1. Овој сајт користи колачиња неопходни за неговото функционирање. Ако продолжиш да го користиш, значи се согласуваш со нашата употреба на колачиња. Прочитај повеќе.

Quarter-life crisis

Дискусија во 'Психологија' започната од INNERBEAUTY, 9 ноември 2019.


    INNERBEAUTY Популарен член

    Се зачлени на:
    9 јули 2017
    Се надевам темава не е дупла,не наидов на слична.
    Дали сте слушнале за ова? Аpparently постои и младешка верзија на средновековна криза која углавно се случува во дваесетите/раните триесети години
    Поминувате/сте поминале и како сте ја поминале? Ова се клучни години кои бараат/се донесуваат клучни одлуки кои го дефинираат остатокот на животот, осамостојување,вработување,започнување семејство и дом како најбитни како и притисоци за исти Анксиозност, депресија/демотивација/ се сметаат за составен дел од иста.
    Поготово во нашава ни државичка во која сите сме свесни за условите.

    In popular psychology, a quarter-life crisis is a crisis "involving anxiety over the direction and quality of one's life" which is most commonly experienced in a period ranging from a person's twenties up to their mid-thirties(although it can begin as early as 18, It is defined by clinical psychologistas “a period of insecurity, doubt and disappointment surrounding your career, relationships and financial situation".
    the quarter-life crisis occurs in one's twenties, after entering the "real world" (i.e., after graduating college, and/or after moving out of the family home). German psychologist Erik H. Erikson, who proposed eight crises that humans face during their development, proposed the existence of a life crisis occurring at this age. The conflict he associated with young adulthood is the Intimacy vs. Isolation crisis. According to Erikson, after establishing a personal identity in adolescence, young adults seek to form intense, usually romantic relationships with other people.

    Common symptoms of a quarter-life crisis are often feelings of being "lost, scared, lonely or confused" about what steps to take in early adulthood. Studies have shown that unemployment and choosing a career path is a major cause for young adults to undergo stress or anxiety. Early stages of one living on their own for the first time and learning to cope without parental help can also induce feelings of isolation and loneliness. Re-evaluation of one's close personal relationships can also be a factor, with sufferers feeling they have outgrown their partner or believing others may be more suitable for them.

    Recently, millennials are sometimes referred to as the Boomerang Generation or Peter Pan Generation, because of the members' perceived penchant for delaying some rites of passage into adulthood for longer periods than previous generations. These labels were also a reference to a trend toward members returning home after college and/or living with their parents for longer periods than previous generations.[6] These tendencies might also be partly explained by changes in external social factors rather than characteristics intrinsic to millennials


    Последна измена од модератор: 9 ноември 2019