Форумџика на годината
  1. Овој сајт користи колачиња неопходни за неговото функционирање. Ако продолжиш да го користиш, значи се согласуваш со нашата употреба на колачиња. Прочитај повеќе.

Текстови на песни

Дискусија во 'Музика' започната од Mimi, 12 ноември 2009.

  1. Someonespecial

    Someonespecial Free-minded aesthete

    Се зачлени на:
    17 ноември 2012
    "Tranquility Base Hotel + Casino" - Arctic Monkeys

    Jesus in the day spa filling out the information form
    Mama got her hair done
    Just popping out to sing a protest song
    I've been on a bender back to that prophetic esplanade
    Where I ponder all the questions but just manage to miss the mark

    Good afternoon
    Tranquility Base Hotel and Casino
    Mark speaking
    Please tell me how may I direct your call?

    This magical thinking
    Feels as if it really might catch on
    Mama wants some answers
    Do you remember where it all went wrong?
    Technological advances
    Really bloody get me in the mood
    Pull me in close on a crisp eve baby
    Kiss me underneath the moon's side boob

    Good afternoon
    Tranquility Base Hotel and Casino
    Mark speaking
    Please tell me how may I direct your call?
    Do you celebrate your dark side
    Then wish you'd never left the house?
    Have you ever spent a generation trying to figure that one out?

    Good afternoon
    Tranquility Base Hotel and Casino
    Mark speaking
    Please tell me how may I direct your call?
    На Scott Weiland му/ѝ се допаѓа ова.
  2. DAngel

    DAngel Форумски идол

    Се зачлени на:
    19 март 2011
    "Viva la Vida" - Coldplay

    I used to rule the world
    Seas would rise when I gave the word
    Now in the morning I sleep alone
    Sweep the streets I used to own

    I used to roll the dice
    Feel the fear in my enemy's eyes
    Listen as the crowd would sing
    "Now the old king is dead! Long live the king!"

    One minute I held the key
    Next the walls were closed on me
    And I discovered that my castles stand
    Upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand

    I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing
    Roman Calvary choirs are singing
    Be my mirror, my sword and shield
    My missionaries in a foreign field

    For some reason I can't explain
    Once you go there was never
    Never an honest word
    And that was when I ruled the world

    It was the wicked and wild wind
    Blew down the doors to let me in
    Shattered windows and the sound of drums
    People couldn't believe what I'd become

    Revolutionaries wait
    For my head on a silver plate
    Just a puppet on a lonely string
    Oh who would ever want to be king?

    I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing
    Roman Calvary choirs are singing
    Be my mirror, my sword and shield
    My missionaries in a foreign field
    На Scott Weiland и Someonespecial им се допаѓа ова.
  3. Someonespecial

    Someonespecial Free-minded aesthete

    Се зачлени на:
    17 ноември 2012
    Fabrizio Moro - Pensa

    Ci sono stati uomini che hanno scritto pagine
    Appunti di una vita dal valore inestimabile
    Insostituibili perché hanno denunciato
    Il più corrotto dei sistemi troppo spesso ignorato
    Uomini o angeli mandati sulla terra
    Per combattere una guerra di faide e di famiglie
    Sparse come tante biglie su un isola di sangue
    Che fra tante meraviglie, fra limoni e fra conchiglie
    Massacra figli e figlie di una generazione
    Costretta a non guardare, a parlare a bassa voce
    A spegnere la luce, a commentare in pace
    Ogni pallottola nell'aria, ogni cadavere in un fosso

    Ci sono stati uomini che passo dopo passo
    Hanno lasciato un segno con coraggio e con impegno
    Con dedizione contro un'istituzione organizzata
    Cоsa nostra... cosa vostra... cos'è vostro?
    È nostra... la libertà di dire
    Che gli occhi sono fatti per guardare
    La bocca per parlare, le orecchie ascoltano
    Non solo musica, non solo musica
    La testa si gira e aggiusta la mira, ragiona
    A volte condanna a volte perdona semplicemente

    Pensa prima di sparare
    Pensa prima di dire e di giudicare prova a pensare
    Pensa che puoi decidere tu
    Resta un attimo soltanto un attimo di più
    Con la testa fra le mani

    Ci sono stati uomini che sono morti giovani
    Ma consapevoli che le loro idee sarebbero rimaste nei secoli
    Come parole iperbole, intatte e reali come piccoli miracoli
    Idee di uguaglianza, idee di educazione
    Contro ogni uomo che eserciti oppressione
    Contro ogni suo simile contro chi è più debole
    Contro chi sotterra la coscienza nel cemento

    Pensa prima di sparare
    Pensa prima di dire e di giudicare prova a pensare
    Pensa che puoi decidere tu
    Resta un attimo soltanto un attimo di più
    Con la testa fra le mani

    Ci sono stati uomini che hanno continuato
    Nonostante intorno fosse tutto bruciato
    Perché in fondo questa vita non ha significato
    Se hai paura di una bomba o di un fucile puntato
    Gli uomini passano e passa una canzone
    Ma nessuno potrà fermare mai la convinzione
    Che la giustizia no... non è solo un'illusione

    Pensa prima di sparare
    Pensa prima di dire e di giudicare prova a pensare
    Pensa che puoi decidere tu
    Resta un attimo soltanto un attimo di più
    Con la testa fra le mani

    There were men who wrote pages
    Notes of a priceless lifetime
    There were men who wrote pages
    Irreplaceable because they denounced
    The most corrupt systems too often ignored
    Men or angels sent to earth
    To fight a war of feuds and of families
    Scattered like so many balls on an island of blood
    That among so many wonders, among lemons and seashells
    They're slaughtering sons and daughters of a generation
    Forced not to look, forced to speak in a whisper
    To turn off the light, to comment in silence
    Each and every bullet in the air, each and every body in a ditch

    There were men that little by little
    Have left a mark with courage and with commitment
    With devotion against an organized institution
    Our thing … your thing … what is yours?
    The freedom to speak ... it's ours
    Because our eyes were made to see
    Our mouth to speak, the ears to listen
    Not only music, not only music
    The head turns and adjusts the aim, it's clever
    At times it condemns, at times it simply forgives

    Think before firing
    Think before speaking and judging, try to think
    Think that you can decide
    Wait a moment, only a moment more
    With your head between your hands

    There were men that died young
    But aware that their ideas will last for centuries
    As important words, unbroken and real as little miracles
    Ideas of equality, ideas of education
    Against every man that exercises oppression
    Against everyone against a weaker one
    Against he who buries his conscience in the cement

    Think before firing
    Think before speaking and judging, try to think
    Think that you can decide
    Wait a moment, only a moment more
    With your head between your hands

    There were men that continued
    Although everything around was burning
    Because, in the end, this life has no meaning
    If you fear a bomb or a pointed gun
    Men pass and a song passes
    But no one will ever be able to stop the belief
    That justice is not only an illusion

    Think before firing
    Think before speaking and judging, try to think
    Think that you can decide
    Wait a moment, only a moment more
    With your head between your hands

    На Scott Weiland и DAngel им се допаѓа ова.
  4. Scott Weiland

    Scott Weiland Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    3 април 2018

    Before all things reborn again
    You learn the painful breath of time
    Cold mourning stretches out your arms
    To the mighty warmth of the golden sun
    Seem all have gone insane for gold
    All was created out of the night
    We're all born from the burst of a star

    The day you'll come to life you'll realize
    Expanding force to life where you belong
    And in the winter cold, with opened eyes
    You'll find the strength to fight and stand upright
    One day you'll walk the world and keep in mind
    The heart you've been given in winter time
    And through the bitter cold, with opened eyes
    You'll find the strength to fight and stand upright
  5. Scott Weiland

    Scott Weiland Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    3 април 2018

    Правила су увек тако стара,
    зашто морам њима да се клањам?
    Није важно, причај ми о срећи,
    нешто лепо као чоколада.

    Овај пут је породично стабло,
    мали простор који тако волим.
    Све је спремно, то је моја снага
    нежни људи различитих страна.

    Кад се неко нечем добром нада
    Кад се неко нечем добром нада
    Кад се неко нечем добром нада
    Кад се неко нечем добром нада
  6. RAF Camora

    RAF Camora Истакнат член

    Се зачлени на:
    6 февруари 2018
  7. Someonespecial

    Someonespecial Free-minded aesthete

    Се зачлени на:
    17 ноември 2012
    Muse – Thought Contagion

    Strung out falling from the big time
    Welcome to the infinite black skies
    Brain cleansed fractured identity
    Fragments and scattered debris

    Thought contagion
    Thought contagion

    Fall down learn when to count it out
    Prop me up before I black out
    Withdraw before you're out of time
    A clean slate and buried war crimes

    You've been bitten by a true believer
    You've been bitten by someone who's hungrier than you
    You've been bitten by a true believer
    You've been bitten by someone's false beliefs

    Thought contagion
    Thought contagion

    They'll never do what you want them to
    Give it up and watch them break through
    It's too late for a revolution
    Brace for the final solution

    Thought contagion
    Thought contagion

    You've been bitten by a true believer
    You've been bitten by someone who's hungrier than you
    You've been bitten by a true believer
    You've been bitten by someone's false beliefs

    Thought contagion
    Thought contagion

    Strung out falling from the big time
    Welcome to the infinite black skies
    It's too late for a revolution
    Brace for the final solution
  8. GrevMk

    GrevMk Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    7 септември 2017
    Michael Jackson - Give in to me

    She always takes it with a heart of stone
    'Cause all she does is throw it back to me
    I've spent a lifetime
    Looking for someone
    Don't try to understand me
    Just simply do the
    Things I say

    Love is a feeling
    Give it when I want it
    'Cause I'm on fire
    Quench my desire
    Give it when I want it
    Talk to me woman
    Give in to me
    Give in to me

    You always knew just how to make me cry
    And never did I ask you questions why
    It seems you get your kicks from hurting me
    Don't try to understand me
    Because your words just aren't enough

    Love is a feeling
    Quench my desire
    Give it when I want it
    Takin' me higher
    Love is a woman
    I don't wanna hear it
    Give in to me
    Give in to me

    You and your friends
    Were laughing at me in town
    But it's okay
    And it's okay
    You wont be laughing girl
    When I'm not around
    I'll be okay
    And I'll, I'll not find
    Gotta, some peace of my no

    Don't try to tell me
    Because your words
    Just aren't enough

    Love is a feeling
    Quench my desire
    Give it when I want it
    Takin' me higher
    Talk to me woman
    Love is a feeling
    Give in to me
    Give in to me
    Give in to me

    Love is a feeling
    I don't wanna hear it
    Quench my desire
    Takin' me higher
    Tell it to the preacher
    Satisfy the feeling
    Give in to me
    Give in to me

    I don't wanna
    I don't wanna
    I don't wanna
    Hear it
    Give it to the fire
    Talk to me woman
    Quench my desire
    I don't like a lady
    Talk to me baby
    Give in to me

    Give in to the fire
    Give in to me
    Give in to me
    Give in to me

    Love is a woman
    Give in to me
    Give in to me
    Give in to me
    Give in to me

    'Cause I'm on fire
    Talk to me woman
    Quench my desire
    Give it to the feeling
  9. Snow-Star

    Snow-Star Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    28 јануари 2014
    "Legendary"- Welshly arms

    Take a look around me
    Taking pages from a magazine
    Been looking for the answers
    Ever since we were seventeen

    You know the truth can be a weapon
    To fight this world of ill intentions
    A new answer to the same question
    How many times will you learn the same lesson?

    I think they got it all wrong
    We just gotta hold on
    And on and on and on

    'Cause we're gonna be legends
    Gonna get their attention
    What we're doing here ain't just scary
    It's about to be legendary

    Yea we're gonna be legends
    Gonna teach 'em all a lesson
    Got this feeling in our souls we carry
    That it's about to be legendary

    This is what we came for
    And we couldn't want it anymore
    We can never turn back now
    Got to leave it all on the floor

    Been dreaming of the payoff
    Though the struggles and the trade-offs
    Fighting tooth and nail on the way up
    Tell them the truth but they'd think it's just made up

    I think they got it all wrong
    We just gotta hold on
    And on and on and on

    'Cause we're gonna be legends
    Gonna get their attention
    What we're doing here ain't just scary
    It's about to be legendary

    Yea we're gonna be legends
    Gonna teach 'em all a lesson
    Got this feeling in our souls we carry
    That it's about to be legendary

    Eventually they're gonna know who's right
    To make a stand you've got to win the fight
    Can't stand the heat then just stay out the light
    Or you might never make it out alive
    You gotta live without a compromise
    Let everybody hear your battle cry!

    'Cause we're gonna be legends
    Gonna get their attention
    What we're doing here ain't just scary
    It's about to be legendary

    Yea we're gonna be legends
    Gonna teach 'em all a lesson
    Got this feeling in our souls we carry
    That it's about to be legendary
  10. IM.TMKQ

    IM.TMKQ Форумски идол

    Се зачлени на:
    10 јануари 2014
    Linkin Park

    "One More Light"

    Should've stayed. Were there signs I ignored?
    Can I help you not to hurt anymore?
    We saw brilliance when the world was asleep
    There are things that we can have but can't keep

    If they say

    Who cares if one more light goes out
    In the sky of a million stars?
    It flickers, flickers
    Who cares when someone's time runs out
    If a moment is all we are?
    We're quicker, quicker
    Who cares if one more light goes out?
    Well, I do

    The reminders pull the floor from your feet
    In the kitchen one more chair than you need
    And you're angry, and you should be, it's not fair
    Just 'cause you can't see it, doesn't mean it isn't there

    If they say

    Who cares if one more light goes out
    In the sky of a million stars?
    It flickers, flickers
    Who cares when someone's time runs out
    If a moment is all we are?
    We're quicker, quicker
    Who cares if one more light goes out?
    Well, I do

    Who cares if one more light goes out
    In the sky of a million stars?
    It flickers, flickers
    Who cares when someone's time runs out
    If a moment is all we are?
    We're quicker, quicker
    Who cares if one more light goes out?
    Well, I do
    Well, I do
    На Natali.3 и ceca-1 им се допаѓа ова.
  11. RAF Camora

    RAF Camora Истакнат член

    Се зачлени на:
    6 февруари 2018
    I, I'm bound to you
    Yeah, you hold me close without touch
    I can't never get it enough
    Every night, every night
    I'm missing you
    I won't lie to you
    'Cause I'll do everything that I can
    To erase the hurt and that pain
    Every night, every night
    I'm loving you

    How many times do I have to tell you
    I hold the pieces of your broken heart
    With my heart
    I won't leave (I won't leave)
    Stay with me (stay with me)
    Close to mine

    How many times do I have to tell you
    I hold the pieces of your broken heart
    With my heart
    I won't leave (I won't leave)
    Stay with me (stay with me)
    Close to mine
  12. blackpanter

    blackpanter Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    9 јануари 2015
    ЛД Пистолеро - Деца на транзицијата

    [Строфа 1]
    Не сум крив јас ниту вие што сме се родиле тука во мраков
    и што го пцуеме баш секој еден ден во него таков
    погрешно место во право време јас би рекол
    боље пристоен пекол отоклку лажен рај во сето
    велат секој сам си прави да е среќен нели?
    џабе кога секој сам за себе и своите цели
    би го продал и сопствениот син само да ќари
    па би одел против своја воља, семејство, другари
    народ ќути, збори само кога се љути на свои
    јас сум далтонист и не препознавам партиски бои
    жалам за оние кои немаат денар во џебот
    молат за лебот и трпат децата дома за него
    срце ме кине кога го гледам како проси
    стај се една минута во тие нозе испукани боси
    исто гледам на чистачката и шефот
    попрво би рекол добар ден на неа место него
    иста почит еднакво за сите во моите очи
    исто тежиме во прегратки на нечиј раце божји
    исто крвариме сите сме под сино небо
    дури и кога е сиво темно црвено и бледо
    ист е бедот а младоста ни пројде бунтувајќи
    ефтини ствари купувајќи себично чувајќи
    но нема напред проклето пропаѓање
    зошто сме деца на транзицијата од самото раѓање
    1, 'u-xx_large_top_margin': $height > 0}" style="box-sizing: border-box; display: block;">
    Би го смениле името ама никогаш светот
    би пееле и пиеле но не би го виделе него
    над нас се и таа влада и полиција
    таква ни била судбината кога сме деца на транзиција

    [Строфа 2]
    не сум крив јас ниту вие што сме се родиле тука во мраков
    што чекаме пасош по две-три години за надвор
    пола маало во затвор а политичари на слобода
    неписмени говеда слават туѓа победа
    па гледам збрани луѓе како глумат хулигани
    како бранат некого а кого незнаат ни сами

    нема да се свести народов тврдоглав проклет да е
    длабоко во себе знае дека многу ќе се кае
    ама ако 500 години им биле малце
    шират нозе место раце кога под г`зот е јајце
    градот ни е безнадежен како ѕидот на градежен
    срање бришат преку ден и после пак го серат навечер
    луѓе со оправдание пред собрание
    книгата не ги прави среќни полесно да им е

    ќе им простам кутрите стечајци
    на шеес години да им се силат маскирани полицајци

    кај во светот се видело да ти мењаат име
    ако првиот куртули вториот сигурно гине
    тоа и се деси снемува луѓе од шала
    демек случајно авион паѓа и коли се палат

    после криви ги младите дџабе време измина
    не сме деца од минато сме луѓето од иднина
    а тие што сакаат да помогнат бујрум
    за другите го имам прстот во воздух и рима куршум!
    1, 'u-xx_large_top_margin': $height > 0}" style="box-sizing: border-box; display: block;">
    Би го смениле името ама никогаш светот
    би пееле и пиеле но не би го виделе него
    над нас се и таа влада и полиција
    таква ни била судбината кога сме деца на транзиција

  13. Snow-Star

    Snow-Star Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    28 јануари 2014
    Phantoms and friends- Old man canyon
    [Verse 1]
    When I awoke I felt the call to go
    Those places that I never thought I'd go
    I spent the time to see which way to walk
    But now that road just crumbles as I talk

    Don't let the ones that want to steal your dreams
    They'll steal your dreams away
    Just laugh and let it go
    Don't let the ones that want to steal your dreams
    They'll steal your dreams away
    Just laugh and let it go

    [Verse 2]
    So you've tried to pass along your doubt
    Oh you need somebody's ears to hear you shout
    All your wasted days and twisted ways are up
    So now its time to see the cards you're dealt

    Don't let the ones that want to steal your dreams
    They'll steal your dreams away
    Just laugh and let it go

    I know all your names
    Pointing different ways
    Let me out
    I came up I saw you there
    Now I know
    Now I know
    I rose up my fear was gone
    Now I know
    Now I know

    Don't let the ones that want to steal your dreams
    They'll steal your dreams away
    Just laugh and let it go
    Don't let the ones that want to steal your dreams
    They'll steal your dreams away
    Just laugh and let it go
  14. Blazenka.G

    Blazenka.G Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    24 јули 2016

    Остани... ветрот ти шепоти јасна молитва,
    прости зборови,
    а можеби длабоко
    во водата
    во школка колевка
    сепак постои
    страст за младост
    и љубов за старост
    копнеж за живот
    во тебе овде си ко небо спокоен
    в срце бесмртен вина невина
    и гледај зраци сончеви
    плодат свети води,
    а над води сводови
    од мудар камен
    од идно и минато
    знам тоа е сета наша моќ
    сето наше знаење

    Ветрот ти шепоти
    јасна молитва,
    прости зборови

    Овде си ко небо спокоен
    в срце бесмртен
    вина невина
    и гледај зраци
    сончеви плодат
    свети води,
    а над води
    сводови од мудар камен
    од идно и минато
    знам тоа
    е сета наша моќ
    сето наше знаење
    На Natali.3 му/ѝ се допаѓа ова.
  15. simonka93

    simonka93 Форумски идол

    Се зачлени на:
    29 март 2012
    Nićim izazvan- Aurora

    Sad bih te probudio
    Da zajedno
    Gledamo ples duhova na nebu
    Sa zvezdama, rame uz rame pratimo ovaj božji šou
    Znam, rekla bi: Ne gledaj u mene, digni pogled, vidi kakav prizor divan
    Al ne čujem te, vatre na nebu su i dalje druga najlepša slika koju sam video

    Plešite duhovi, za moju dragu i mene.
    Ne stajte, ni kad ste umorni jer sa vama nestaje i ona
    Plešite duhovi, za moju dragu i mene
    Ne stajte, ni kad ste umorni jer sa vama nestaje i ona

    Prazno je, aplauzi su prošli
    Na tvom mestu samo senka tvoja sija
    Ni traga svetlu što krv mi toplom drži više ga nema tu
    Ne, nisi kriva ti kriv sam ja
    Što sam te pustio
    I kriv i glup što sam dozvolio da blediš
    Najlepša sliko koju sam video

    Plešite duhovi, za moju dragu i mene.
    Ne stajte, ni kad ste umorni jer sa vama nestaje i ona
    Plešite duhovi, za moju dragu i mene
    Ne stajte, ni kad ste umorni jer sa vama nestaje i ona
  16. Snow-Star

    Snow-Star Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    28 јануари 2014
    "Only One"- The score

    Tell me can you see me now?
    While you were busy lost in the crowd
    I was busy making myself
    Into someone free from doubts
    I was down and left on the shelf
    I wanted a story to tell

    I scream it to the people started calling
    Singing words that came from all the fallen
    Down, down
    Now, now

    It's time to breakout
    So everybody just scream out
    I'm the only one
    I'm the only one
    No chains, no chains won't make me break down
    And I can finally see now
    I'm the only one
    I'm the only one
    No chains, no chains won't hold me down

    Tell me how it feels to know
    I'm not a puppet under control
    I cut the strings a long time ago, oh
    I guess that I should thank you though
    Cause all you was the fire for my soul
    And now I'm up here running the show

    I scream it to the people started calling
    Singing words that came from all the fallen
    Down, down
    Now, now

    It's time to breakout
    So everybody just scream out
    I'm the only one
    I'm the only one
    No chains, no chains won't make me break down
    And I can finally see now
    I'm the only one
    I'm the only one
    No chains, no chains won't hold me down

    No chains, no chains won't hold me...

    And when the dust is settled down
    You'll be all alone thinking, "how?"
    Everyone is singing aloud

    It's time to breakout
    So everybody just scream out
    I'm the only one
    I'm the only one
    No chains, no chains won't make me break down
    And I can finally see now
    I'm the only one
    I'm the only one
    No chains, no chains won't hold me down
  17. RAF Camora

    RAF Camora Истакнат член

    Се зачлени на:
    6 февруари 2018
    Heut sind wir alle noch zusamm'n im Park
    So viel Zeit, wissen nicht mal, wohin
    Maximal Kleingeld auf Tasche
    So weit weg von Gold und Platin (Platin), ey
    Auf MTV Cribs seh'n wir die Stars
    Doch alles, was sie hab'n, macht für uns keinen Sinn
    Doch geben ein'n Dreck auf die Rolex
    Hauptsache, zusamm'n mit dem Team

    Wir hatten zu wenig, aber davon reichlich
    Die Air Max tot, aber trugen uns weit weg
    Heute im Mercedes AMG, alles Hightech
    Was bringt mir die Scheiße, wenn ich darin allein sitz'?
    Worte hatten recht, weil sie ehrlich gemeint sind
    Versprechen einen Sinn, denn sie wurden gehalten
    Doch hier ist die Liebe keinen Cent mehr wert
    Denn sie hält nur so lange, wie die Spotlights scheinen
    Warum willst du weg von dem Glück, was du hast?
    Es wäre perfekt, genau so, wie es war
    Ich halt' den Moment fest, solang ich noch kann
    Doch er verschwindet im Schatten, geht das Rampenlicht an
    Es wird nie sein wie früher, wir nenn'n uns noch Brüder
    Und seh'n uns maximal einmal im Jahr
    Doch jedes Leid, jeder Gig, jede goldene Platte
    Zerschneidet nur weiter das Band

    Ich hoffe, du wirst niemals fame
    Denn erst dann merkst du, was wirklich fehlt
    Du bist weg, auf nie Wiedersehen
    Dein Leben wird uns nur von Bildern erzählt
    Ich hoffe, du wirst niemals fame
    Denn erst dann merkst du, was wirklich fehlt
    Du bist weg, auf nie Wiedersehen
    Dein Leben wird uns nur von Bildern erzählt

    Heut sind wir alle noch zusamm'n im Park (im Park)
    So viel Zeit, wissen nicht mal, wohin
    Maximal Kleingeld auf Tasche
    So weit weg von Gold und Platin (Platin), ey
    Auf MTV Cribs seh'n wir die Stars
    Doch alles, was sie hab'n, macht für uns keinen Sinn
    Doch geben ein'n Dreck auf die Rolex
    Hauptsache, zusamm'n mit dem Team

    Denn Gold am Arm hält nachts nicht warm
    Paranoia dich wach, die Waffen scharf
    Statt Loyalität, die dein'n Rücken schützt
    Hängt hinter dir nur noch ein Rattenschwanz von Neidern
    Alles klebt an dein'n Lippen wie die Filter von Kippen
    Weil niemand mehr nein sagt
    Gottverdammt, bist du einsam
    Kein Klick, kein Reim, keine Bitch, kein Like
    Kein Hit, kein Hype bleibt mehr, wenn du liegst
    Kein Fick, kein Nike, kein Stift, kein Mic
    Kein Blitzlicht scheint mehr sechs Fuß tief
    Nur noch Erde und Knochen
    Und keine Wand voll mit Platten aus Gold
    Ich gönn' dir von Herzen (glaub mir, von Herzen)
    Doch nichts ist umsonst und erst recht nicht Erfolg

    Ich hoffe, du wirst niemals fame
    Denn erst dann merkst du, was wirklich fehlt
    Du bist weg, auf nie Wiedersehen
    Dein Leben wird uns nur von Bildern erzählt
    Ich hoffe, du wirst niemals fame
    Denn erst dann merkst du, was wirklich fehlt
    Du bist weg, auf nie Wiedersehen
    Dein Leben wird uns nur von Bildern erzählt

    Du kannst grüßen, wen du willst
    Keiner denkt mehr an dich im Bezirk
    Denn du bist nicht mehr hier
    Als hättest du nie existiert, ahh
    Scheiß auf deine YouTube-Klicks
    Wir treffen uns nicht einmal zum Kaffee
    Nicht mal „Hallo, wie geht's?“
    Bruder, was ist passiert?
    Denk' an die Tage
    Und weiß noch, wie ich zu dir sagte

    Ich hoffe, du wirst niemals fame
    Denn erst dann merkst du, was wirklich fehlt
    Du bist weg, auf nie Wiedersehen
    Dein Leben wird uns nur von Bildern erzählt
    Ich hoffe, du wirst niemals fame
    Denn erst dann merkst du, was wirklich fehlt
    Du bist weg, auf nie Wiedersehen
    Dein Leben wird uns nur von Bildern erzählt

    Ich hoffe, du wirst niemals fame
    Ich hoffe, du wirst niemals fame
    Ich hoffe, du wirst niemals fame
  18. Snow-Star

    Snow-Star Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    28 јануари 2014
    It's gonna get better- Sam Martin

    I see how much that you suffer,
    I know you keep it undercover,
    Feels like it can't get no rougher, rougher
    Those tears you cry ain't for nothing,
    I know how hard that it's been,
    Hold on, the good days are coming, coming

    It's Gonna get better for you
    You'll look back you'll forget the pain
    It's Gonna get better for you
    Watch it all just wash away

    I know you think no one's with you,
    I see how lonely it makes you,
    Don't give up now, you can get through, get through

    If I could take it all from you,
    I'll set you free, make you brand new
    Hold on, the good days are coming, coming

    It's Gonna get better for you
    You'll look back you'll forget the pain
    It's Gonna get better for you
    You don't have to be afraid

    I know it hurts

    It won't get worse

    It's Gonna get better for you
    Watch it all just wash away

    It's gonna get better
    It's gonna get better
    It's gonna get better
    It's gonna get better
    It's gonna get better
  19. RAF Camora

    RAF Camora Истакнат член

    Се зачлени на:
    6 февруари 2018
    Neke se tuge ne prebole
    kad srce pukne na delove
    neke se ljubavi nikada ponovo ne dogode

    Nece ni pistolj da opali
    u one koji su propali
    a takav sam i ja
    bez tebe propadam jedina

    Kazu proci ce manje bolece
    kazu mi bice sve u redu
    kazu mi bice sve u redu
    a ja ziveo bih sad ovaj zivot unazad
    vise te ljubio bolje te cuvao
    a ja ziveo bih sad ovo malo godina
    sa tobom unazad zauvek unazad

    Nece ni pistolj da opali
    u one koji su propali
    a takav sam i ja
    bez tebe propadam jedina

    Kazu proci ce manje bolece
    kazu mi bice sve u redu
    kazu mi bice sve u redu
    a ja ziveo bih sad ovaj zivot unazad
    vise te ljubio bolje te cuvao
    a ja ziveo bih sad ovo malo godina
    sa tobom unazad zauvek unazad
  20. Natali.3

    Natali.3 Форумски идол

    Се зачлени на:
    16 септември 2013

    You can tell by the way
    She walks that she's my girl
    You can tell by the way she talks she rules the world
    You can see in her eyes that no one is her chain
    She's my girl my Super girl

    And then she'd say it's OK I got lost on the way
    But I'm a Super girl and Super girls don't cry
    And then she'd say its all right I got home late last night
    But I'm a Super girl and Super girls just fly

    And then she'd say that nothing can go wrong
    When you're in love what can go wrong
    And then she'd laugh the nighttime into the day
    Pushing her fears further along

    And then she'd say it's OK I got lost on the way
    But I'm a Super girl and Super girls don't cry
    And then she'd say it's all right I got home late last night
    But I'm a Super girl and Super girls just fly

    Then she'd shout down the line tell me she's got no more time
    Cause she's a Super girl and Super girls don't cry
    Then she'd scream in my face tell me to leave, leave this place
    Cause she's a Super girl and Super girls just fly
    She's a Super girl a Super girl

    She's sewing seeds she's burning trees
    She's sewing seeds she's burning trees
    She's a Super girl a Super girl
    A Super girl my Super girl

    На ceca-1 му/ѝ се допаѓа ова.