Annie: You're not going to get mushy on me, are you? Jack: Maybe. I might. Annie: I hope not, 'cause you know, relationships that start under intense circumstances, they never last. Jack: Oh yeah? Annie: Yeah, I've done extensive study on this. - Speed (1994).
***Ако те прашаат од што умре , од соништата ке кажеш.*** не знам ни од која серија беше, не ми е омилена , но едноставно ми се допадна ...
“Children suck the life out of you and leave us old and empty. It’s the law of nature. You see these young couples laughing all the way to the altar. You think, “They don’t know, poor fuckers have no idea”. They’re happy. Nobody tells you about this stuff at the beginning.” Carnage
Even being alone it's better than sitting next to your lover and feeling lonely. - Before sunset "Sometimes, the thing you want most doesn't happen. And sometimes, the thing you never expect does."
Gia Carangi Life and death, energy and peace. If I stop today it was still worth it. Even the terrible mistakes that I made and would have unmade if I could. The pains that have burned me and scarred my soul, it was worth it, for having been allowed to walk where I've walked, which was to hell on earth, heaven on earth, back again, into, under, far in between, through it, in it, and above. I'd tell them that you don't have to be anybody. Because I'd know that being somebody doesn't make you anybody anyway. Candy „Once upon a time, there was Candy and Dan. It was just the two of them. Everything was gold. He was handsome and a very good criminal. We lived on sunlight and chocolate bars. He would climb balconies, climb everywhere, do anything for her, oh Danny boy. You came into my life really fast and I liked it. But Danny you said, you promised. You pointed at the sky, that one called Sirius or dog star, but only here on earth. How much do I love this whiring in my ears. Since there is only one thing to love and it cannot be you. Danny the daredevil. Candy went missing.“ "When I met Candy birds filled the sky. I wasn't trying to wreck Candy's life. I was trying to make mine better" Sid& Nancy "Nancy: I'll never look like Barbie. Barbie doesn't have bruises. "Nancy: If I asked you to kill me, would you? Sid: I don't know. How would I do it? I couldn't live without ya."
краеви и почетоци,тргнувања и пристигнувања, се само дел од патувањето.Да имаме добар пет е се што можеме да посакаме.Поради тоа...среќен пат Casi Angeles