Гут, Версаче. Не им кажуваj на другите. Неjкам да читам натални карти ова со протекции,ради the handmaids. Praised be bitches
Месечинка имаш, некоја желба ќе ти се исполни. Бик, тврдоглава ќе бидеш за некоја работа, око едно -некој те посматра, вода -може тој некој ќе те носи на море. Стисни желба.
The combination of Sun, Moon and Ascendant describe what you want (Sun), what you need (Moon), and the style in which you will go about getting it (Ascendant). Witty and charming, Gemini Moon is fun and pleasant to hang out with. Their twin aspect also makes them moody and irritable, though. ... Like other air signs, theMoon Sign Gemini is adept at saying what they think is expected before they have a chance to think about it. За Водолија знаеш веќе сигурно имаш читано... слободоумни, либерални души, понапапред од своето време. Подзнак Бик With Taurus rising, you are likely to take a slow and steady approach to life. You will most likely prefer to deal with things in a methodical, careful and systematic way. Your approach could be considered both pragmatic and realistic. This sign is not known for its love of change, and with Taurus on the Ascendant, you may tend to avoid trying the new and untested until you absolutely must. With Taurus Rising, life is best approached as a series of steps to be taken one by one, with plenty of rests along the way. There is often a tendency to be quite fixed in values, either material values (about possessions), or emotional values (the things that one holds dear). You might be very fixed about you believe you need to own, and what you believe you need to do to get it. Or you may be very fixed about the ways that you feel something should be done, and what the correct protocol should be. Coupled with this, there may also be a tendency toward laziness or indolence, so that as long as your meadow is full of lush grass you are concerned with little else around you. Usually, Taurus rising prefers an easy, and at times plodding, approach to life. This can be problematic when your preferred pace does not really match the situation at hand, or when those you share your life with need you to react with more urgency. However the famed Taurean stubbornness means you are most unlikely to budge. You may hold on to a situation, state of mind, opinion or thing for far too long, just to prove your resistance to change. In this case, learning the lesson of when to hold to something, and when to release, becomes paramount. There is usually a strong need for comfort, security, and the achievement of tangible results. Yet care must be taken not to become too rigid or fixed in a one-track view of how that can be achieved. Comfort, stability and security may have been hallmarks of your early childhood experiences. The importance of developing wealth, securing one’s financial interests, and having “things” may have been strongly ingrained by the family structure. This may lead to an overly material emphasis, or alternately a fear of change, that again may require you to undergo lessons around letting go. Typically those with Taurus rising are kind, graceful and gentle people. You are likely to be peace-loving, easygoing and well-liked. Gardening, beauty, art, dance and music may be important to you, as Taurus is a very aesthetic sign. You are naturally drawn to comfort, security and peaceful experiences, so that usually you are gentle, placid and warm, though you may become deeply enraged when provoked too far. You may have a tendency to be conventional and sociable, with an easy going attitude to life. Your prime motive is comfort and security. At work, you make an exemplary employee, as you are likely to be capable and thorough, with a love of bringing into form something practical as well as beautiful. Taurus Rising people are very sensually oriented, and respond strongly to the bodily impulses. This aspect should be cultivated and refined. Enjoying the body without becoming gluttonous is the key. Thus there is often a strong tendency to indulge in food, wine and relaxation, as well as sexual activity whenever possible. Yet too much of a good thing is worse than none at all, for your ability to enjoy the good things in life will decrease through excess. As lovers, Taurus Rising people need lots of stimulation and activity, yet may not be so good at instigating change. Accordingly, it is very important to have a partner who can match your sexual appetite. Open sexual expression is a key to emotional balance, and is very, very important with Taurus rising. Acknowledging the body is essential to a balanced sense of self-worth. There may be tendencies toward great jealousy and possessiveness within relationships that need to be curbed. An understanding of the destructive side of the emotional nature is needed. Problems in relationship are often signs that life has become too rigid, and that it is time to free oneself from a rut, or change outworn habit patterns. You may unknowingly tend to take partners and the problems of the world for granted, as you are likely to be primarily concerned with the comfort available to you in your own immediate environment. The irony here is that Taurus rising people often draw to themselves persons who are potentially catalytic, and bring many disruptions into their lives. This serves the purpose of forcing you into emotional upheavals, in order to stimulate the need for change and growth. But on the whole, you are likely to have a warm and generous approach to life, with life treating you to the same.
сонце - вага месечина - рак подзнак - овен Што мислите? Дали оваа комбинација е премногу емоционална и драматична