1. Овој сајт користи колачиња неопходни за неговото функционирање. Ако продолжиш да го користиш, значи се согласуваш со нашата употреба на колачиња. Прочитај повеќе.

As above, so below - Следење на астролошки настани

Дискусија во '„Другата“ наука' започната од zhap4e, 19 јануари 2016.


Умеете ли да си гледате на ѕвезди?

  1. Не, не сакам да се занимавам со астрологија, хороскопи и будалаштини!

    15 глас(а)
  2. Да, следам астролошки случувања и можам да ги толкувам!

    12 глас(а)
  3. Не, не знам... но, би сакал(а) да научам!

    49 глас(а)
  4. Така, така. Нешто знам, нешто не.

    13 глас(а)
  1. zhap4e

    zhap4e Форумски идол

    Се зачлени на:
    27 март 2011
    Shalom Sunny, shalom људи!
    As above, so below...:devil: ха,ха... многу често ќе го чуете/прочитате во области од астрологија, окултизам, мистицизам и сл. Истото намекнува на верувањето дека, случувањата на „небото“ (астролошките настани, како, месечеви циклуси -млади/полни месечини, циклуси на марс, венера, сатурн и другите планети; транзити и интеракција меѓу планетите под конкретни агли, како што се: конјукции, квадрати, тригони и сл.) ... имаат влијание врз случувањата на земјата на мундан (световно/колективно ниво) и индивидуално (внатрешно-психолошко и манифестација на истото во нашата интеракција со други индивидуи) ниво.
    Темата нема да биде за да се убедуваме едни со други, дали е тоа вистина или не... дали верувате во астрологија или не, а да... секој кој е заинтересиран да ги следи, кој чита и сака нешто да сподели, било да е тоа, лично искуства (настан или чувство или сон) или добри статии, блогови, веб страници на астролози и сл.за овие астролошките настани...да го стори тоа. Let's save you some money, people! Плус, фино е да човек има, чат-пат, некој со кого да зборува/разменува мислења, па и литература, богами, за овие „луди“ теми. So, come on you wackos! ц, ц, ц...
    Со други зборови, сите што читате хороскопи... ајде(!), за „нијанса“ подлабоко во космосот. :D

    Што ви е потребно(?!)... да си го знаете времето на раѓање, да си направите натална карта (користете безплатни софтвери или сајтови за тоа, пример, astrodienst), да знаете англиски и да знаете што и како да го прашате чичко google, пошто, нема нешто што нема да ви каже од, основни работи за секоја планета што значи до аспектите во вашата натална, до тоа, како да си ја толкувате вашата лунарна карта (за да си направите месечен хороскоп), до до до... што год.

    Темата е за забава пред сé, но, може да биде занимлива и за секој оној кој се бави или го интересира психоанализа да речеме, кој го занима филозофскиот аспект зад концептите/објаснувањата за планетите и аспектите итн. итн.

    На 24ти месецов, следува полна месечина на 3 степени и 29 минути во Лав... може и од таму да почнеме. Од младите и полни месечини. Но, another day или later alligators ќе пишам, нешто...

    Сајтови за да читате/следите месечни и сл. хороскопи, вклучително и за транзитите на „небото“ итн. ...

    1. http://www.jessicaadams.com/ (!)

    2. http://www.astrologyzone.com/forecasts/

    3. http://www.astralreflections.com/

    4. http://rubyslipper.ca/ruby-slipper-astrology/ (!)

    5. http://www.astrologyknight.co.uk/

    6. http://astrologyking.com/

    7. https://darkstarastrology.com/

    И тако даље, lovelies.
    Kisses and hugs.

    O stars, o stars...:P

    Фотографијата е од the Tiny Book of Tiny Stories, Vol. 3 ... од Joseph Gordon.

    Жабетинка, позната и како, Saturn's child.
    Who's your daddy, b(w)itches? ]:)

    Disclaimer: I ain't Saturn's or the devil's worshipper, I promise. И, не, не... не читам карти, нема да ви кажам кога ќе го најдете дечкото, дал ќе ви раскине или не... дали машко ќе ви е или женско бебето, кога ќе најдете работа и сл. Learn to do it. Можда ќе си погодите.. ц, ц, ц, ...плус, ич пари ќе ве кошта. Ша-ла-ла!
    ps. Ако испадне дека никој нејќе да биде познат како Saturn's or dunno whose worshipper или.. малку(повеќе) „не со сите“, пошто, ете... зјапал во ѕвездите.. нек оди во бестрага (канта) темата.
    На Abeja, Acka22, Antebellum и 4 други им се допаѓа ова.
  2. srhsejbsk

    srhsejbsk Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    13 јануари 2014
    Мене астрологија ми е многу забавна работа.Не знам да гледам на ѕвезди, никогаш не сум се обидела, но би сакала да научам.Верувам во хороскоп и баш ќе прочачкам нешто на гугл за ова :)
    На zhap4e му/ѝ се допаѓа ова.
  3. anakonda88

    anakonda88 Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    3 април 2010
    ова јас не го разбирам ниту знам што е
  4. Ketchup

    Ketchup Член на тимот

    Се зачлени на:
    23 декември 2014
    Не дека верувам нешто многу, но интересни ми се ваквите работи. Еднаш дедо ми кога бевме кај него, бидејќи живеат подалеку од центарот на градот, ѕвездите на небото се гледаат многу појасно од кај нас што живееме околу центарот, ми кажуваше нешто што гледал... Сега колку е вистина тоа-не знам.
    На zhap4e му/ѝ се допаѓа ова.
  5. OmniaVanitas

    OmniaVanitas Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    21 јули 2012
    Интересно е дури и само од забава да се следи астрологијата. Во последно време го следам овој блог за астрологија чиј автор многу често знае да „предвиди“ многу настани, меѓу кои и некои поголеми.
    Порано често ги следев овие работи, но одамна не сум обрнала повеќе внимание.
    На zhap4e му/ѝ се допаѓа ова.
  6. zhap4e

    zhap4e Форумски идол

    Се зачлени на:
    27 март 2011
    Shalom world!

    Бар да оставам пар линкови до занимливи хороскопи за месецов: Susan Miller , Jessica Adams (кај неа имате и неделни хороскопи), Neil Spencer , Michel Night , Astro Twins .... доста ви се за уз кафе и грицки, дур си седите по дома деновиве. Оно,дур прочитате сé ќе дојде време за март :D

    Во понеделник,следи млада месечина.Се случува кога сонцето и месечината се во конјукција [​IMG]
    Младите месечини се период на нови почетоци, за разлика од полните месечини кои, ги сметаат за период кога завршуваат работи кои сте ги почнале на млада месечина - проекти, врски, пријателства, работа....има доста за објаснување...а,јас немам баш време за тоа во моментов. Во некои од циклусите можеби и ќе пишувам за секоја пооделно. Можеби...пошто,па и...не ми се збори сама со себе,мајќе ми :D
    Младата месечина во понеделник е во водолија. За да видите каде „паѓа“ во вашата карта, мора да си направите натална ... подобро место за тоа, амин: Astrodienst ... треба да си направите профил, потоа се што ве занима, а не можете да се снајдете....прашајте. Ќе ви помогнам. Откако веќе имате карта готова,со време и место на раѓање...ќе треба да направите event chart,или карта за настанот со податоци кога точно се случува младата месечина со локацијата каде се наоѓате.И за тој дел ќе ви објаснам што како...доколу се нафатите и сакате да почнете да следите и коментирате што се случува во време на месечината и периодите потоа...бујрум. Вие зборите и јас зборам. Преинтровертен човек сум да ве забављам самоиницијативно..макар било ова форум,анонимен.цц

    Пар места каде е дадено објаснување за тоа, каква е оваа млада месечина и што може да се очекува од неа....Ruby Slippers Astrology, Darkstar Astrology, блог на кој името никад нема да му го прочитам и запамтам, Astrology King ...

    Еден астро поглед кон младата месечина во Скопје... event chart!

    May Lucifer be with you, lovelies! (kidding!):D
    Lucifer, иначе е фаза на планетата Венера, „утринска ѕвезда“..кога е најсветла,најблескав објект на небото (Venus morning star). Lucifer значи носач на светлина всушност.
    На Antebellum, SunnyGirl2, Doozy и 1 друга личност им се допаѓа ова.
  7. zhap4e

    zhap4e Форумски идол

    Се зачлени на:
    27 март 2011
    Се изнасмеав поштено. Tim Stephens... кај него ќе најдете неделен хороскоп за астролошките знаци. Го читам не знам -подолго од година,можда и нити еднаш не ми погодил:rofl::rofl: ама, има занимливи воведи (можно е да се повторувам со ова моево бла,бла..оти, ко дежа ву ми е):D некад за политика, некад за тероризам,некад финансии и сл. Овој пат е за иднината:D:D:D и иднината на момите од иднината.:D:D
    Штета што нема да сум жива,нити па тој, за да се посмеам уште еднаш на писаниево. Како и да е,ме потсети на темава. Ептем ме бива за одржување на теми,патем.:D Подолу под воведов, кој сака..може да си прочита за подзнакот и знакот..неделна прогноза јули 31- август 6.

    „In, say, 50,000 years we’ll be like angels. (That’s rough – with the right astronomical resources/data, we might be able to refine it to within a quarter- millennia.) Doing a search on my NASA-derived but pretty clunky astrology program (not too accurate over a thousand years) I find that Pluto, presently bombing through Capricorn, will return to enter Scorpio, its home sign, on December 23, 2229. I call this the Pluto Return. Whenever this return occurs, as I’ve shown in the past, major historical trends are “seeded.” E.g., within several years (and often the very year) of a Pluto return (they occur every 247-250 years) we had: Christ’s birth, Columbus’ voyage to North America, the Battle of Hastings (which eventually created the modern English language, and the colonization of much of the world by Britain) Attila’s conquest of Europe, and the dissolution of the U.S.S.R., the Russian empire that collapsed in the mid-1980’s. (Pluto returned to Scorpio in Nov. 1983, just as Gorbachev freed speech and unions and territories.)

    I’ve already milked that Nov. 1983 Pluto Return to death: no world war; unisex; women rape boys; a decline in crime; huge technological and medical/birth advances, police state, revolt against powerful hierarchies (hierarchies eventually win) concentration of wealth, widespread poverty, the collapse (I predicted a “peaceful revolt”) of the U.S.S.R., the creation of a third political system, neither democracy nor communist (China’s on this path) massive ups and downs in stock markets, stagnation in bureaucracies – all these predictions were based on the Nov. 1983 return chart.

    The next 250-year “era” – it begins in 2229 – gives us a glimpse into the 23rd to 25th centuries. There will be a leader who has had many loves, all failed. A philosopher king. A huge trend to sterilize young women or in some way a technological (socially-driven) alteration of young women’s reproductivity – and sexual desirability. This is somehow connected to pleasure, optimism, social joys. These young women will lack courage. The males who deal with them will be hugely jealous, yet lazy and uncommitted. Schools, bad places in our own era (1983-2229) actually go through another quarter-millennium of tawdry motives and bad karma. There will be war and violence, mostly over land. But it will be like Russia’s sneaky invasion of Ukraine – much of the violence will be hidden or disguised, yet strong. The huge upheavals of the 20th Century will stand out among millennia, for there is nothing equal or similar in the scale of conflict shown in the era (247 year) charts I’ve seen. Bureaucracies, already “ill” in the 1983-2229 era (just look at the IRS today) will be almost useless, helpless in this 2229 era – “a dark room littered with broken toys.”

    But the most amazing hint in this 2229 era chart: that an angel will come, or some spiritual phenomena will occur. This might be bigger than Christ; I say this because the indicator is so large and simple. Neptune (angels, spirit, channeling, optics, oceans, gas, etc.) sits smack on the horizon in the 2229 era chart. Spirituality will be tied to domesticity, to homes. A new religion might be born, one that will endure a long time. As I’ve said before, the sphere might replace the cross. We will become much more psychic, and our psychic, intuitive traits will be our salvation, our good path. Prostitutes will be priests.“:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: :bug:
    Последна измена: 29 јули 2016
  8. zhap4e

    zhap4e Форумски идол

    Се зачлени на:
    27 март 2011
    На Acka22, Ketchup и Ginger^ им се допаѓа ова.
  9. Ginger^

    Ginger^ Форумски идол

    Се зачлени на:
    16 март 2015
  10. SunnyGirl2

    SunnyGirl2 Форумски идол

    Се зачлени на:
    26 ноември 2012
    Штo oзнaчувaaт кaкo се гледa/чиитa ѕoa некoјa плaнетa вo некoј знaк нa н. Кaртa? :)
  11. Ginger^

    Ginger^ Форумски идол

    Се зачлени на:
    16 март 2015
  12. Ginger^

    Ginger^ Форумски идол

    Се зачлени на:
    16 март 2015
    Што се случува на небото на феминистКИЊИТЕ!:*:

    Astrology for Feminists: How Venus Retrograde Will Shake Things Up:f:

    Раце горе!:muscle::)

    Leo: There is a lot of creative verve and energy out there for you to harness! Even if Venus retrograde is stalling some of your creative projects, you can find lots of new ways to explore, communicate and get weird before actually finishing anything. The week will start off on a more structured note for you; however, the waning moon in Capricorn is reining in your daily habits and routines, urging you to take expert care of yourself Monday through Wednesday evening. You may want to do some grounding work for best results. Wednesday evening through Friday night will have you wanting to find an intellectual groove with your lover(s), partner(s) or BFFs. The weekend might make you feel super spacey — be on guard to not go overboard on substances.

    Virgo: The transformations continue, Virgo! This week, the sun in Aries is joining Venus retro, Uranus and Mercury to help give you a much-needed boost in self-reflection and giving yourself a very fair, but productive “time out.” Monday through Wednesday evening, you may feel like isolating for fun and much-needed self care. Wednesday evening through Friday night will put you in a zone to inject some new juice into your daily routines and habits. The weekend, however, will be about your BFF, sweetie or boo! Make some plans and have a cozy, breezy time.

    Libra: Chaotic love life? Complications in relationships? Old lovers coming back? Libra, your relationships sector is hot right now, to say the least. Allow yourself to open up to past and future lessons and allow yourself to really communicate what you want and need out of a lover or partner(s). You may want to keep things close to home Monday through Wednesday evening, however. This is a great time to break off from a scene and allow yourself to reflect solo. Wednesday through Friday night you’ll be feeling like linking back up with your sweetie for some intellectual stimulation. The rest of the weekend beckons you to add some subconscious work or meditation into your daily habits. With everything going on, you may want to journal or take a breather and meditate.

    Scorpio: You are in the midst of a really fabulous opportunity to upgrade your health, nutrition and daily lifestyle. Keep playing with what the energy is sending your way. Keep tweaking and shifting until it feels right, until you feel nourished healthy and whole. Monday through Wednesday, you may feel like shutting down your communications, and if you have any big convos planned, you should schedule them later in the week. Wednesday through Friday night may pull you to stay at home and find a new and different connection to your space. Get creative while you get cozy. The rest of the weekend will beckon you to have a lot of fun and get out there and mingle, maybe even party. Just be careful to not go overboard with substances! You will be susceptible to going too far, so be mindful.

    Sagittarius: It’s time to have fun, rediscover fun and to rename what fun is. This season you have a lot of emphasis placed on romance and fun, but the energy is also asking you to be flexible as you reinvent what these things mean to you and how they fit into your life. Monday through Wednesday evening are great days to stay in, chill and look over your long-term financial and life plans. Are you getting closer to your goals? What can you do in the here and now, with the resources you have, to get closer? Wednesday evening through Friday night will be great days for intellectual conversations or high-level talks. The rest of the weekend might be best used cozying up at home with lots of fun supplies like bath bombs, snacks and drinks, fun blankets, coloring books, crafts and art projects!

    Capricorn: You might be getting closer to finding your a new apartment or upgrading roommates, and if things have felt stalled on that front, it’s OK! Keep trying. You may want to also use this time to review what your priorities are around your home, and what you need to be happy and feel good. It could be a simple readjustment or a deep clean, or maybe it’s a different neighborhood or different roommates. Monday through Wednesday, the moon will be in your sign — relax and rest these days and take some time to celebrate you. Wednesday through Friday night, you could find some fun and eclectic pieces for your home or wardrobe if you’re out and about shopping. The rest of the weekend will be great for deep communication. If you’ve been meaning to have some heart-to-heart conversations, this is the weekend to do it!

    Aquarius: Your communication sector is busy right now, and you may be learning some deep lessons around how and why you communicate the way you do. If you feel like shifting, go ahead — try playing with new ideas, with a strong emphasis on play. Invite your inner child to take over! You may want to try to be open to wins and losses with how you speak and write, and learn as you go without beating yourself up! Self-compassion and forgiveness are key parts of the lessons being learned right now. Monday through Wednesday evening, you may feel like isolating and holding court with your own thoughts and reflections. Wednesday evening through Friday night, the Moon will be in your sign, and while it’s waning, this is a great time for self-care. The rest of the weekend may feel fun and breezy, and you may find some some great and eclectic items for your home or wardrobe if you’re out and about!

    Pisces: There may be a lot of ebb and flow around your finances and self-esteem right now, Pisces, and that’s OK! Things are changing for the better, and the energy is gently nudging you to rework, reshape and reform the idea of what you’re worth. In case you didn’t know, Pisces, you’re worth a lot, and you are learning how to be firm and let the world know what you need and what you deserve! The days of allowing anything less than are over! Monday through Wednesday evening, you may feel like being social, or want to keep dates with friends or obligations, but you could be feeling less-than-talkative, and that’s OK! Honor your feelings and go with the flow. Wednesday evening through Friday night you have a great opportunity for a fresh breeze of self-care, so get inventive with how you retreat and pamper yourself. The weekend brings the Moon back to your sign, where you can enjoy a super prime window of celebrating yourself.
    На ♣ Alba Viduam ♣ и zhap4e им се допаѓа ова.
  13. biGirl

    biGirl Истакнат член

    Се зачлени на:
    5 март 2015
    велат дека кога Венера се движи ретроградно дека се враќаат бившите партнери #трустори 4 бивши ми пишаа од 1 април па наваму зборам за бивш дечко шо го немало 2 години сеа бам хаххахаха
    На ♡BuBaLe♡, Ginger^ и zhap4e им се допаѓа ова.
  14. Ginger^

    Ginger^ Форумски идол

    Се зачлени на:
    16 март 2015
    Кога Венера е ретроградна, се враќаат луѓе, сеќавања, песни, свашта. Се што сме сакале и обожавале.:wasntme:

    На ♡BuBaLe♡ и biGirl им се допаѓа ова.
  15. Ginger^

    Ginger^ Форумски идол

    Се зачлени на:
    16 март 2015
    Последна измена: 10 април 2017
    На biGirl му/ѝ се допаѓа ова.
  16. daylight

    daylight Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    22 декември 2011
    Ѕвездите и планетите се еден вид на џиновски компјутери кои, меѓу многуте други нешта, го меморираат доброто, помалку доброто и лошото кое луѓето го прават, мислат и чувствуваат. Потоа тие складирани информации по извесно време кога ќе дојде до соодветна констелација, ги зрачат назад кон испраќачите.

    Духовно неинформираните луѓе тогаш тоа го толкуваат како судбина или среќа, евентуално го гледаат низ призма на хороскопот. Меѓутоа астрологијата се занимава само со дел од вселенските тела и тоа со оние во Сончевиот систем и поради тоа не може да даде верно водство, бидејќи влијанието доаѓа и од целата вселена а зачетникот на она коешто одредена констелација го зрачи на поединецот е самиот човек. Последиците од некогашните внесувања во ѕвездите кои секој човек ги создал можат да додјат во текот на овој или некој од наредните животи, освен ако праворемено негативните складирања не се исчистат преку остварување на божествените закони содржано во Десетте Заповеди и Исусовата Беседа на Гората (простување, молење за прошка, поправање и не повторување на истото).

    Повеќе може да се прочита во книгите:
    Космичкиот часовник - твојата судбина лежи во твои раце; и
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  17. Ginger^

    Ginger^ Форумски идол

    Се зачлени на:
    16 март 2015
    Кој, како, се депресира :wasntme:

    ARIES – The Ram is seldom depressed unless other forces are at work. I have seen Aries who are offspring of parents who overly-cautioned them. This can be very serious because the Aries has been taught to not trust their instincts. Therefore, it becomes hard for them to get in touch with their fire (zest for life.) Aries are not to be cautioned. They thirst for activity and adventure. The cure for Aries is to get more active and get into more adventures where they can challenge themselves. Adrenalin junkies. Usually, they don’t have to contend with depression too much though – as is true with all fire signs.

    TAURUS – Taurus is an unusual sign because they are fixed and earth. (Many of these descriptions are further explained in my new book, The Exquisite Zodiac [TEZ].) In general, Taureans have ONE mood – steady-as-she-goes. Usually possessing an even temperament, this sign hovers just above the level of depression. It’s a hard sign to get excited. Fixed signs are exactly as described. If they do get depressed, I have few answers for them. Usually, the best way out is a good meal, a bath, something tactile. Taureans really know how to feast the senses and are very sensual. Usually they don’t get too depressed but stay on a nice even keel.

    GEMINI – This flighty air sign is seldom depressed. Boredom is more their bane. There are so many new discoveries to be found for the Twins that they can usually wait 2 minutes, and the depression will pass. It is hard for Gemini to get in touch with deeper feelings – it’s just not their nature. Because of this, if they do have deeply disturbed feelings hiding underground, their depression can often be expressed by sudden, sharp outbursts of criticism. When it is hard to dig deep, introspect and uproot old painful memories, they can be haunted by them. A real favorable quality for Gemini is their ever-inquisitive, sharp intellect. They are obsessed with how the mind works and can usually figure out what’s bothering them. The main thing they must do is not run from or evade their hurts. Gemini is the evader of the zodiac. Many times they would be much better off if they can just slow down, take a breath and face the music.

    CANCER – Clearly the moodiest of all signs, Cancer is very prone to depression. Theirs is mainly because they often feel that “nobody loves them.” That response comes with the territory as Cancer is the first of the water signs (TEZ.) When a Cancer has the blues, they almost always try to find a friendly shoulder. This can get old for both parties but actually doesn’t help the Cancer that much in the long term. This is where enabling can become quite dangerous. Many times the Crab just doesn’t feel as if they can deal with life’s hardships alone. They must learn that they can handle it, else considerable depression can last a long time. Certainly the cure for Cancerian doldrums is to surround themselves with family and support. If the Cancer has their all-important Moon in a fiery sign like Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, this will help greatly, keeping their feelings buoyant. The main thing the Cancer must avoid is retreating into their shell, moping and expecting other to read their minds. Also, they must clearly ask themselves, “Is this really true that xxx doesn’t love them?” Many times an honest no answer will kick-start them out of their funk.

    LEO – The Lion is the sign that is hardly ever depressed, but don’t let that fool you. Being ruled by the fiery Sun and being a fixed sign (TEZ), they are usually quite upbeat. However, they’re good at hiding their pain; especially from themselves. If they feel disrespected (which they have to truly inquire about) then they can really suffer with depression. Remember, inside every Leo is a recent Cancer (TEZ). Leos try so hard to remain upbeat and act as if everything is FINE. But it’s not always the case – therefore they can do a lot of suffering in silence, simply because they don’t want it known to anybody that they could be toiling with emotions. Leos believe that emotional baggage was left behind in the former sign of Cancer. Far and away though, Leos usually experience a quite active and upbeat life. Their problems come in when they’re alone.

    VIRGO – Virgo is very seldom depressed. They’re not allowed to be; and neither is anyone around them. Depression is seen as a weakness that can only be remedied by getting off of their butts and getting back to work. Being productive is the solution to everything? Right? Remember “depress” is a verb, like pushing a button down. Virgos will not allow themselves that choice.

    LIBRA – Surprisingly, this strong air sign (TEZ) is seldom depressed. If they are, it’s commonly because they have other planets in moody Scorpio. Remember, it’s very common to have a considerable number of our other planets (besides the Sun) in neighboring signs. Librans are smart and find intriguing dialogue and the latest news irresistible. Therefore, talking with friends or engaging in social events is the ticket out of depression for them. In general, Libran feelings do not run deep, therefore they are less likely to suffer depression. Air signs live in thought. Shopping and surrounding themselves with beauty and harmony can provide a temporary fix. The key to getting out of the blues for this sign is to strengthen the self instead of always thinking that a stronger partnership will do it for them.

    SCORPIO – You knew it had to come sooner or later. Scorpio can be one of the most depressed signs there is because they feel so deeply. Too many times their blues are experienced simply because their relationship has lost its luster. Scorpio and Libra both put too much emphasis into their relationships, but that’s their archetypal essence (TEZ). Scorpio will constantly surprise you, i.e., they can go a low as you can go and as high as possible. This is not a sign to stay stuck forever. Remember, they are a fixed water sign, which means that it’s their job to master emotions. Sooner or later, they can summons the willpower to overcome depression if they really want to. It’s all about the will with this intense sign. And the answer is no, sex will not always provide an instant cure.

    SAGITTARIUS – Without a doubt, this is the most upbeat sign of the zodiac. Surely, they can become depressed like anyone else, but in general their mutable fire (TEZ) nature has them back up and hopping before you know it. This is the excitable sign. Their job is to be upbeat and cheer everyone up. Yes, sometimes they can become flippant, but any means is worth it to avoid depression. Sag just can’t be around downers as they are the optimists of the giant circle. Their cheery moods are one reason people love being around them. They make everyone else lighten up!

    CAPRICORN – Next we deal with the most depressed sign of the zodiac in general. Ruled by serious Saturn, the Goat is usually flying low and steady, not too high above a depressive state. No sign can paint themselves into the corner of limited thinking like Capricorn. They often can see no way out of their self-imposed darkness. Because they want a guarantee in life before they’ll move or take a risk; this often leads to their “depression.” Remember, the working motto of Capricorn is to “make sure” (TEZ). Well, most times in life you simply cannot make sure of how life will turn out. It cannot be controlled. This is clearly what leads to their depression besides the fact that they are generally the pessimists of the 12 signs. Since the Goat is willing and able to take responsibility for everyone else; it generally stems from not trusting others to do what they must. That is their way out. Letting go, letting things be and trusting others.

    AQUARIUS – Seldom do you find a depressed Aquarian. Again, we see the nature of fixed air keep them upbeat and interested in just about everything and everybody. They are almost never bored either. Don’t let them surprise you; this oft aloof sign can have waters that run deep. Usually, however, they are so strong mentally that they won’t waste the time being down. This is a very advanced and evolved sign. Depression sometimes comes to this sign as they commonly feel very misunderstood. Surprisingly, they can feel like an alien on their own planet. This is because they are usually way ahead of their time.

    PISCES – Few signs can wallow and suffer in silence like Pisces. However, they really don’t want to make a scene about it, not wanting anyone else to feel bad. Pisces simply can’t stand it when others feel bad as they are essentially very self-sacrificing. Usually, their depression is because they will not fight for their own rights as they feel a built-in attraction to martyrdom or sacrifice. They must fight off a sense of victimhood that they have actually invited. The key to staying happy for Pisces (TEZ) is not trying to save the world. They are here to do God’s will, not everyone else’s.
    На MagsDestiny, biGirl и zhap4e им се допаѓа ова.
  18. Calla

    Calla Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    23 август 2011
    Што се случи со онаа страницата на fb Unofficial: Astrology?!
  19. Ginger^

    Ginger^ Форумски идол

    Се зачлени на:
    16 март 2015
    Што се случило? Мислиш за профилот или ?
    Сеа отворив, го има. Последно има ставено пост пред 53 минути, за Нептун, ретрограден.
    На biGirl му/ѝ се допаѓа ова.
  20. zhap4e

    zhap4e Форумски идол

    Се зачлени на:
    27 март 2011
    Функционира, колку што знам. Баш пред некоја минута имаше некоја објава.
    На Ginger^ му/ѝ се допаѓа ова.