Hej zica, zica, zica, drma mi se kabanica = Hey, wire, wire, wire, my raincoat is shaking Ни Лук Јал, ни лук мирисал = Neither garlic eaten nor garlic smell Леблебија = BRED BRED AND I Што ти знае бојлерот = Your boiler knows a lot Ти го крстиш оно прди = You baptize him, he farts Не можам да го сварам тој човек = I can't cook that man! Умри Машки (во Бугарија) = Умираи Трудно Жив се изедов од мака = I was eating myself alive from nausea Плукнат татко = Spitted father Ах море, што си ти! = Ah sea, what are you! На кого ти тоа? = To whom you that? Копиле = Like-chicken Не ми продавај муда за бубрези! = Don't you sell me balls for kidneys! Компир гледа, месо вади = Potato looks, meat retrieves Ни срам ни перде = No shame, no curtain Слободан Милошевиќ = Freeday Gentlefuck
The fucking thing i fucking like most in the fucking english language is that you can fucking put the fucking word "fucking" every fucking place you fucking want! Ајде преведи да те видам...
Екстремно смешен текст на македонска народна песна + нашиот драг Google Translate = легнување од смеа Седна баба да вечера, една еребица, една еребица. Пак баба не јала, пак баба не пила, баба била злојасна, па се не најала, па се не напила. Grandmother sat to dinner, a partridge, a partridge. Grandmother again not jala grandmother again saw grandmother was zlojasna so najala so do not drink it.
Еве неколку македонски песни на англиски Учи ме мајко карај ме Eeej teach me mother, Karaj Me how to pick Liliana Liliana beautiful girl Liliana thin high Liliana white red Liliana small basil Ljiljana a mother. Teach you son impel you how to get Liliana Get three hundred masters make colorful fountain occasions cold water All villagers will come and Liljanini friends Reel em all brides Hopefully Liliana will come. Obeyed Stojan mother called three hundred masters make colorful fountain occasions cold water all the villagers came and Liljanini friends Reel em all brides bitch Liliana came. Судбо моја . Destiny my destiny Destiny, you infidels, you've fortune took me country unknown. Country unknown fate, when people - nonhumans no sun, no month I do not known. Take destiny, take me with my mother, ask her fate curse I em wrong so marry me, fate, unknown country? Сношти поминав заминав покрај битолските касарни Last night I spent a left Despite Bitola barracks Ben shade Severina shade chok Severina Despite Bitola barracks. All boys tam 'were only moj'to boy was not Ben shade Severina shade chok Severina only mojto darling was not. Do me God turned a gray golabche Ben shade Severina shade chok Severina one gray golabche. To fly fly God shoulder to stop Ben shade Severina shade chok Severina shoulder to stop. Едно име имаме Besides the Aegean Macedonians Despite Vardar Macedonians and below the Pirin Macedonians glorious name, Insubordination. One name we in soul wear, the life-giving for you oh, Macedonia! As carpet fields, and the sky mountains rivers zlatonosni and lakes, pearls. One name we in soul wear, the life-giving for you oh, Macedonia! Mother Macedonius Balkan Beauty who was born in you and gives life to thee. One name we in soul wear, the life-giving for you oh, Macedonia! О Јано,Јано Oh Janos Janos beautiful Janos on one side of Janos sun you shine across Janos clear moon. What fajde Janos seas we're rich when the heart Janos you give birth you have? Oh Janos Janos beautiful Janos whether it is from God Janos or chinka whether you Janos or from me? I am a crazy mother crazy curse mother cursed Stojan swore spoken. Oh Janos Janos, my darling daughter characters against you Janos other not bear that night crying daughter a day you sleep. You dear mother Janos many pochinuesh heart genders Janos you did not have. Зајди,зајди јасно сонце Sun Go Down Go Down clearly Go Down darkened and you clear le moon leave drowned. Crnej Goro crnej sister Both crnejme you for your leaves Le Goro I mojta youth. Your leaves Goro sister again will return and my youth le Goro will not return. Се изнасмеав