Форумџика на годината
  1. Овој сајт користи колачиња неопходни за неговото функционирање. Ако продолжиш да го користиш, значи се согласуваш со нашата употреба на колачиња. Прочитај повеќе.

As above, so below - Следење на астролошки настани

Дискусија во '„Другата“ наука' започната од zhap4e, 19 јануари 2016.


Умеете ли да си гледате на ѕвезди?

  1. Не, не сакам да се занимавам со астрологија, хороскопи и будалаштини!

    15 глас(а)
  2. Да, следам астролошки случувања и можам да ги толкувам!

    12 глас(а)
  3. Не, не знам... но, би сакал(а) да научам!

    49 глас(а)
  4. Така, така. Нешто знам, нешто не.

    13 глас(а)
  1. Calla

    Calla Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    23 август 2011
    Баш чудно :?:
    The page you requested cannot be displayed right now. It may be temporarily unavailable, the link you clicked on may be broken or expired, or you may not have permission to view this page.
    Ми беше на highlight и баш ми беа интересни текстовите, ама не знам ова ко некој бан ми личи, а никогаш не сум ни коментирала.. Повратен одговор на messanger не добив:|
    P.s. Сигурна сум имаше и една група ама претпоставувам е secret
  2. zhap4e

    zhap4e Форумски идол

    Се зачлени на:
    27 март 2011
    Види по грешка да не имаш стиснато на block page. Колку и да изгледа невозможно и лудо, мене ми се случува да блокнам луѓе, избришам луѓе од пријатели или испратам покани за пријателство кога ми се заглавува некаде тачот, a јас кликам нервозно. :)
    Оди во сетингс на фб, па во blocking. Скролни надолу..има block pages. Види да не ти е таму. Ако не е, немам поима што е работата. :)

    Неделата пред нас:
    Бла бла од Тим http://www.astralreflections.com/
    Руби, Руби, Руби http://rubyslipper.ca/ruby-slipper-astrology/2017/6/horoscopes-for-june-18th-to-june-25th-2017
    Мишел, http://horoscope.co.uk/

    Главно бла бла.
  3. zhap4e

    zhap4e Форумски идол

    Се зачлени на:
    27 март 2011
    Знаеш дека Меркур се спрема за газечко движење (наназад - ретрограден), кога почнуваш да лапаш букви, зборови, па и редови .... тоа особено за нас со изразени Девичевски (подзнак, сонце...) и Близначевски точки во наталната карта.

    Или кога почнуваш да измислуваш нови зборови - спојки од два, три збора или пишуваш нешто како representatitivies,милиони пати,со различен редослед на буквите.

    Почнува на 12. август, на 11 степен во Девица... и завршува на 5. септември на 28 степен во Лав.

    Што значи?
    Check your work 10x10 times. Нека дa не ви ги наоѓаат грешките.
    Watch out.... кому му испраќате порака.
    Не се губете во креативни (до степен на бесмислени) дрн-дрн работи.
    Не забегувајте ни во деталите.
    Love yourself, above all.
    Нека не ве (пре)лажат, море!
    Не примајте ниски удари - критики до степен да ве боли до солзи.. од комплексари (што би рекле Бугарите за искомплексирани луѓе).

    Мит? Коинциденција? Who cares. It's all about the fun, people.

    Руби вели:
    Trust me baby.
    Другото... use google. :bug:
    На Ginger^ и Versace Btch 24 им се допаѓа ова.
  4. SunnyGirl2

    SunnyGirl2 Форумски идол

    Се зачлени на:
    26 ноември 2012
    Кaкo и кaдЕ гo гледaш тoa?
  5. zhap4e

    zhap4e Форумски идол

    Се зачлени на:
    27 март 2011
    Rubby Slippers Astrology Blog; секој ден објавува статии за побитни транзити и аспекти што се случуваат и пишува општо, какво би можело да е дејството. За лично за себе да видиш, каде ти се движи меркур.. треба да си направиш натална карта. На astrodienst, пример. Креирај си профил.. потоа можеш да ги гледаш транзитите и аспектите што меркур или било која друга планета ги прави врз твои натални планети и каде, низ која куќа ти минува. :)
    На SunnyGirl2 му/ѝ се допаѓа ова.
  6. Ginger^

    Ginger^ Форумски идол

    Се зачлени на:
    16 март 2015
    Sunday fun day, star signs!:*::*::*:
    It’s Sunday and your daily horoscope is here! :party:
    Ајде нешто полесно, за со лимонада:f:

    Today, the Moon remains in Scorpio until 3AM Monday morning.

    This means that some zodiac signs who have moody tendencies may feel more sensitive about things that annoy them. Others star signs may retreat into solitude and decide to stay in or do more things on their own.
    A few zodiac signs may decide to forget about all the work they have to get done and just decide to have a good time without worrying about what anyone else thinks!

    Today, Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn, and Pisces have power days with Scorpio getting an extra boost of energy and good vibrations. :)
    Daily activities to tackle involve yard work, writing important documents, making relocation plans, and stocking up on things you may need to stay healthy.

    ARIES (March 21 – April 19)

    Aries, today you find yourself tempted to juggle a million tasks and wanting to relax instead.

    If you can rearrange your schedule to bring some balance into your day, take the initiative and get that done first.
    A relationship needs your attention and a recommitment.

    TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)

    Taurus, practice thankfulness.

    Be grateful for opportunities that appear even if they come in packages you don’t want.

    If you are carrying anger about something that happened yesterday, let it go.

    Practice loving others more today.

    Daily mantra: Resentment blocks the flow of love.

    GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)

    Gemini, if Monday blues come early, try helping a friend to get out of your own thoughts.

    Take advantage of small freedoms and do something you love.

    A situation will improve if you use humor instead of wishful thinking.

    Daily mantra: You have the power to create your own happiness.

    CANCER (June 21 – July 22)

    Cancer, when life hands you lemons make lemonade. When you have lots to do, you still can have lemonade!

    Use your imagination to make the most out of your day.

    Embrace the fun of the last day of the weekend, you deserve it after the week you just had!

    Daily mantra: Enjoy things as they come along.

    LEO (July 23 – August 22)

    Leo, a friendship is in your life for a reason, so enjoy it. Not everything has to develop into something more.

    An area where you lack confidence may come to mind and bother you, but remember your good talents and focus on that insead.

    A difficult time presents itself in an area where you once felt weak, but today, you will find success.

    Daily mantra: I am emotionally strong.

    VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)

    Virgo, a growth mindset will go along the way today.

    The universe opens abundance and it’s your decision to make things happen.

    Honor the divine order in the way life goes around you for the best experience this weekend.

    Daily mantra: There’s a reason for the madness.

    LIBRA (September 23 – October 22)

    Libra, your thoughts may turn towards self-care more today. Perhaps you did too much yesterday and it’s time to relax.

    A person you know may experience a loss and it affects you, too.

    Your fear of the future is nothing to be afraid of but rather focus on love and positive energy to guard your thoughts and mental attitude.

    Daily mantra: I have nothing to fear.

    SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21)

    Scorpio, today you might feel a little lonely even in a crowd.

    Reach out to people you know are there for you, even if you don’t feel like doing it.

    Focus on your life purpose and know that you are here for a reason.

    Daily mantra: Happiness is being aware of my own unique path.

    SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)

    Sagittarius, a question is left unanswered and threatens to ruin your day, but it’s actually an invitation to use your intuition.

    Trust your inner thoughts more than what seems to be the truth.

    Sometimes negative energy comes around to help a person learn how to practice being peace filled no matter what.

    Daily mantra: The truth lies within me.

    CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19)

    Capricorn, someone close to you may envy your situation and wish that they had what you had.

    If you sense it and it upsets you, turn to empathy instead.

    Be open to exploring how you might encourage your relationships to be more thankful for what they have.

    Daily mantra: Time with others is time well-spent.

    AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)

    Aquarius, the universe invites you to release love and forgiveness into the world with thoughts of good will towards others.

    If you have a work situation that sometimes leaves you less than happy, don’t take this as a failure but a situation to learn from.

    People who have their own unique challenges appear in your life, and it’s up to you to choose love.

    Daily mantra: When one door closes, another opens.

    PISCES (February 19 – March 20)

    Pisces, denial of a situation doesn’t make it go away. Is there a room that needs reorganizing or a chore that you’ve been neglecting?

    Do what you can and be honest about the time that you’ll need to invest to get it all done.

    Invite a friend to help or find a way to shorten the work load, today.

    Daily mantra: A productive mind is a happy one.

    На zhap4e му/ѝ се допаѓа ова.
  7. zhap4e

    zhap4e Форумски идол

    Се зачлени на:
    27 март 2011
    Horoscopes for August 13th to August 20th, 2017

    Патем, жени... моми, читајте за знакот во кој ви е месечината, потоа за подзнакот.

    On August 13th, the Leo Sun trines Saturn Rx in Sagittarius, then conjoins the North Node on August 16th. Saturn’s structure supports Leo’s success and recognition, while the North Node confirms progress. Saturn will damp down some of Leo’s shine, replacing it with patience and determination (especially since Saturn is Rx - this will be a return or second try). The Sun’s inconjunct to Chiron Rx in Pisces (August 20th) will raise doubts about the way forward, but a rational approach (don’t ignore the insecurities but don’t overemphasize them) should help.

    Venus in Cancer opposes Pluto Rx in Capricorn on August 15th, and squares Jupiter in Libra on August 17th. This can deliver a potent result or ending - Pluto intensifies what Venus wants, and the opposition suggests projection or challenge. Often, the most intense desire for someone/something is actually a reflection of what you need to develop within yourself. Jupiter amplifies the issue, and can bring exaggerated rewards or extreme behaviour. The August 18th inconjunct between Venus and Saturn is a quiet reminder that there will be some restrictions (feelings of inferiority or denial) whether or not you get what you want.

    Aspects to the Sun in your sector of self-expression can solidify a growing potential involving creative work, performance, a new attraction or children/pregnancy. Future goals and official plans can fall into place. Legal matters, publishing, travel or educationare favoured. Hidden insecurities can raise questions about these developments, but if you acknowledge them with a clear-eyed view (ask yourself if they’re rational) you should be ok.

    Aspects to Venus in your domestic sector can amplify your desire for success in your personal or professional life. You may want more from family, a partnership or home business, but your wants will conflict with someone else’s influence. If you push too hard and refuse to compromise there is a risk that you could lose what you’ve gained. Pay attention to the balance of power, and be grateful for any successes you achieve. External rules or ethics may be restraining influences.

    Aspects to the Sun in your domestic sector can stabilize home finances, a home business or plans for buying/selling/relocating. The next stage of domestic/family progress is solidifying, so don’t allow social insecurities or unhealthy competition to throw you off track. You’re making progress that’s slow but steady - trust this.

    Aspects to Venus in your communication sector suggest a powerful statement or request. You may feel compelled to say “yes” or you could be the one doing the compelling. There’s a mix of magnetic temptation and the sense that “no” is not an option. If you’re on the receiving end, know that you don’t have to agree to anything you’re not totally comfortable with. This includes a financial agreement. If you’re pushing your ideas on someone else, don’t overplay your hand- you could push them away. Success is possible if you mix compelling words/solutions with a soft sell. Pay attention to financial and emotional boundaries.

    Aspects to the Sun in your communication sector can confirm a commitment, promise or agreement between two people. Future goals are favoured, as well as receptivity to ideas. Excellent for business discussions, or personal discussions that require maturity and foresight. The one spot of tension may involve career goals or issues around success/ambition. Discussions may touch on an insecurity in these areas - openly acknowledging these issues will be beneficial.

    Aspects to Venus in your sector of personal security can stir up jealousy, obsessive attraction or power battles (in a partnership) over money. A new attraction can push past certain limits. Or, the urge to spend/make yourself feel better can push you to overdo it. In a relationship, one person may feel denied, and could act out. The urge to give/spend everything could have unpleasant consequences - practice a bit of restraint, especially if you’re feeling that you must have something/someone. Consider if what you’re missing can be supplied by yourself.

    Aspects to the Sun in your sector of personal resources can confirm a solid work/financial opportunity, while aligning your vision with a more secure future. Your disciplined habits and calm attention to what needs improvement will pay dividends, even as you struggle with the occasional moment of doubt or questions about how far you can reach. Slow, steady ambition is key.

    Aspects to Venus in your sign can bring conflicts in a domestic relationship to a head. Tension around expansion, relocation or home improvements can be intense, even if developments are encouraging. Your partner may have more power, or could be pushing for bigger changes than you’re prepared for. Pay attention to a specific health or work issue that’s being revisited - limits in this area could make you feel less than, but you’re being encouraged to set boundaries and strengthen your resolve. Too, there may be a powerful new attraction that seems to offer everything you want - know that this is simply a reflection of what you already have, but need to develop within yourself.

    Aspects to the Sun in your sign can solidify plans for a creative work, new romance, children/pregnancy or anything that asks you to put yourself front and centre. Success is favoured - watch for a solid confirmation that you’re on the right path and your hard work/persistence has paid off. Private doubts involving money or intimacy shouldn’t be ignored, but don’t let them undermine your progress and confidence. You’re moving in the right direction.

    Aspects to Venus in your hidden sector can stir up a secret obsession, intense attraction or want that surprises you with its power. The more it’s hidden or ignored, the stronger it will be - full awareness is recommended, so you can deal with it. An idea, conversation or announcement will be powered by this, and can be wonderfully creative and impactful as you access private sources of inspiration. Or, if you’re not fully conscious of what’s going on, you can say too much or expect something that has zero basis in reality. Honour your limits and look for proof to back up the promise. Also, consider that you may not be able to have everything you want.

    Aspects to the Sun in your hidden sector can solidify a background plan or dream, especially involving home, family or a home business. The gut feeling that’s pulling you in a certain direction is correct, although you’ll have to deal with some awkward partnership issues. In some cases, an ending can open a positive new door that allows you to create the foundation for your new life.

    Aspects to Venus in your social sector can raise issues of jealousy, competition and comparison with friends or groups. Who has more, or who attracts more, can create an obsession with what you don’t have. Or, it can spur you to make the most of your talents. In some cases, these aspects can indicate the successful result for a public launch, as you attract lucrative attention. A compulsive new attraction can manifest in a social setting. Watch for issues of projection - this person surely has a dramatic impact on you, but they may just be reflecting something you’re trying to develop within yourself. No matter what happens, it’s important that you continue to honour your domestic responsibilities. If you feel like home/family is not giving you enough, another person may seem like the answer. But it always comes back to you.

    Aspects to the Sun in your social sector support the slow, steady growth of a friendship, public endeavour or group association. One person might prove to be an important guide to your future. Or, you can solidify your public position with a mature statement that proves you’ve got what it takes. Excellent for a public launch, publication or speech. The only trouble spot will consist of some practical details or work issues that could undermine you - make sure you have all the basics covered.

    Aspects to Venus in your career sector (including the square to Jupiter in your sign) suggest a successful result - a promotion, new job or moment of professional recognition. However, big change (and a possible escalation of work versus domestic issues) is also in the mix. Watch for exaggerated reactions and sudden endings. Success could be mixed with loss. No matter what happens, keep your responses civil and professional. Others will be watching, and your professional image will be impacted.

    Aspects to the Sun in your career sector can solidify a lucrative opportunity that you’ve been working towards. A new job/position, source of income or way to promote yourself shows great potential, as long as it’s built on your continued discipline and hard work. This is not a quick win, and you’ll also have to deal with some doubts about whether or not you have what it takes to be successful. You do have what it takes- keep moving forward, slowly and steadily.

    Aspects to Venus in your sector of opportunities can present a powerful result in the areas of travel, long-distance romance, education, legal matters or publishing. There could be a last-minute win, or a surprising success. Too, you may find yourself pushing for more than you’re entitled to - pay attention to financial limits and don’t try to jump ahead.
    На biGirl и Ginger^ им се допаѓа ова.
  8. zhap4e

    zhap4e Форумски идол

    Се зачлени на:
    27 март 2011
    Aspects to the Sun in your sector of opportunities (including the trine to Saturn Rx in your sign) can confirm your next move around travel, legal matters, education, publishing or exploration. The new development will be defined by your focus and hard work. Extra responsibilities in your life will contribute to this. As you look towards the future, don’t allow old insecurities or family difficulties to throw you off track. Acknowledge that you’re still dealing with a wound (you may need to tread lightly around certain family issues) but don’t get sucked back into the past. You’re not the person that you once were.

    Aspects to Venus in your sector of shared resources can stir up a passionate and obsessive result in the areas of debts, taxes, loans, your partner’s finances or intimacy. There may be a struggle for control, or a confrontation based on what you feel you must keep. Know that you don’t have full control over this, so don’t try to call all the shots. There is also the possibility of a financial gift or bonus. A relationship turning point can bring the two of you closer together, or, an existing crack may widen to and you lose what you’ve been trying to maintain. Positive or negative results will depend on both partners’ willingness to compromise and grow together. The inconjunct to Saturn Rx in your sign is a hint that you may won’t get everything you want, even if the results are positive. Don’t push for more than the other person can give, and watch your spending.

    Aspects to the Sun in your sector of shared resources can solidify a private contract/promise between you and your partner, or confirm progress in the areas of debts, taxes or loans. You should feel like you’re on solid ground, although this will be happening behind the scenes. If sensitive issues/worries come up during discussions, make sure to address them but don’t allow them to undermine your progress.

    Aspects to Venus in your partnership sector (including the opposition to Pluto Rx in your sign) can introduce a potent new relationship, or bring an existing relationship to a crucial turning point. Results or endings will be triggered by you - you have the power, although (if you’re projecting) it may seem as if the other person is responsible for these changes. Dynamic growth and expansion, in a personal or business relationship, is a strong possibility. But first, you may need to put an end to a certain partnership dynamic. Endings and enforced boundaries won’t be pleasant, but they’re necessary. In some cases, you may have to deal with subversive competition or sugar-coated challenges.

    Aspects to the Sun in your partnership sector can solidify a new relationship (business or personal) or mark the next chapter in an existing partnership. A friendship could move forward, as the two of you build another layer of trust and mutual acceptance. For some, these influences could simply indicate a quiet shift in the approach to partnerships, even if you’re single - there will be an awareness of how you can attract others who bring warmth and joy into your life. No matter how these influences play out, the general vibe will be a growing sense of stability and confidence regarding who is in your life, and who you’d like to attract. If fears about being vulnerable come up, acknowledge them (and make the necessary financial or emotional adjustments) but don’t shut the door that’s opening.

    Aspects to Venus in your sector of routine can hi-light a health or work result. A diagnosis or turning point (where you see that you must change the way you’ve been giving to others or treating yourself) may involve the loss of something that you weren’t fully aware of. At the same time, you should see vibrant progress in the areas of travel, education, legal matters, publishing or exploration. One door closes and another opens. In some cases, a particular health or work issue may reach an intense peak as you confront it. Issues with co-workers can involve subversive power plays. External rules or limits will also be a factor, and you won’t be able to sidestep them. However, don’t allow the judgements of others to undermine your progress.

    Aspects to the Sun in your sector of routine can confirm a new work routine/job/health regime. Improvements, positive new habits or solutions may be featured, although the inconjunct to Chiron Rx in your sign could trigger some questions about your ability to keep up the pace. Know that you’re on the right track, those in authority have confidence in you, and your future goals are solid.

    Aspects to Venus in your sector of self-expression can involve an attraction/flirtation with compulsive undertones. You may feel like you’re not in complete control of who you want or who you’re attracting. Too, your desire to gain recognition for a creative work, or in a social setting, can lead to unexpected results - you may attract a potent mix of success, jealousy, manipulation and rewards. There will be a temptation to push a situation to its limits, in order to gain love and attention from others. Try to avoid extreme responses - you will run into restrictions and judgements that impact your reputation.
    На biGirl и Ginger^ им се допаѓа ова.
  9. blonde_supergirl

    blonde_supergirl Истакнат член

    Се зачлени на:
    21 октомври 2016
    "As above, so below" е уствари херметички стар закон, но тоа е многу изумрена наука, заедно со алхемијата и на нив сличните. Но според мене сите закони на херметиката биле измислени од една мудра глава пред се продуховена.
  10. zhap4e

    zhap4e Форумски идол

    Се зачлени на:
    27 март 2011
    Пошто 2021, 2023 ќе дојдат дур трепне човек :worried: :D... Нека ми стои муабетов на Џесика за политичката сцена во тие години. Мада е за Америка, имаше претходно гатачки пишанки и за светот, генерално. Левичарите наводно ќе го преземат светот:D кујзнае колку ќе го зезнат:rofl: тој дел го нема раскажано. Можда ќе биде фино некое време:))) клик на линкот и ќе си најдете и неделен, месечен, годишен хороскоп. Мене мунданскиот ми е ...позабавен.

    Sun’s conjunction to Mercury in Aquarius on Wednesday 30th January is a call to the future for the Democrats in the United States. This is also about independent candidates who are free of party politics. Community, equality and diversity ring true on that day – or perhaps as late as Thursday 31st January. When I say ‘a call to the future’ I mean a mini Age of Aquarius coming to America from Christmas 2020. The next year 2021 will radically change the nation as women, minorities and (amazingly) powerful politicians who are not old white men in ties – dominate. So, watch this week! It’s a call to the future and from 2023 onwards we are not going to recognise the nation as she appears today. When Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto all pass-through Aquarius, the USA transforms.

  11. Ginger^

    Ginger^ Форумски идол

    Се зачлени на:
    16 март 2015
  12. zhap4e

    zhap4e Форумски идол

    Се зачлени на:
    27 март 2011
  13. Elf

    Elf Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    9 декември 2019
    На која страна следите настаниве, некоја да споделите каде што е убаво напишано и објаснето :D