До мене е сигурно, само не е ни психолошки, немам причина за такво стегање. Ехеее, што се не правиме заедно, нема за ова да се устручавам и стегам сигурно Moжеби има мал дел мокрача во составот, но по составот течноста не е иста со мокрача.
а оние кои немаат на ламинат шо ќе се крене? Епа не знам шо да ти кажам пробувај сама со вибратор или два (еден вагинално, еден за клиторична стимулација )
Fun fact е дека општо при хипертензија се препорачува поголемо мокрење бидејќи со исфрлање течности се намалува притисокот
Точно. Мокрење е мокрење, скврт е скврт. Фун факт е дека сквртот е најчиста течност (вода) што се лачи од организмот. Притисокот драстично паѓа при скврт затоа што телото е под адреналин и за краток временски интервал исфрла наеднаш голема количина на течност (вода)
Во сквиртот има уреа.. иначе не сте си го пробале?Јас да, и солено е малце, Results: In this case report, we provided new biochemical evidences demonstrating that the clear and abundant fluid that is ejected in gushes (squirting) is different from the real female ejaculation. While the first has the features of diluted urines (density: 1,001.67 ± 2.89; urea: 417.0 ± 42.88 mg/dL; creatinine: 21.37 ± 4.16 mg/dL; uric acid: 10.37 ± 1.48 mg/dL), the second is biochemically comparable to some components of male semen (prostate-specific antigen: 3.99 ± 0.60 × 103 ng/mL)
Прв пат сквртнав на 39 години. Со прсти, директна стимулација на Г-точката. На една рака се брои колку пати ми се има случено, ама претходно мислев дека не може секоја жена да сквртни.
За мене, само еден начин на пенетрација функционира. Мора да ми е скроз погодено темпото, силата. Не мом да го опишам, а забрането е да постирам порнографски материјал на форумов, за да ви биде посликовито
Ве читам и се радувам, значи ве има. Ниедна не ми прснала, да сум бил мокар до колена што течела за време на доги ама никад не прснало така опасно. Значи има надеж still have to learn..
Еве шо најдов од научни истражувања. What Is Known About Female Ejaculate Female ejaculate is a teaspoon amount of liquid that may be released before, during, or after an orgasm that usually involves G-spot stimulation. Female ejaculate resembles watery skim-milk, has a sugary flavour, and is dissimilar to urine in both smell and taste. Chemically, female ejaculate contains high amounts of prostatic acid, phosphatase, prostatic-specific antigen (PSA), glucose, and fructose, and low amounts of urea and creatinine. In other words, the presence of all of these fancy chemicals means it is similar to male ejaculate, save for the sperm. Female ejaculate was celebrated in many ancient cultures and was written about by both Aristotle and Galen. Contrary to popular belief, female ejaculate and “squirting” are not the same thing. Squirting refers to the sudden and often robust release of clear fluid, generally during G-spot stimulation, that is frequently portrayed in adult films. While mystery surrounded this fluid for some time, research has determined that squirting does in fact contain urine, along with small amounts of prostatic secretions. In one study on squirting, female subjects first urinated and then took an ultrasound to determine that their bladders were empty. Next, the subjects experienced sexual stimulation until they felt that they were on the verge of squirting. At this point, they underwent a second ultrasound, which indicated that their bladders had suddenly filled. The subjects then continued with sexual stimulation until they squirted. Finally, they received a third ultrasound, which demonstrated that their bladders had once again been emptied. It should be noted that while female ejaculation and/or squirting does exist, some people experience one or both, while others do not. These bodily reactions are not suggestive of the personal experience of stimulation or orgasm. Furthermore, approximately one third of people with female anatomy lack Skene’s glands entirely. What is the Difference Between a Squirting Orgasm, Female Ejaculation and Sexual Incontinence? All three involve fluid coming from the bladder during sex. Squirting is the expulsion of a large quantity of liquid during sexual stimulation. This type of orgasm includes a rapid ejection of urine from the bladder. Female ejaculation is a release of both urine and a substance from the skene’s glands; the secretion is of thick, milky fluid Sexual Incontenence aka Coital Incontinence is when someone loses control of their bladder during sex. Ejaculation in people with vaginas may include a small release of a milky white liquid that does not gush out. Squirting, on the other hand, is usually a higher volume. It is possible to squirt and ejaculate at the same time.