како кукла
    секој да ме навие.
    Ноќта е слепа, ама знае
    срца да ни заспие.

    Илјада и двеста милји
    живеј одовде,
    уште илјада и двеста
    сè да исчезне.
    Илјада и двеста дена
    живеј ако смееш,
    уште еден ден ти давам
    да се покаеш.

    Пропаѓам во било чии раце
    само нежно да ме чуваат.
    Се предавам, можат туѓи усни
    да ме разоружаат.
    Што е важно кого љубам
    кога в зори заборавам.
    Не пребирам, сите вредат
    кога страсно ќе ме погалат.

    Илјада и двеста милји
    живеј одовде,
    Уште илјада и двеста
    Сè да исчезне,
    Илјада и двеста дена
    живеј ако смееш,
    Уште еден ден ти давам
    Да се покаеш. /2
    На simonna.a и Someonespecial им се допаѓа ова.
  2. simonna.a

    simonna.a Форумски идол

    Се зачлени на:
    23 февруари 2013
    Mad world-Riverdale ♡
    And I find it kinda funny,I find it kinda sad
    The dreams in which I'm dying
    are the best I've ever had
  3. blonde_supergirl

    blonde_supergirl Истакнат член

    Се зачлени на:
    21 октомври 2016

    It's like you're a drug
    It's like you're a demon I can't face down
    It's like I'm stuck
    It's like I'm running from you all the time
    And I know I let you have all the power
    It's like the only company I seek is misery all around
    It's like you're a leech
    Sucking the life from me
    It's like I can't breathe
    Without you inside of me
    And I know I let you have all the power
    And I realize I'm never gonna quit you over time

    It's like I can't breathe
    It's like I can't see anything
    Nothing but you
    I'm addicted to you
    It's like I can't think
    Without you interrupting me
    In my thoughts
    In my dreams
    You've taken over me
    It's like I'm not me
    It's like I'm not me

    It's like I'm lost
    It's like I'm giving up slowly
    It's like you're a ghost that's haunting me
    Leave me alone
    And I know these voices in my head
    Are mine alone
    And I know I'll never change my ways
    If I don't give you up now

    It's like I can't breathe
    It's like I can't see anything
    Nothing but you
    I'm addicted to you
    It's like I can't think
    Without you interrupting me
    In my thoughts
    In my dreams
    You've taken over me
    It's like I'm not me
    It's like I'm not me

    I'm hooked on you
    I need a fix
    I can't take it
    Just one more hit
    I promise I can deal with it
    I'll handle it, quit it
    Just one more time
    Then that's it
    Just a little bit more to get me through this
    I'm hooked on you
    I need a fix
    I can't take it
    Just one more hit
    I promise I can deal with it
    I'll handle it, quit it
    Just one more time
    Then that's it
    Just a little bit more to get me through this

    It's like I can't breathe
    It's like I can't see anything
    Nothing but you
    I'm addicted to you
    It's like I can't think
    Without you interrupting me
    In my thoughts
    In my dreams
    You've taken over me
    It's like I'm not me
    It's like I'm not me
    На Briar Rose му/ѝ се допаѓа ова.
  4. blonde_supergirl

    blonde_supergirl Истакнат член

    Се зачлени на:
    21 октомври 2016
    "Circuit Breaker"

    What is that vitalizing sound?
    Calling me
    In my head

    What is that visionary sight?
    Before my eyes
    So prominent
    So mesmerizing turbulent

    You've got a hold on me
    Your ingenuity
    Seems to be driving me down on my knees

    The force you generate
    You reinvigorate
    Your body talks and overstates

    Well, I'm already drawn
    Close to the divine
    Intoxicating images are rushing through my mind

    Embodiment of sin
    Has kindled me within
    Sensations seems to multiply, they're building up inside

    Cutting through the night
    Radiating light
    I've seen you move the crowd
    I know what you're about

    The stories I have heard
    The talk about excess
    I know what people say
    But surely you impress

    Charismatic pill
    You elevated sun
    Vanity and pride
    added into one

    A universal force
    An autonomic high
    A thing I can't control
    No matter how I try

    What have you done to me?
    This candid chemistry
    Emotions running over me

    And when you arch your back
    Just with a stare like that
    Well, it's natural to interact

    I'm not holding back
    Ready to commence
    Caught up in your blizzard so confusing and intense

    Synergy of two
    Energy gone wild
    See the stars align to spell your name out in the sky

    Never seen a sight
    So fascinating right
    A symmetry between
    Dirty and pristine

    Calling out so loud
    Beautiful and true
    Mystery about
    Everything you do

    Charismatic drug
    You elevated sun
    Vanity and pride
    added into one

    A universal force
    An autonomic high
    A thing I can't control
    No matter how I try

    This electricity
    Injected into me
    Emotions running over me

    And when you're getting close
    You touch my innermost
    A feeling deep inside me knows

    Wonders of delight
    Cutting through the night
    Know you've got it all
    I can't do without

    Burning in my veins
    Ripping through my soul
    I'll never be the same
    A secret can't be told

    Charismatic pill
    You elevated sun
    Vanity and pride
    added into one

    A universal force
    an autonomic high
    a thing I can't control
    no matter how I try
    На Briar Rose му/ѝ се допаѓа ова.
  5. Someonespecial

    Someonespecial Free-minded aesthete

    Се зачлени на:
    17 ноември 2012
    Imagine Dragons - Whatever It Takes

    Falling too fast to prepare for this
    Tripping in the world could be dangerous
    Everybody circling, it's vulturous
    Negative, nepotist

    Everybody waiting for the fall of man
    Everybody praying for the end of times
    Everybody hoping they could be the one
    I was born to run, I was born for this

    Whip, whip
    Run me like a racehorse
    Pull me like a ripcord
    Break me down and build me up
    I wanna be the slip, slip
    Word upon your lip, lip
    Letter that you rip, rip
    Break me down and build me up

    Whatever it takes
    'Cause I love the adrenaline in my veins
    I do whatever it takes
    'Cause I love how it feels when I break the chains
    Whatever it takes
    You take me to the top I'm ready for
    Whatever it takes
    'Cause I love the adrenaline in my veins
    I do what it takes

    Always had a fear of being typical
    Looking at my body feeling miserable
    Always hanging on to the visual
    I wanna be invisible

    Looking at my years like a martyrdom
    Everybody needs to be a part of 'em
    Never be enough, I'm the prodigal son
    I was born to run, I was born for this

    Whip, whip
    Run me like a racehorse
    Pull me like a ripcord
    Break me down and build me up
    I wanna be the slip, slip
    Word upon your lip, lip
    Letter that you rip, rip
    Break me down and build me up

    Whatever it takes
    'Cause I love the adrenaline in my veins
    I do whatever it takes
    'Cause I love how it feels when I break the chains
    Whatever it takes
    You take me to the top, I'm ready for
    Whatever it takes
    'Cause I love the adrenaline in my veins
    I do what it takes

    Hypocritical, egotistical
    Don't wanna be the parenthetical, hypothetical
    Working onto something that I'm proud of, out of the box
    An epoxy to the world and the vision we've lost
    I'm an apostrophe
    I'm just a symbol to remind you that there's more to see
    I'm just a product of the system, a catastrophe
    And yet a masterpiece, and yet I'm half-diseased
    And when I am deceased
    At least I go down to the grave and die happily
    Leave the body of my soul to be a part of me
    I do what it takes

    Whatever it takes
    'Cause I love the adrenaline in my veins
    I do whatever it takes
    'Cause I love how it feels when I break the chains
    Whatever it takes
    You take me to the top, I'm ready for
    Whatever it takes
    'Cause I love the adrenaline in my veins
    I do what it takes
    На blackpanter му/ѝ се допаѓа ова.
  6. Baby23Baby

    Baby23Baby Истакнат член

    Се зачлени на:
    31 јануари 2012
    I don't eat
    I don't sleep
    I do nothing but think of you
    I don't eat
    I don't sleep
    I do nothing but think of you
    You keep me under your spell (3x)
    You keep me under your spell (3x)
    I was wondering
    Do you know the difference between love and obsession?
    And what's the difference between obsession and desire?
    I don't know.
    Do you think this feeling can last forever?
    You mean like forever ever? forever ever? forever ever? forever ever? Sure.
    God, I hope so.
    Me too.
    I don't eat
    I don't sleep
    I do nothing but think of you
    I don't eat
    I don't sleep
    I do nothing but think of you
    You keep me under your spell (3x)
    You keep me under your spell (3x)
  7. blonde_supergirl

    blonde_supergirl Истакнат член

    Се зачлени на:
    21 октомври 2016
    Que je t'aime

    Quand tes cheveux s’étalent
    comme un soleil d’été
    et que ton oreiller
    ressemble aux champs de blé.
    Quand l’ombre et la lumière
    dessinent sur ton corps
    des montagnes, des forêts
    et des îles aux trésors

    Que je t’aime, que je t’aime, que je t’aime,
    que je t’aime, que je t’aime, que je t’aime !

    Quand ta bouche se fait douce,
    quand ton corps se fait dur,
    quand le ciel de tes yeux
    d’un seul coup n’est plus pur.
    Quand tes mains voudraient bien,
    quand tes doigts n’osent pas.
    Quand ta pudeur dit non
    d’une toute petite voix

    Que je t’aime, que je t’aime, que je t’aime,
    que je t’aime, que je t’aime, que je t’aime !

    Quand tu ne te sens plus chatte
    et que tu deviens chienne,
    et qu’à l'appel du loup
    tu brises enfin tes chaînes.
    Quand ton premier soupir
    se finit dans un cri.
    Quand c’est moi qui dis non,
    quand c’est toi qui dis oui

    Que je t’aime, que je t’aime, que je t’aime,
    que je t’aime, que je t’aime, que je t’aime !

    Quand mon corps sur ton corps,
    lourd comme un cheval mort,
    ne sait pas, ne sait plus
    s’il existe encore.
    Quand on a fait l’amour
    comme d’autres font la guerre.
    Quand c’est moi le soldat
    qui meurt et qui la perd

    Que je t’aime, que je t’aime, que je t’aime,
    que je t’aime, que je t’aime, que je t’aime !


    How I love you
    Versions: #1#2#3#4
    When your hair spreads
    Like a summer sun
    And when your pillow
    Looks like wheatfields
    When shadow and light
    Draw on your body
    Mountains and forests
    And treasure islands

    How I love you , how I love you , how I love you ,
    How I love you , how I love you , how I love you !

    When your mouth gets sweet
    When your body gets hard
    When the sky of your eyes
    All of a sudden is no longer pure
    When your hands would like it
    When your fingers don't dare it
    When your decency says no
    With a very little voice

    How I love you , how I love you , how I love you ,
    How I love you , how I love you , how I love you !

    When you no longer feel like a pus*y
    And when you become a b*tch
    And when as the wolf calls
    You finally break your chains
    When your last gasp
    Ends in a scream
    When I say no
    When you say yes

    When my body over your body
    Heavy like a dead horse
    Doesn't know , no longer knows
    If it still exists
    Once we made love
    Like others make war
    When I am the soldier
    Who dies and loses it

    When I'm the one who dies and loses it
    When I'm the one who dies and loses it

  8. blonde_supergirl

    blonde_supergirl Истакнат член

    Се зачлени на:
    21 октомври 2016
    [Verse 1]
    She told me not to step on the cracks
    I told her not to fuss and relax
    Well, her pretty little face stopped me in my tracks

    [Chorus 1]
    But now she sleeps with one eye open
    That's the price she'll pay

    [Verse 2]
    I took a knife and cut out her eye
    I took it home and watched it wither and die

    Well, she's lucky that I didn't slip her a smile

    [Chorus 1]
    But now she sleeps with one eye open
    That's the price she'll pay

    [Chorus 2]
    I said, hey, girl with one eye
    Get your filthy fingers out of my pie
    I said, hey, girl with one eye
    I'll cut your little heart out because you made me cry

    [Verse 3]
    I slipped my hand under her skirt
    I said don't worry, it's not going to hurt

    Oh, my reputation's kind of clouded with dirt

    [Chorus 1]
    But now she sleeps with one eye open
    That's the price she'll pay

    [Chorus 2]
    I said, hey, girl with one eye
    Get your filthy fingers out of my pie
    I said, hey, girl with one eye
    I'll cut your little heart out because you made me cry

    You made me cry
    You made me cry
    You made me cry

    [Chorus 2]
    I said, hey, girl with one eye
    Get your filthy fingers out of my pie
    I said, hey, girl with one eye
    I'll cut your little heart out because you made me cry
    I said, hey, girl with one eye
    Get your filthy fingers out of my pie
    I said, hey, girl with one eye
    I'll cut your little heart out because you made me cry

  9. Someonespecial

    Someonespecial Free-minded aesthete

    Се зачлени на:
    17 ноември 2012
    Akua Naru - Poetry: How Does It Feel Now

    Love, love mmm...
    I told y'all
    We would be the band to play it.

    My ghetto butterfly flew away from me.
    I wait patiently, by windows and doorsteps.
    Play, make believe, as my tears, poor chest,
    won't succeed to breathe, if not to hear of you.

    Surely there has never been a shade so blue.
    A stank attitude, so not mad at you.
    Not a magnitude to encompass the latitude
    of my love for you.
    No space and time compatible.

    What do I have to do? What do I have to do?
    Uh, my friends say I got it bad for you.
    I do. But there's nothing in this world I'd rather do,
    but you.

    I want to make love to your existence,
    drenched in colors of your energy,
    then masturbate to the memories.
    I wanna lose myself inside yourself...
    Until you find me. Confine me,
    to the freedom of your prison.
    Exist in the same space, same time.
    Combine until your thoughts slow grind with mine.

    My, I wanna drink the sweat of your intellect,
    reflect, and watch your light passion walk my neck.
    Caress the sights of your presence with no question,
    undress to the nakedness of love, pure love.
    I want to make love to my soulmate... my soulmate...
    make love to my soulmate... my soulmate...
    make love to my soulmate, uh shit...
    I wonder, how does it feel to make love to your soulmate.
    Kind of like writing poetry till climax,
    till the point and place where space and time match.
    Can we cross the line, perhaps tell me would you like that.
    Now would you like that, tell me would you like that,
    would you like that, tell me would you like that,
    would you like that, tell me?

    I'm gonna ask you again now, tell me.
    Would you like that, tell me would you like that,
    now would you like that, tell me would you like that,
    would you like that, tell me.

    I wanna love you more than madly.
    Wrap these legs around your words,
    until your speech is straddled deep, gladly.
    Swim the currents of your vibrations,
    be separate in one
    with the same meditation.
    Uh the same meditation.

    Uh you know what.
    This, right here is poetry.

    Enjoy. Ualy, play that saxophone right now!

    If love.
    If love had a sound
    this would be that sound.
    And we,
    well we,
    We would be the band to play it.

    :inlove: :smirk: [​IMG]
    На Scott Weiland му/ѝ се допаѓа ова.
  10. Scott Weiland

    Scott Weiland Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    3 април 2018
    Bad Religion

    Like a rock,
    like a planet,
    Like a fucking atom bomb,
    I'll remain unperturbed by the joy and the madness
    that i encounter everywhere I turn
    I've seen it all along
    In book and magazines
    like a twitch before dying
    like a pornographic sea
    there's a flower behind the window
    there's an ugly laughing man
    like a hummingbird in silence
    like the blood on the door
    it's the generator
    oh yeah, oh yeah, like the blood on my door
    wash me clean and I will run
    until i reach the shore
    I've known it all along
    like the bone under my skin
    like actors in a photograph
    like paper in the wind
    there's a hammer by the window
    there's a knife on the floor
    like turbines in darkness
    like the blood on my door
    it's the generator
  11. Scott Weiland

    Scott Weiland Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    3 април 2018
    When there's lightning, you know it always brings me down
    'Cause it's free and I see that it's me
    Who's lost and never found
    I cry out for magic, I feel it dancing in the light
    It was cold, I lost my hold
    To the shadows of the night

    No sign of the morning coming
    You've been left on your own
    Like a rainbow in the dark
    A rainbow in the dark

    Do your demons, do they ever let you go?
    When you've tried, do they hide, deep inside
    Is it someone that you know
    You're just a picture, your're an image caught in time
    We're a lie, you and I
    We're words without a rhyme

    There's no sign of the morning coming
    You've been left on your own
    Like a rainbow in the dark
    Just a rainbow in the dark, yeah

    When I see lightning, you know it always brings me down
    'Cause it's free and I see that it's me
    Who's lost and never found
    Feel the magic, I feel it floating in the air
    But it's fear, and you'll hear
    It calling you beware

    Look out
    There's no sight of the morning coming
    There's no sight of the day
    You've been left on your own
    Like a rainbow
    Like a rainbow in the dark, yeah
    You're a rainbow in the dark
    Just a rainbow in the dark
    No sign of the morning
    You're a rainbow in the dark
  12. Scott Weiland

    Scott Weiland Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    3 април 2018
    Manowar - Heart of Steel :rock:

    Build a fire a thousand miles away
    to light my long way home
    I ride a comet
    My trail is long to stay
    Silence is a heavy stone
    I fight the world and take all they can give
    There are times my heart hangs low
    Born to walk against the wind
    Born to hear my name
    No matter where I stand I'm alone
    Stand and fight
    Live by your heart
    Always one more try
    I'm not afraid to die
    Stand and fight
    Say what you feel
    Born with a heart of steel
    Burn the bridge behind you
    Leave no retreat
    There's only one way home
    Those who laugh and crowd the path
    and cut each other's throats
    Will fall like melting snow
    They'll watch us rise with fire in our eyes
    They'll bow their heads
    Their hearts will hang low
    Then we'll laugh and they will kneel
    and know this heart of steel was
    Too hard to break
    Too hard to hold
    Stand and fight
    Live by your heart
    Always one more try
    I'm not afraid to die
    Stand and fight
    Say what you feel
    Born with a heart of steel
  13. Scott Weiland

    Scott Weiland Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    3 април 2018
    Flogging Molly
    "Drunken Lullabies"

    Must it take a life for hateful eyes
    To glisten once again
    Five hundred years like Gelignite
    Have blown us all to hell
    What savior rests while on his cross we die
    Forgotten freedom burns
    Has the Shepard led his lambs astray
    to the bigot and the gun

    Must it take a life for hateful eyes
    To glisten once again
    Cause we find ourselves in the same old mess
    Singin' drunken lullabies

    I watch and stare as Rosin`s eyes
    Turn a darker shade of red
    And the bullet with this sniper lie
    In their bloody gutless cell
    Must we starve on crumbs from long ago
    Through these bars of men made steel
    Is it a great or little thing we fought
    Knelt the conscience blessed to kill

    Must it take a life for hateful eyes
    To glisten once again
    Cause we find ourselves in the same old mess
    Singin' drunken lullabies

    Ah, but maybe it`s the way you were taught
    Or maybe it`s the way we fought
    But a smile never grins without tears to begin
    For each kiss is a cry we all lost
    Though there is nothing left to gain
    But for the banshee that stole the grave
    Cause we find ourselves in the same old mess
    Singin' drunken lullabies

    I sit in and dwell on faces past
    Like memories seem to fade
    No colour left but black and white
    And soon will all turn grey
    But may these shadows rise to walk again
    With lessons truly learnt
    When the blossom flowers in each our hearts
    Shall beat a new found flame

    Must it take a life for hateful eyes
    To glisten once again
    Cause we find ourselves in the same old mess
    Singin' drunken lullabies
    Cause we find ourselves in the same old mess
    Singin' drunken lullabies
    Singin' drunken lullabies
  14. Scott Weiland

    Scott Weiland Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    3 април 2018

    Tezak san, tihi korak
    mrtav mrak, curi oblak
    beskucnik koji trazi
    zbir znakova po prasumi

    A tvoje ruke su nezne
    lako spustas ih na mene
    tvoje reci su jasne
    samo treba da ti verujem i proci ce

    Ja ih nikad ne bih sanjao
    ali neko tera me na to

    Nemam izvor svetlosti
    na vidiku samo mrak
    crna kapa preko ociju
    ja se plasim da je skinem
    nema razloga za bolji svet
    sve sto smislim
    stvorim ga za sebe, al'

    Ref. 14x
    Protiv sebe

    Ja dobro znam sta radim
    al' ne znam zbog cega
    sve dobija drugu boju i miris

    Koliko sam puta krenuo iz pocetka
    i stigao do istog prokletog mesta

    Moje vreme prolazi
    i nemam ga jos mnogo
    moje vreme prolazi
    a nista nisam stigao da naplatim

    Strah ili strepnja
    kradem ti misli
    radim protiv sebe

    Ref. 24x
  15. Grumercy

    Grumercy Истакнат член

    Се зачлени на:
    19 јуни 2017

    You're sleeping night and day
    How d'you do it?
    Me I am wide awake
    Feeling defeated
    I say your name
    I say I'm sorry
    I know it's not working
    I'm no holiday
    It's nobody's fault
    No guilty party
    We just got nothing
    Nothing left to say
    Another year gets away
    Another summer of love
    I don't know why I care
    We miss it every summer
    I say your name
    I say I'm sorry
    I'm the one doing this
    There's no other way
    It's nobody's fault
    No guilty party
    I just got nothing, nothing left to say
    It all, all catches up to me
    It all, all catches up to me all the time
    I say your name
    I say I'm sorry
    I know it's not working, I'm no holiday
    It's nobody's fault
    No guilty party
    We just got nothing, nothing left to say
    I say your name
    I say I'm sorry
    I'm the one doing this, there's no other way
    It's nobody's fault
    No guilty party
    I just got nothing, nothing left to say
    It all, all just catches up to me
    It all, all catches up to me all the time
    На Scott Weiland му/ѝ се допаѓа ова.
  16. Scott Weiland

    Scott Weiland Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    3 април 2018


    "Til We Die"

    My friends are all hurting from moments and regrets and charity laced with a lie
    And still we keep hoping, to fix all the defects and strengthen these seminal ties
    We go on together for better or worse, our history is too real to hate
    Now and forever we stay until morning, and promise to fight for our fate

    'Til we die
    'Til we die

    The start of the journey is every bit worth it, I can let you down anymore
    The sky is still clearing, we're never afraid and the consequence opens the door
    I've never stopped trying, I've never stopped feeling like family is much more than blood
    Don't go on without me, the piece that I represent complements each and every one

    'Til we die
    'Til we die

    We won't be forgotten, we'll never give in
    This war we've achieved has allowed us to win

    'Til we die
    'Til we die

    My last true confession will open your eyes, I've never known trust like the nine
    Let it be spoken, let it be screamed, they'll never ever take us alive

    'Til we die
    'Til we die

    We won't be forgotten, we'll never give in
    This war we've achieved has allowed us to win

    Carry on
    Carry on

    We'll never be broken, we won't be denied, our war is the pressure we need to unite
    We'll never be broken, we won't be denied, our war is the pressure we need to unite

    'Til we die
    'Til we die

    We won't be forgotten, we'll never give in
    This war we've achieved has allowed us to win

    Carry on
    Carry on

    We'll never be broken, we won't be denied, our war is the pressure we need to unite

    'Til we die
    'Til we die
    'Til we die

    We won't be forgotten, we'll never give in
    This war we've achieved has allowed us to win
    We'll never be broken, we won't be denied, our war is the pressure we need to unite​
    На Grumercy му/ѝ се допаѓа ова.
  17. Scott Weiland

    Scott Weiland Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    3 април 2018

    Oasis – Don't Look Back In Anger

    Slip inside the eye of your mind
    Don't you know you might find
    A better place to play
    You said that you've never been (sounds like "bean" in order to rhyme
    But all the things that you've seen
    They slowly fade away
    So I'll start a revolution from my bed
    ''cause you said the brains I had went to my head
    Step outside, summertime's in bloom
    Stand up beside the fireplace
    Take that look from off your face
    You ain't ever gonna burn my heart out
    And so, Sally can wait
    She knows it's too late as we're walking on by
    Her soul slides away
    But don't look back in anger
    I heard you say
    Take me to the place where you go
    Where nobody knows if it's night or day
    Please don't put your life in the hands
    Of a rock and roll band
    Who'll throw it all away
    I'm gonna start a revolution from my bed
    ''cause you said the brains I had went to my head
    Step outside, ''cause summertime's in bloom
    Stand up beside the fireplace
    Take that look from off your face
    ''cause you ain't ever gonna burn my heart out
    So, Sally can wait
    She knows it's too late as she's walking on by
    My soul slides away
    But don't look back in anger
    I heard you say
    (guitar solo)
    So, Sally can wait
    She knows it's too late as we're walking on by
    Her soul slides away
    But don't look back in anger
    I heard you say
    So, Sally can wait
    She knows it's too late as she's walking on by
    My soul slides away
    But don't look back in anger
    Don't look back in anger
    I heard you say
    At least not today.
    На Someonespecial и simonka93 им се допаѓа ова.
  18. Scott Weiland

    Scott Weiland Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    3 април 2018
    The Underground Youth - Hedonism

    Come my poor heart come, old friend true and tried,
    Lies before the chasm, gaping wide,
    With long sobs the violin throbs and cries,
    With long sobs the violin throbs and cries,
    What the hell are you doing here, What else can I say,
    I lied to you with every hour, every hour of every day,
    Now why can't we be like you and just f*** our pain away,
    Is that the sun coming down, threatening to break,
    or just the part of you that I could never take,
    With long sobs the violin throbs and cries,
    With long sobs the violin throbs and cries.

    На Someonespecial му/ѝ се допаѓа ова.
  19. RAF Camora

    RAF Camora Истакнат член

    Се зачлени на:
    6 февруари 2018
    Kemal Monteno | Pismo prijatelju (1992)

    Poljubac sa okusom kolaca tvoje bake
    ciganska pjesma sa stare trake
    Vilsonovo, Bascarija, prva ljubav ostala

    Korpa sa bebom pred mojim vratima
    mirise Mostar u sitnim satima
    na Rondou ljubavi rodjeni su ostali

    Dimnjacar na krovu, tvoje oci u mraku
    cuprija na Drini, golub u zraku
    iz inata rodjena, behar grana procvala

    Ako pitas gdje sam sada
    ne idem iz ovog grada
    sve je moje ovdje ostalo

    Ako pitas kako mi je
    da ti roknu samo dvije
    sve bi ti se samo kazalo
    nikome se ne ponovilo

    Dugo, toplo ljeto, Zenica, tombola
    crno-bijeli TV, na njemu gondola
    frtalj hljeba crnoga, boja teskih godina

    Dva-tri metra snijega i tutanj ligura
    pusti Ficu kad ne pali
    dok ga raja ne gura
    na ormaru dunje dvije
    ja jos cuvam za tebe

    Onamo il' tamo, mlijeko, varenika
    svima ravno do mora
    a more Zelenika
    od Makarske do Neuma
    uspomena ostala
  20. Scott Weiland

    Scott Weiland Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    3 април 2018
    Scott Weiland – Barbarella Lyrics

    You play the game
    I'll masturbate and sing a lullaby
    You run the race
    I'll pay the miles
    You sing the pink love fuzz
    And dance the musty queer
    I'll stay at home 'cause I'm the mouse

    So high that I can't fly
    More deep than space #9
    Can't tell time by telling time
    She's so ready, I'm so heavy
    It's so heavy on me
    Can't hold time by holding time

    Come and save me from my misery
    Can't you see it's a disease
    Shoot the bad guys
    And I'll gladly sing a tune for you
    Lost in space-we could be free

    Let go, let God they say
    I do believe but not in yours or yours
    I just believe it's all the same
    Don't know just who I am
    Don't know about the lamb
    I'm the meat of the feast

    Come and save me from my misery
    Can't you see it's a disease
    Shoot the bad guys
    And I'll gladly sing a tune for you
    Lost in space-we could be free

    Na na na na na na
    Na na na na na na na
    Na na na na na na

    And all the tangerines
    They taste like jelly beans
    This must be boring by now
    Grab a scale and guess the weight of all
    The pain I've given with my name
    I'm a selfish piece of shit

    Come and save me from my misery
    Can't you see it's a disease
    Shoot the bad guys
    And I'll gladly sing a tune for you
    Lost in space-we could be free

    Come and save me from my misery
    Can't you see it's a disease
    Shoot the bad guys
    And I'll gladly sing a tune for you
    We'll watch lost in space on my tv

    На joy1 му/ѝ се допаѓа ова.