Форумџика на годината

Beren Saat

Дискусија во 'Филм и ТВ' започната од anaantonia, 18 април 2014.

  1. Sarence

    Sarence Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    29 јуни 2012
    The Star :inlove:
    На aNy-to, kristince51, bihterka и 3 други им се допаѓа ова.
  2. bihterka

    bihterka Истакнат член

    Се зачлени на:
    23 април 2014
    Еве една колумна,има малку грешки но е убава:
    Популарната актерка Берен Сат (1984) е една од најплатените во Турција, што ја инспирира среќата да ја проба и во Америка

    Валентина Тодоровска

    Таа е нежна и заводлива, ама знае да биде и отровна. Гледачите и критичарите во повеќе од 60 земји низ целиот свет, кои со години ја следат кариерата на Берен Сат, имаат само комплименти. Не' освои и нас – моментално, убавата турска актерка ја гледаме во две ТВ-новели – „Судбината на Фатмаѓул“ и „Притаени страсти“, а оваа втората е една од најгледаните и во Турција. „Како да не е“, велат тамошните критичари, „приказната е повеќе од заразна, а освен тоа, ја бранува конзервативната струја на Ориентот.“

    Серијата „Притаени страсти“ е правена според романот „Страстите на Ориентот“ на авторот Халит Зија Ушаклигли, кој имал силно влијание врз модернизирање на турската книжевност на 20 век.

    Содржината на романот е современа - Бихтар расте со мајка и' Фирдес, манипулативна и пресметлива жена и се разбира, несвесно поприма многу од нејзините карактеристики. Така и' станува соперничка на мајка и', која му фрлила око на моќниот тајкун Аднан. Тој натпревар меѓу мајка и ќерка и' оди во прилог на Бихтар и овој брак предизвикува бурна лавина од страсти и заблуди што не може да се запре.

    Другиот машки лик во серијата, Бехул (Киванч Татлитуг) е убавец, близок по годините со Бихтар, кој и' ги буди чувствата и и' ја враќа вербата во љубовта. Се мешаат и љубовта, и страста, и зависта, за да се случи на крајот трагедија со која често завршуваат турските серии. Приказната за забранетите страсти е снимана на локациите на Истанбул, со што е внесена и телевизиска револуција на која тешко кој останува имун.

    За улогата на Бихтар, Берен го има добиено највисокото турско актерско признание „Golden Butterfly Award“. Преубавата актерка со смела телевизиска приказна и' пркоси на традицијата на својата земја и ги поместува границите, што во приватниот живот и' донесе многу непријатности.

    „Често ми приоѓаат жени, толку навлечени на приказната за Бихтар и Бехлу и со голема страст ми порачуваат дека сум нечесна и дека затоа така завршив. Едно време ме следеа во чекор и ми дофрлуваа разни непријатности. Од една страна, драго ми е затоа што бев убедлива во улогата, од друга страна, пак, во некој од тажните денови тоа ме прави меланхолична“ – вели актерката.

    Всушност, нејзината животна приказна може да послужи како сценарио во некоја од турските серијали. Имено, како 20-годишна девојка, во сообраќајна несреќа Берен го загуби момчето Ефе, кој многу и' помогна во кариерата.

    „Секогаш бев добра ученичка и токму затоа татко ми мислеше дека факултетот за бизнис-администрација е најдобар за мене. Ама не се снајдов во бројки и пресметки, ме интересираа рефлекторите, играњето пред камери...“

    Кариерата и' започна во шоуто „Ѕвезда на Турција“, каде што Берен меѓу илјада кандидати стигна до суперфинале, а таму покрај талентот и големата наклоност на публиката и дојде, поради трагичната љубовна приказна во реалниот живот.

    „Ефе беше љубовта на мојот живот, бевме заедно три години, не' врзуваше голема приврзаност. Таа кобна вечер бевме излезени, се забавувавме, ме донесе до дома, легнав, а по неколку часа го видов во мртовечница. Беше со пријатели во автомобилот, младост, брзина. Бев скршена и мислев дека животот за мене е готов. Се обидов да одам понатаму, ама болката беше преголема. Четири месеци не излегов од дома и навистина ми беше потребно многу време за да се вратам меѓу луѓе. Таа случка го смени мојот однос кон животот, сосема. И денес се слушам со мајка му на Ефе. Кога и да сум во Анкара, го посетувам неговиот гроб, мислам дека тој период од животот никогаш нема да го заборавам.“

    За љубовниот живот на Берен Сат почна да се пишува откако ја сними „Притаени страсти“, а приказната беше врзана за партнерот Кванч Татлитуг – дека се љубовници и во приватниот живот. „Не велам дека не е можно да се вљубиш во партнер со кој минуваш по 20 часа дневно 5 дена во неделата, ама мене ниту еден актер не ми влијаеше така фатално“, беше коментарот на Берен.

    Потоа актерката се почесто беше во друштвото на десет години постар Кенан Догулу, кој во 2007 година настапи на Евросонг како претставник на Турција, и имаше запазен успех, четврто место со песната Shake it Up sekirim. Оваа двојка беше атракција за Турција- и двајцата беа успешни, вљубени и среќни. Но, Берен остана непредвидлива во постапките па ја изненади јавноста со актуелниот партнер, колегата Енгин Акурек од „Судбината на Фатмаѓул“ со кого е видена во познатото одморалиште Чесме. „Љубовта не се планира, едноставно се случува- беше единствениот коментар на актерката.

    По ТВ-сериите „Судбината на Фатмаѓул“ и „Притаени страсти“, критичарите велат дека Берен е стасана за светска кариера. Во едно интервју актерката призна дека прифатила да глуми во серијата „Одмазда“ затоа што ликот на одмаздничката Дерин и' се допаднал по енергијата и силата со која трча кон својата цел. Но, освен силната улога, Берен загриза и поради силниот хонорар, според кој за 22 епизоди доби половина милион евра. И тоа не и' е единствен ангажман. За време на паузата го снимаше филмот „Мојот свет“ за кој доби 300 илјади евра.

    „Би сакала да ја пробам среќата во Холивуд, а верувам дека филмот, политичката драма ’Rhino Season’ на иранскиот продуцент и режисер Бахман Годобај, ќе ги помести нештата. Светската премиера ја имав минатата година на фестивалот ’Donostia-San Sebastin’ во Шпанија, ја имав главната женска улога, а партнерка ми беше Моника Белучи. Предизвик за почит, нели?“

    Берен се' уште не е фатена во стапицата на слава и парите. Велат дека е многу амбициозна и дека не се задоволува туку-така. Прилог кон тоа е дека учи англиски и шпански. Со ставата, линијата и килограмите никогаш немала проблеми затоа што со родителите (кинезитерапевти) постојано вежба, игра тенис и оди на курс по современ танц. Вели дека во актерството секогаш можеш нешто да научиш и дека постојано треба да се надградуваш.

    „Поголемиот дел од моите пријатели ја сака Америка поради лудата забава и шопингот, а јас поради актерските работилници. На нив ги трошам заработените пари затоа што знам дека еден ден, се' ќе ми се врати.“

    Пари и признанија

    Берен Сат (30) веќе со години ја има титулата на најпопуларна турска актерка. Обожавањето што го има кај турската публика стана опипливо, па нејзиниот хонорар од првобитните 12 стигна до 20 илјади евра по епизода во турските ТВ- новели. Берен својата убавина ја наплатува и со многу снимени реклами, а освен парите, ни признанијата не ја заобиколуваат. Едно од нив доаѓа од престижниот англиски колеџ „Waldenburg International“, кој ја прогласи за најдобра промоторка на Турција во светот. Благодарејќи и' на трагичните ликови на Фатмаѓул и Бихтер, ама и на одмаздничката Дерин, публиката се запозна со турската историја и културното наследство на оваа земја.

    Сакам педантни мажи

    „Кај мажите ми е многу важна личната хигиена. Сите мои партнери беа убави луѓе, а колегата од ’Притаени страсти’, Киванч Татлитуг, по тоа прашање можеби беше најдобар. Кога снимавме љубовна сцена, водеше сметка што јаде тој ден. Со него беше лесно да се работи.“
    На kristince51 и Aneto10 им се допаѓа ова.
  3. Aneto10

    Aneto10 Активен член

    Се зачлени на:
    3 мај 2014
    Колку е убава само ете и слика од некој магазин по сите магазини ја има :)

    Прикачени фајлови:

  4. bim00

    bim00 Истакнат член

    Се зачлени на:
    15 февруари 2011
    Со мајка и' и баба и'

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  5. Sarence

    Sarence Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    29 јуни 2012
    за денот на мајката т.е вчера беше ;)
  6. sajonaramucaca

    sajonaramucaca Истакнат член

    Се зачлени на:
    26 април 2012
    Од каде овој миџет 170 висок?? Горе на гифот со колкави топуци и пак е пониска од сите останати :^)
  7. cansuuuu

    cansuuuu Истакнат член

    Се зачлени на:
    25 ноември 2012
    Each one is the main actor of his own life

    In 2006’s Hatirla Sevgili, she entered our lives as an innocent girl. Then came the sexy and seducing Bihter in Ask-I memnu, and we understood she will never get out of our lives. In her last role, Fatmagul, she kept us mesmerized in front of our screens. She became a very big star. Then she decided to take a break from television. She is building a great love with Kenan Dogulu… We love watching her attitude, her clothes, and every step she makes. And she keeps silent all the time. For a long time I was after her, trying to meet her. The result always was “cancelled in the last minute” , “something went wrong”, “Beren hanim gave up on the interview” .. and even “Do not bother yourself, I will not talk !” But I finally got lucky last week. I received a call from Kanal D and I was told “Beren Saat agreed to give you an interview, you will meet her tomorrow at 15:00” . Was it a joke ? It will be the 21st of December ! But even the Mayas could not be able to stop me ! If the world has to end, I want it to happen while I’m next to Beren… I went early to Kuruçeşme Aşk Kafe. Was she very cool ? Was she rigid ? Will she tell me “Let’s get this interview done quickly and leave” ? All these crazy questions were running in my head… And right on time, she was standing in front of me. Dark jeans, white T-shirt , maroon velvet jacket, barely any make-up, and a pure smile. I ordered tea, she delivered me a hello from Kenan. And we started our conversation. She didn’t say one single unnecessary word. Her words were weighted, shaped. In this snowy delightful winter evening, on the shores of the Bosphorus, I was listening to the woman who raises the most curiosity in Turkey. Like never before, she gave answers to the urban legends, about her love, her new series...

    You were supposed to leave the screens for a while. What happened ? A very attractive role was proposed to me. An adaptation of The Count of Monte Kristo. The character's real name is "Derin" (=Deep). In order to avenge the death of her father, she comes back with a false identity and a new name "Yagmur" (=Rain). Which means that inside the character, there is another character. A game inside a game. This double game/double character was too tempting. When I accepted the project, my appetite kept on growing.

    Who attracts you the most, Derin or Yagmur ? I don't know how to distinguish them accurately from one another. Body language wise, when I am Derin I am a little more introverted and masculine; when I'm Yagmur, I'm more extroverted, self-confident and feminine. I am all these contradictions at the same time. Because the common denominator of them all, is loneliness and belonging to somewhere.

    "Intikam" is an adaptation. Did this idea trouble you ? Disney will be the co-producer, and Kanal D will be the internal producer, which means that the quality of the work will be satisfactory. My decision was mostly based on the adapted scenario, and after knowing the Turkish adaptation of the characters and the relationships. I feel that all the decisions made about the people were correct. Changes that were made remained faithful to the main story and to the episodes' stories. But even to those who watched the original version, it will not seem repeated.

    Did you watch the foreign version, "Revenge" ? After the project came, I watched it. Now I reached season 2. I feel we are luckier than those actors.

    Why ? Because when you already know the story, it is easier to establish the characters.

    You will be compared to Emily Vancamp, the actress who played the lead in the original version. Are you ready ? Fatmagul'un suçu ne? and Ask-i memnu also had previous versions. As time and cities were different the characters were different and I played them in a different way. Cinema and series have different practices. Previously and due to conditions, actors didn't give their voices to their own characters, so there was no way to compare. This time it is possible to compare as it is the same period, the same acting style and she is obviously a hard working actress. It will be a more challenging course... But our director Mesude Eraslan has everything under control and makes very correct interventions. Her confidence and her tranquility reflect on the set and gives us peace of mind.

    There are really serious fighting scenes. Did you make a research about it? No...

    What will you do then? I am getting my training with Genco Ülgen and his team. After episode 10, you will see serious fighting scenes and choreography

    Will you be able to make someone fall on the ground? I'm learning to kick and punch on targets. I'm learning techniques and I'm noticing my body getting stronger. I'm learning to perform solo cinematic martial arts choreography, I'm not learning how to beat someone !

    Are you a revengeful person in your real life? No I'm not angry enough to seek revenge. I only become rigid and react in cold way.

    How do you suppress this urge? I become unresponsive. If one of my beloved or one of my close ones hurt me, I remove him from my life and I cut my relationship with him. If he wants to get back in my life, I keep my distances, I do not let him come close.

    You previously said that you do not want to touch your hair or to dye it. Now you dyed it, you bleached it. What has changed?" A physical change is a must for an actor playing someone who changed his identity. The social class to which your character belongs also requires some changes. In some series taking place in small towns, actresses playing the role of peasants have a fairy-tale hair. I do not approve it. When I was playing Fatmagul, I used to keep my hair exactly the way it was after getting out of the shower. Now for Yagmur, hair color was needed, so I did it.

    There is almost no make-up on your face. Don't you like cosmetics? I'm not at peace with cosmetics, I prefer to use them the less possible in my life.

    Is that why you made the "Elle" magazine cover without make-up ? When I look at a lot of magazine covers, I say "is that him/her ?" . I do not recognize faces that are very familiar to me, and it makes me nervous. 7 years ago, they played with my eyebrows and my nose, after that I didn't make any cover. Elle's project was on one hand a make-up free cover concept, and on another hand it was a social project, so I accepted it. Right now, I am wearing the T-shirt that we designed for that cover. It can be found at Network shops for 29 TL. Its sales will raise funds for the Nar Taneleri project of educating and hosting girls between 18 and 24 years.

    The attributes of "sexy" and "innocent" would both suit you. Which one would you pick for yourself ? In each role I play, there must be something different. The things that I explored until now, and the things I will explore in the future. So I say all of these and even more!

    What in your opinion is the effect of beauty on your career ?" Mostly grace; being loved by the camera, delivering feelings that can be accepted, and eyes ... those who have these qualities are lucky.

    And you're one of the lucky people Yes. Of course beauty is also important. But as I said, a very beautiful person might as well not look nice in front of the camera. So far I like my body, I try to look as good as possible, I'm happy with myself, but I'm not a woman who has an extraordinary beauty.

    So beauty is not extremely important It is important. Everyone likes to look at beautiful people. I would love to have a child, a very beautiful girl to be looking at!

    You've been at the heart of the dizi sector for years. How would you describe it? I've started working in this field 8 years ago. There is a huge difference between then and now. In my first years, we were lacking of everything on the sets. Now, our sector can compete at an international level. But I have an objection on the way people's labor and time are consumed so cruelly. And sometimes I think that I shouldn't be complaining.

    Why? I was a fan of our cinema stars, and many years later I was able to stand next to them on the sets, we became colleagues, chatting together. We are making good money, and making a profession. It would be shameful to complain a lot.

    The kissing scenes of Ask-i memnu, the rape scene of Fatmagul'un suçu ne? ... A single scene of yours can become the talk of the town for days. How does it effect you? Of course some points are necessary, but I don't like when issues are exaggerated. Now I don't care too much anymore. Sexuality issues are not ordinary in our society.

    Could you explain more? A man getting his nose broken in a street fight is a normal story. But a couple seen kissing in a bus stop is considered a shameful story. The fighting is normal, the other is not. Violence is full of contacts, love is full of much more normal contacts.

    Have you ever said I will never play in such scenes? Compared to what is done all over the world, we are not doing much. These scenes are considered bold only in our country. When I'm working with the right people who behave accordingly, it doesn't cause me a lot of trouble. When we're shooting a story called "Forbidden love", sex is an important issue. I think it would be more bizarre not to have love scenes in a forbidden love story. As long as it doesn't involve a bad use (misuse-abuse) of the woman, I feel comfortable with it.

    How do you look at the state's intervention in Muhteşem Yüzyıl and other series? Do the forces have to be doing this? I don't know. If this country is one day managed with contentment to the law, will we be happy ? we will see. Will we be able to work peacefully? Or many years later, when we look back at our self-censorship choices, will we still be proud of ourselves ? We have to think about it ! Why should we be doing this for a fictional TV series, an editorial column or a caricature ?

    How much place do politics have in your life? When someone is making steps forward and taking decisions, I follow him of course. When I begin receiving very negatives feelings from him, I start stepping back progressively.

    Are you content with being an actress in Turkey? Yes. When I compare myself to other countries, sometimes I say "This is so unfair. If I was doing this job in another country, I would have had a different status". And sometimes i say "If I was born more to the east, and living in other Muslim countries, I wouldn't have been able to make this profession". My thoughts are not a rebellion, they just come as a whimper and remain like that.

    You're 28 years old. How did you deal with fame at a young age? I've never considered myself as being someone important. In addition, I had a lot of fun with myself and the absurdities I've done.

    How is that ? you never looked at yourself from an outside point of view? No. Over time, I was growing up. Little by little, I was feeling my free area shrinking. People began reacting more and more to me. And because of the paparazzi, my hands were a little bit tied. But I continued my life the way I could. Honestly, I do not feel such things from inside.

    Didn't you experience emotional changes? Tremendously. Thank God I am an actress, otherwise these 8 years would have been much more vicious. Acting has enriched me a lot.

    You're so much connected to your acting. Did it create you a schizophrenic situation? I didn't get an academic training in acting. In order to act a laughing or crying attack, I had to find my own way. My only available material were my emotions. In the early days, chemistry used to confuse me, sometimes made me loose control. But I passed that.

    You're making your come back to the screens. One day will your face be aging too? In the early years, I heard a lot about facial aging. But I don't pay attention to this anymore. In this sector, we grow up together, along with the viewers. The actors become performance oriented. And they expect remarks like "Let's see will he be changing?"

    You always get high ratings. What in your opinion is your secret? For television, an actor is like the sauce of the meal. He opens the appetite, improves the flavor, but he can't feed all by himself. We can see the balance changing for many actors over the years. You can't always find brilliant projects. This could also happen to me at any time. I'm prepared for it.

    Who is your mentor? In general I take my own decisions, and I follow my feelings to make my choices. First of all I read the scenario, then I sleep the whole night, and the next day I do the way I feel it. But in this specific project, Kenan was by my side, supporting me since the first day.

    Did you watch it together? Yes. And we're still watching it.

    You’re Turkey’s female star. Did you expect such an explosion at a young age? In my first years, I used to be told “there is a maturity age for television. You will take leading roles after a certain age”

    And how did you demolish these sayings?” I came across Tomris Giritlioğlu, and at 20 years old, I was the leading role in a high rated series. So yes, it happened to me faster than usual.

    And you dreams became reality? Life has always given me things I never imagined, I’ve always found my wishes. That’s why, even if it has been hard on me very often, it remains better than I ever imagined.

    You’re called the female star of the screen. How do you personally position yourself? I don’t like rankings, but yes I am popular, I became popular. But the word “star” is for others, I wouldn’t use this word for myself yet. I’ve chosen this path to become an actress, not to become a celebrity. That was my childhood dream.

    If you hadn’t become an actress, what would have you become? I studied business. I would have probably become a business woman!

    You are Turkey’s most talked about woman, and you’re the least talking woman. Why don’t you give interviews? When you have a cinema project, it requires talking about it. But with television projects you are entering people’s homes anyway. I don’t have to go from door to door saying “look I am doing this, look I am also doing that”, and I prefer living in this comfort. Moreover, I am asked a lot of questions very frequently. I really have no idea how much people care and how much people do not care to know the answers.

    Your external appearance gives a cool and snob impression… I didn’t know, is that so?

    How is your mood? Changing. It can quickly change at times.

    Why does it change? I don’t know, it can change very easily. From cheerful to melancholic… for a small detail, as much as I am changeable.

    Is that why you made the "Elle" magazine cover without make-up ? When I look at a lot of magazine covers, I say "is that him/her ?" . I do not recognize faces that are very familiar to me, and it makes me nervous. 7 years ago, they played with my eyebrows and my nose, after that I didn't make any cover. Elle's project was on one hand a make-up free cover concept, and on another hand it was a social project, so I accepted it. Right now, I am wearing the T-shirt that we designed for that cover. It can be found at Network shops for 29 TL. Its sales will raise funds for the Nar Taneleri project of educating and hosting girls between 18 and 24 years.

    The attributes of "sexy" and "innocent" would both suit you. Which one would you pick for yourself ? In each role I play, there must be something different. The things that I explored until now, and the things I will explore in the future. So I say all of these and even more!

    What in your opinion is the effect of beauty on your career ?" Mostly grace; being loved by the camera, delivering feelings that can be accepted, and eyes ... those who have these qualities are lucky.

    And you're one of the lucky people Yes. Of course beauty is also important. But as I said, a very beautiful person might as well not look nice in front of the camera. So far I like my body, I try to look as good as possible, I'm happy with myself, but I'm not a woman who has an extraordinary beauty.

    So beauty is not extremely important It is important. Everyone likes to look at beautiful people. I would love to have a child, a very beautiful girl to be looking at!

    You've been at the heart of the dizi sector for years. How would you describe it? I've started working in this field 8 years ago. There is a huge difference between then and now. In my first years, we were lacking of everything on the sets. Now, our sector can compete at an international level. But I have an objection on the way people's labor and time are consumed so cruelly. And sometimes I think that I shouldn't be complaining.

    Why? I was a fan of our cinema stars, and many years later I was able to stand next to them on the sets, we became colleagues, chatting together. We are making good money, and making a profession. It would be shameful to complain a lot.

    The kissing scenes of Ask-i memnu, the rape scene of Fatmagul'un suçu ne? ... A single scene of yours can become the talk of the town for days. How does it effect you? Of course some points are necessary, but I don't like when issues are exaggerated. Now I don't care too much anymore. Sexuality issues are not ordinary in our society.

    Could you explain more? A man getting his nose broken in a street fight is a normal story. But a couple seen kissing in a bus stop is considered a shameful story. The fighting is normal, the other is not. Violence is full of contacts, love is full of much more normal contacts.
    Have you ever said I will never play in such scenes? Compared to what is done all over the world, we are not doing much. These scenes are considered bold only in our country. When I'm working with the right people who behave accordingly, it doesn't cause me a lot of trouble. When we're shooting a story called "Forbidden love", sex is an important issue. I think it would be more bizarre not to have love scenes in a forbidden love story. As long as it doesn't involve a bad use (misuse-abuse) of the woman, I feel comfortable with it.

    How do you look at the state's intervention in Muhteşem Yüzyıl and other series? Do the forces have to be doing this? I don't know. If this country is one day managed with contentment to the law, will we be happy ? we will see. Will we be able to work peacefully? Or many years later, when we look back at our self-censorship choices, will we still be proud of ourselves ? We have to think about it ! Why should we be doing this for a fictional TV series, an editorial column or a caricature ?

    How much place do politics have in your life? When someone is making steps forward and taking decisions, I follow him of course. When I begin receiving very negatives feelings from him, I start stepping back progressively.

    Are you content with being an actress in Turkey? Yes. When I compare myself to other countries, sometimes I say "This is so unfair. If I was doing this job in another country, I would have had a different status". And sometimes i say "If I was born more to the east, and living in other Muslim countries, I wouldn't have been able to make this profession". My thoughts are not a rebellion, they just come as a whimper and remain like that.

    You're 28 years old. How did you deal with fame at a young age? I've never considered myself as being someone important. In addition, I had a lot of fun with myself and the absurdities I've done.

    How is that ? you never looked at yourself from an outside point of view? No. Over time, I was growing up. Little by little, I was feeling my free area shrinking. People began reacting more and more to me. And because of the paparazzi, my hands were a little bit tied. But I continued my life the way I could. Honestly, I do not feel such things from inside.

    Didn't you experience emotional changes? Tremendously. Thank God I am an actress, otherwise these 8 years would have been much more vicious. Acting has enriched me a lot.

    You're so much connected to your acting. Did it create you a schizophrenic situation? I didn't get an academic training in acting. In order to act a laughing or crying attack, I had to find my own way. My only available material were my emotions. In the early days, chemistry used to confuse me, sometimes made me loose control. But I passed that.

    You're making your come back to the screens. One day will your face be aging too? In the early years, I heard a lot about facial aging. But I don't pay attention to this anymore. In this sector, we grow up together, along with the viewers. The actors become performance oriented. And they expect remarks like "Let's see will he be changing?"

    You always get high ratings. What in your opinion is your secret? For television, an actor is like the sauce of the meal. He opens the appetite, improves the flavor, but he can't feed all by himself. We can see the balance changing for many actors over the years. You can't always find brilliant projects. This could also happen to me at any time. I'm prepared for it.

    Who is your mentor? In general I take my own decisions, and I follow my feelings to make my choices. First of all I read the scenario, then I sleep the whole night, and the next day I do the way I feel it. But in this specific project, Kenan was by my side, supporting me since the first day.

    Did you watch it together? Yes. And we're still watching it.

    Малку е долго,интервју е со Берен :inlove:.. Има најповеќе за серијата Одмазда,ама има и други детали... :)
    На Aneto10 и bihterka им се допаѓа ова.
  8. bihterka

    bihterka Истакнат член

    Се зачлени на:
    23 април 2014
    Многу интересно интервју.Најдов некои интересни слики :D

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    На cansuuuu, bim00, BI-44 и 1 друга личност им се допаѓа ова.
  9. bim00

    bim00 Истакнат член

    Се зачлени на:
    15 февруари 2011
    најнова сликичка :)

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    На cansuuuu, Sarence и Aneto10 им се допаѓа ова.
  10. Barbica

    Barbica Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    22 јуни 2010
    Бихтер, не те заборавивме! Се уште се сеќавам на нејзините зборови последните епизоди и сеуште ме фаќа тага и жал за тоа што и се случи.
  11. cansuuuu

    cansuuuu Истакнат член

    Се зачлени на:
    25 ноември 2012
    Гледам на ТВ ќе завршувал Фатмаѓул, :( Го гледав некогаш заради актерката само.. :lol: :lol: :D
    Како и да е сега е на ред нова серија со Беренн :inlove:
    :* :* :* ..

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  12. bim00

    bim00 Истакнат член

    Се зачлени на:
    15 февруари 2011
    Прашање е дали ќе дадат нова серија на тв, вака барем по цел ден ја вртеа серијата Судбината на Фатмаѓул и си ја гледав Берен, сега нема ни тоа да го има :?:
    Инаку, во Intikam најдобар стајлинг до сега :inlove:
  13. bihterka

    bihterka Истакнат член

    Се зачлени на:
    23 април 2014
    Дерин и Бихтер најдобри улоги досега?Како ќе заврши Фатмаѓул
  14. Barbica

    Barbica Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    22 јуни 2010
    Без гајле ... :lol:
  15. bim00

    bim00 Истакнат член

    Се зачлени на:
    15 февруари 2011
    Интересен принт :rofl:

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  16. cansuuuu

    cansuuuu Истакнат член

    Се зачлени на:
    25 ноември 2012
    :inlove: :inlove: :inlove: Интересна слика :D

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    На bihterka му/ѝ се допаѓа ова.
  17. bihterka

    bihterka Истакнат член

    Се зачлени на:
    23 април 2014
    :D :inlove: :inlove: :D

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    На Aneto10 и cansuuuu им се допаѓа ова.
  18. kristince51

    kristince51 Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    9 јануари 2012
    [​IMG] :o уште еден доказ зошто нетреба да имаме комплекси со нашето тело гледате дека кога се има пари се има убавина кој ке каже дека е таа :?:
  19. Aneto10

    Aneto10 Активен член

    Се зачлени на:
    3 мај 2014
    Баш така човек кога има пари и ќе се дотера и ќе се нашминка и ќе биде најубав,ама сепак е убава берен :)
    На bihterka му/ѝ се допаѓа ова.
  20. bihterka

    bihterka Истакнат член

    Се зачлени на:
    23 април 2014
    Па можеби технички да.Ама во практика што ако некој е толку грд што ништо нема да може да го промени.Грдо не се мисли само на изглед туку и на карактер.Парите не го прават човекот,тој ги прави нив.
    Берен е пример за тоа дека модата се менува а стилот секогаш останува ист.А исто и дека треба да се биде господар на сопствените пари.