ја и во Месечина сум Овен и се точно. како вака хороскопот сите карактеристики ми ги има погодено но кога треба иднина да ми предвиди ништо не ми погаѓа само здравјето друго ништо.
Oвен и се ми е погодено. Дека имам вишок на енергија која треба да ја трошам на агресивни спортови ,дека сум нестрплива и директна,дека не можам да не се наметнувам (што е во постојан конфликт со Вагата во мене ,ама пак преовладува Овенот) ,дека би ми било тешко да бидам родител и дека детето би го воспитувала со шамари (што не го оправдувам ,ама сигурно би го направила ако ме изнервира) ,дека сум добар готвач ,ама во прилики (не секој ден ,бидејќи е досадно) ,дека имам проблеми со несоница и превозбудување ,дека реагирам импулсивно а кога ќе размислам можеби ќе се покаам ... Се ,буквално!
Хороскоп:Рак Подзнак:Лав Месечина:Лав Се ми погоди.Ми пишува дека се чувствувам како да сум поразлична од другите, купувам специфична облека и некогаш можам многу да потрошам на тоа.Имам добар вкус и многу таленти.Може да имам проблеми со срцето и со очите(последново нема врска, барем за сега )
Уху! Интересно и во голем дел од ова се пронаоѓам Водолија / Лав / Водолија Спојлер Original, knowledgeable, competent, has strong opinions. Likes freedom, enjoys reading. Hates mediocrity and incompetence. In many life situations, the Moon in Aquarius people have their own, distinct and sometimes very original opinion, and they are not going to change this opinion no matter what, even if they will be left completely alone. It is very important for these individuals to retain their independence. They don't want their personal life to be anybody else's concern. Often the Moon in Aquarius individuals have some outstanding abilities in one or another field, and they work like a magnet for those people who share their interests. This is why so often they take a central place in the company of like-minded friends. And even there they somehow manage to keep their uniqueness. They are not mixing well with the other people, they are together with them, but still alone. As a result of their character, quite often the Moon in Aquarius folks can become really alone in their personal life, and their constant urge for independence can lead to chronic emotionall stress. Hence their susceptibility to the disorders of nervous and circulatory systems, as also those unpredictable changes in their mood. There is an impression that at times they are getting tired of themselves, and to get rid of this tiredness they are trying to change abruptly, as if to become a different person. To restore after a significant stress, the Moon in Aquarius persons need to have a hobby which they could plunge themselves into, forgetting about the surrounding world. It would be really good for them if they could speak out their problems, but this is not so easy, because Lunar Aquarians do not like to just chat with anyone about anything. They prefer dealing with experts in their field of interest - this is with whom they are ready to talk endlessly. And if there is no such a person around, a good book could serve as a replacement for a friend. The Moon in Aquarius parents can be very original. From the early years they will make clear to their child that everyone's individuality is precious, and everyone should be independent. As a result, their kids might not be always properly fed or dressed, but they will become self-reliant earlier than their peers, and their talents will develop more successfully.
Изјавувам дека ми е погодено Спојлер Diplomatic, aesthetical, avoiding confrontation, understanding and attentive. Likes to spend time with the partner, hates situations that require to make a choice. The Moon in Libra people have a desire to conciliate conflicting interests, to help even complete opposites to meet somewhere, to find a peaceful solution for a conflict situation. In short - they are inborn diplomates. Intuitively, they feel that everything in this world has two sides - a positive and a negative - and try to restore harmony where, as they think, there is no balance. If someone is praised onesidedly, the Moon in Libra will add something negative about that person. But if someone is criticized, the same Moon in Libra will add something positive to the mixture. It is quite typical for the Moon in Libra individuals to hezitate endlessly in situations where some choice is required. The result of their decision doesn't become better from the amount of time spent in hezitations - they just pick something at random when there is no possibility to delay anymore. Relationships can often be the most important part of life for the Moon in Libra people. Not only their emotional well-being, but even the state of their health might depend on how successfully they find mutual understanding with their partner. In order to restore their balance after a significant stress, they need to spend some time together with someone who is dear to them, to speak about their problem, to feel compassion and understanding. And if they don't have such an opportunity for a long time, if stress continues to build up, the Moon in Libra can become inconstant and erratic. They can develop a problem with kidneys and get lower back pain as a result. Another typical health problem for them is a migraine-like headache, which also often has its roots in kidneys. The Moon in Libra gives aesthetical perception. These people know quite well what they like and what they don't, which colours and styles look right and which do not match. Parents with such a Moon are often worried about how to dress their children elegantly and fashionably so that nobody could say that there is something wrong in their family. The image of their family means a lot for the Moon in Libra individuals, and being good diplomates they try to always make a good impression and to hide any existing problems.
Знак - Риби Подзнак - Скорпија Месечина - Водолија In many life situations, the Moon in Aquarius people have their own, distinct and sometimes very original opinion, and they are not going to change this opinion no matter what, even if they will be left completely alone. It is very important for these individuals to retain their independence.They are not mixing well with the other people, they are together with them, but still alone. :up:
Водолија?! In many life situations, the Moon in Aquarius people have their own, distinct and sometimes very original opinion, and they are not going to change this opinion no matter what, even if they will be left completely alone. -Јеп, до толку сум тврдоглава. It is very important for these individuals to retain their independence. They don't want their personal life to be anybody else's concern.
хороскопски знак:рак подзнак:девица месечина:близнаци Прво коа видов си реков нема врска, ама кога го прочитав подетално се зачудив.Преточно е , не ми се верува