13. The song with a long title Panic! At The Disco – ‘Lying Is the Most Fun a Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off’ 14. The song that makes you get up and dance Cane Nikolovski - Zaklina 15. The song you listen to while driving Audioslave - Show me how to live 16. Your fav Disney song The Lion King - Hakuna matata 17.The song of sex
18.The song that makes you turn up the radio 19.The song that tells your story 20.The song from a great old movie 21.The song that always makes you smile
Тука сме, тука Колку кочат темиве со видеа на форумов, па искрено немам желба воопшто да ги отворам. Ама, ај да го завршиме музичкиот предизвик. 17.The song of sex 18. The song that makes you turn up the radio 19. The song that tells your story 20. The song from a great old movie 21. The song that always makes you smile Утре ќе бидат следните 5 песни на репертоар
22. Тhe song that makes you cry 23. The song that you dedicate to someone special 24. Your favorite french song 25. Your hymn to the 90s 26. Your workout song
Се мисли на првата песна од твојата плејлиста. Еве за пример јас имам повеќе плејлисти од Спотифај и Јутјуб, но сега ја одбрав песната од онаа плејлиста која прва ми фати око.
30. @Reina.Gitana фала на појаснувањето. 31.The cartoon song you loved as child Јас го завршив предизвиков!!! Паа,што мислите за овој?
18. The song that makes you turn up the radio Autograph - Turn up the Radio 19. The song that tells your story Frank Sinatra - My Way 20. The song from a great old movie The Red Shoes (194 - Ballet Sequence 21. The song that always makes you smile a-ha - Take On Me 22. Тhe song that makes you cry Foy Vance - Make it rain 23. The song that you dedicate to someone special Queens of the Stone Age - Fortress 24. Your favorite french song Maître Gims - Est-ce que tu m'aimes ? 25. Your hymn to the 90s Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit 26. Your workout song Godsmack - Awake 27.Your favorite Beatles song The Beatles - Don't Let Me Down 28.Your favorite Christmas song Train - Shake Up Christmas 29.The first song of your shuffle AC/DC - Rock N Roll Train 30.The song that you hate Rebecca Black - Friday 31.The cartoon song you loved as child The land before time - If we hold on together Поставувајте ги овака, како линкови, не поставувајте многу embeded песни во еден пост, поради тоа кочи. _______________________________ @Евроазија , може. 1. A song your whole family likes